City: I Can View The Script Of Life

Chapter 181 It’S Just The Beginning

"The top ten of this competition will be announced soon. These ten people will be qualified to enter the final competition tomorrow!!"

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Haha, this competition also gave me a lot of surprises."

Emperor Xuanyuan was smiling and talking at the banquet.

A middle-aged man on the side took a small notebook from Emperor Xuanyuan's hand, then picked up the microphone and started to announce.

After all, there was too much to say. After Mr. Xuanyuan finished his opening remarks, he naturally left this tiring work to others.

"Tenth place in this jade competition!"

"Liu Qianmo from Changshi, Leyu Group, has a success rate of 71%, and the total value of 5 pieces of jade is "087", 32 million!"

"Ninth place, from Magic City, Jiang Group, Jiang Cheng, success rate 75%! Total price of 5 pieces of jade, 38 million!"

"eight place....…."

As the rankings were reported one after another, the top ten were also revealed.

Among them, Su Yi also heard about a familiar group, the Jiang Group in the Demon City!

It was the Jiang Group that came to Chang City to find him and asked him not to cooperate with the Tianpeng Group!

After Su Yi got in touch with some people in the upper echelons, she also learned that Tianpeng Group was pretty good in the Changjiang Market, with assets of nearly 10 billion, ranking among the top ten in the Changjiang Market!

But when you look at it across the country, it’s really average.

The Jiang Group in Shanghai is a giant with assets of up to 50 billion.

Tianpeng Group is simply not worthy of attention in front of them, so why should it target them like this?

There must be some unknown stories here, but Su Yi doesn't care about them.

At this time, the third place in the competition has been announced. It is a large jade group from the capital. The total price of the five jade stones is 62 million!

It can be said that the gap from tenth place to third place is not very big.

After all, there are only so many expensive jade stones in total. If each one is valuable, then why don't those wool dealers cut the stones themselves?

"Now the second place is announced! Lu Shaoyu from Tiancang Group in Guangcheng, with a success rate of 85% | The total value of 5 pieces of jade is 1.2 billion!"

Lu Shaoyu’s results did not surprise anyone.

After all, just that football-sized piece of glass jade with white background and green color is worth 50 million!

But no one expected that his five pieces of jadeite would be worth a total of 120 million!

This means that the other four pieces are worth as much as 70 million!

Even leaving aside that huge piece of wool, he could surpass the third place with just four pieces of jade!

It can be said that this second place is well deserved!!

You must know that he is only a 26-year-old young man, and the other contestants are all middle-aged people in their 30s and 40s, or even old people who have been immersed in stone gambling for decades.

For example, Liu Chengbo also participated in this competition. As the king of stone gambling in Jiangnan, he also got seventh place. He was personally very satisfied with this.

Winning seventh place in this national jade competition is a testament to his strength!

"Now announce the first place in the preliminaries of this conference!"

"Actually, believe me, everyone already knows it if I don't tell you! Su Yi, representing Chang City and Changtian Group, has a success rate of 66%, and the total value of the five jade stones is 420 million!"

As soon as the host finished speaking, everyone in the audience exclaimed!

420 million!!

Although many people have seen that huge jadeite, no one knows its exact value...

Actually worth 420 million??

Everyone was talking a lot, saying that this person named Su Yi was really lucky!

No one would think how much Su Yi's other jade stones are worth except this largest one.

After all, his success rate is only 66%!!

Among the top ten, Su Yi can only be ranked eighth!!

Since it only has this success rate, it’s naturally not that great!

Su Yi naturally heard the discussion on the side, he just smiled slightly.

This is his purpose, he just doesn't want to attract too much attention.

Otherwise, when it comes to the finals, there will be too many eyes staring at him, and he will be able to tell which piece of wool is the best inexplicably. If someone asks for trouble, it will be really troublesome.

After all, he really couldn't say anything good or bad.

After all the rankings were announced, the banquet began directly.

Everyone exchanged cups together, and some people stood up to celebrate the top ten people.

But 5.7 was the only place where Su Yi was unusually deserted, and no one came to congratulate him.

Changtian Group was originally the newly established jade business department. The previous jade department was half-dead and never left Changcheng City.

Originally, a not-so-famous person from a not-so-famous company just got a good result because of bad luck, and no one would pay attention to it.

However, Su Yi happened to have a leisurely time and left the banquet hall directly after finishing the meal.

For others it’s time to rest, but for Su Yi, today has just begun!

Because he was going to stop an assassination attempt at night...

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