City: I Can View The Script Of Life

Chapter 164: The True Identity Is So Awesome!

Early the next morning, Su Yi was woken up by a continuous ring of text messages.

When I turned on my phone, I saw the news that the royalties had been received.

The bits and pieces add up to more than 20 million!

Su Yi has uploaded two books now, one is Fighting Continent and the other is Covering the Earth.

Now, 1 million words have been uploaded to Zhedi, and nearly 3 million words have been uploaded to Douqi Continent!! The story has completely reached its climax, and the Internet is abuzz!

Nowadays, people everywhere are talking about these two novels, and Su Yi’s pen name is also revered as a god!

And just this afternoon, the Internet exploded again!

Su Yi releases three novels again!

And each copy has 100,000 words published!

"Tomb Robbery", "Martial Spirit Continent", "Killing People"!

Three novels appeared at the same time, causing book lovers to click in and read them.

After reading it, everyone went crazy!!

Another three masterpieces!!

Just the beginning of the story is so fascinating that you can't put it down!

"How much does the author write in a day?? This is so fucking awesome!!"

"507 must have saved the manuscript in advance. Otherwise, no matter how good you are, writing tens of thousands of words in a day would be your limit, right? How can you write hundreds of thousands of words in a day? Even if you don't eat or drink, your thinking will continue, and your daily routine will not stop. It’s possible to write so much!”

"If you calculate one word per second, that's 3,600 words per hour, and less than 100,000 words in 24 hours. No matter how awesome the author is, he can't write hundreds of thousands of words in a day. He must have written it before. ."

"If it was written before, how long ago did you start writing so many manuscripts? This is too scary!"

"No matter how others write it, I would like to call him God!"

"Absolutely a true god. Those who have appeared before are all hot chicks compared to Su Shen!!"

"Su Shen, the only true god in the online literature world!!"

Book lovers have been swiping their screens to express their opinions on major media software.

Not surprisingly, Su Yi became popular again. (chdg)Of course he doesn't care about any of this.

Although he doesn't have much money now, he knows that these novels will make a lot of money in the future.

Make peripherals, make animations, and even make movies!

As long as the novel is popular enough, there will be more ways to make money from its surroundings!

That's why Su Yi wants to finish the novel as soon as possible. He doesn't need to consider how discussable the novel is. He just needs to contact other jobs immediately after writing to collaborate on the production of games, animations, movies or TV series.

When the three major industries are launched together, it will be time to make a lot of money.

Upload all three books, and then set a timer, which is also 100,000 words a day.

He wants to become famous in the shortest possible time.

You must know that the total of five books is equivalent to 500,000 words a day.

Even if you are a bookworm, you can read so much in just one day, right?

After all, there are always other things to do, and most people spend only 1-2 hours, or at most 3 hours, reading books every day.

It would be great to read all 500,000 words!

In the past, in the online novel world, authors delayed updates and readers urged them desperately.

Nowadays, the author updates so fast that the readers can’t keep up!!

Countless readers are complaining that they can’t finish reading the updated content at two o’clock in the morning every day, and then tomorrow they will read another 100,000 words!!

This is called catching up in the true sense!

And the kind that you can't even catch up with...

Su Yi naturally won't care about the readers' tangled moods and just enjoy it.

The royalties for novels are only tens of millions a month, and he no longer cares about them. His goal has been set on movies and animations.

Naturally, you need to find professionals to do this.

Naturally, he thought of Mr. Guo, the front desk director of the provincial station.

Of course, it's not appropriate to go to Mr. Guo now. We have to wait until he comes back from participating in the jade competition in Guangcheng.

Soon, a few days passed and it was time for them to set off.

Naturally, it was impossible for all the old men we met that day to follow.

After all, as I get older, this kind of long-distance journey can be as rare as possible.

So there were only three people who went to Guangcheng with Su Yi.

Huang Taiji, Liu Chengbo and Huang Taiji’s granddaughter, Huang Xianer.

Changshi is not very far from Guangcheng. The four of us took the high-speed train to get there in about an hour.

After coming out of the high-speed rail station, a high-end business car parked to pick them up.

"Vice President Huang, please come this way. I will take you directly to the competition venue."

A man in a suit bowed respectfully to Huang Taiji.

After getting in the car, Su Yi asked curiously:

"Mr. Huang, what kind of vice president are you?"

"Oh? You don't know yet?"

Huang Taiji was stunned for a moment and then smiled:

"Yes, I have never told you that I am the vice president of the Chinese Collection Association."


Su Yi's mouth opened in surprise. He really didn't expect Huang Taiji to have such an identity!

He originally thought that Huang Taiji was more famous in Changshi, and at most like Liu Chengbo, he was more respectable in the Jiangnan area.

But I really didn’t expect that Huang Taiji’s true identity would be so awesome!!

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