City: I Can View The Script Of Life

Chapter 227 Are You Willing?

The two of them were fighting and fussing all the way back to where they lived.

The blush on Mu Qingrou's face hadn't dissipated yet, and she raised her hand to slap it down.

Su Yi dodged and said with a smile:

"Didn't you tease me yesterday? Didn't you allow me to make a few jokes?"

"Humph, I can't compete with you. I won't compete with you on this."

Mu Qingrou snorted coldly, ignored Su Yi and entered the room alone.

Just when Su Yi was about to turn around and leave to rest, Mu Qingrou's little head popped out from the crack in the door again.

"Hey, do you want to come in and have a chat?"


This time it was Su Yi's turn to be stunned.

"Uh... why are you still chatting so late?"

"Yes, do you want to come in and have a chat?"

Mu Qingrou invited again. Although Su Yi felt a little embarrassed, she still scratched her head and walked to the door.

At this moment, Mu Qingrou slammed the door, and Su Yi outside the door was stunned again. 27 "Humph, you still want to be in the same room with me so late? You must be up to no good! Goodbye! Good night!"

Listening to Mu Qingrou's voice coming from the door, Su Yi knew that she had been tricked again...

The next few days were quite enjoyable for Su Yi.

Every day, we spend at least 12-14 hours filming on the set. In the evening, the two of us take a walk together back to where we live.

Sometimes they joke, sometimes they tease each other, and they don't want to be too ambiguous.

Su Yi also knew that the window paper between the two had almost been pierced, but Mu Qingrou was a girl and could not be too proactive.

The other party has already hinted to this point. If you don't understand it yet, then you don't understand the style.

So that night, when Mu Qingrou asked Su Yi to go to her room as a joke again, Su Yi immediately agreed and blocked the door.

"Su Yi..."

"Huh? Didn't you let me in?"

" really want to come in?"

"Do you want to?"

Mu Qingrou didn't speak anymore, but just gave up a position.

Su Yi also walked into the room and closed the door.

This night, there were no words.

Early the next morning, Mu Qingrou's assistant came to wake Mu Qingrou up as usual, but the next second she saw Su Yi walking out of the room!!

"Su!! Mr. Su!!!"

The assistant covered her mouth in surprise.

"Shh! Shhh!!"

Su Yi quickly signaled to the assistant to keep quiet, and then let her enter the room.

The rest is left to Mo Qingrou.

I believe she can still handle it.

Today is the last day of filming at this stage for both Su Yi and Mu Qingrou. After today's filming, they can take a good rest for a few days.

However, there will be new tasks in a few days, and several other dramas will also need to be filmed.

There are less than 20 days left before the broadcast time agreed with Director Sun Chengjian and Sun Chengjian. Within 20 days, they have to complete the filming of at least two dramas.

According to the construction of the current scene, it was finally laid down as Wuhun Continent and Speed ​​Land.

The first part of the plot in Wuhun Continent does not require Su Yi to act.

The main story line of Wuhun Continent starts when the protagonist Tang Si is six years old.

No matter how much makeup is used, Su Yi can't make him look like he was six years old again, so he must use another actor.

A few years later, when Tang Si and Xiao Wu went to Slime Academy, they would be played by Su Yi and Mu Qingrou.

So using this gap period, both of them can take a good rest for a few days.

In a few days, Su Yi will still be filming the first few episodes of Cover the Ground.

These episodes can all be shot in the city and in front of a green screen, and the setting props are very simple, which is why we chose to shoot these two dramas first.

Of course, the rest of the Tomb Raiders and Killings will also start filming in 20 days.

The crew has made a detailed shooting plan and there will be no mistakes.

And in the later stage, when the actors can spare time, they will also shoot in groups.

Director Zhang also invited another very good director to cooperate. Each of them was responsible for a shooting team, which can greatly improve the shooting efficiency.

But these are not things that Su Yi has to worry about anymore. There are dedicated people in charge of full-time tasks, and Su Yi will not point fingers at things that she cannot do.

Soon after the filming ended, Su Yi finally drove her car and took Mu Qingrou back to Changshi.

After parking the 610 car in the Xiyuan parking lot, the two of them went upstairs together.

Standing in the corridor on the 26th floor.

Mu Qingrou hugged Su Yi gently and said softly:

"I have owned you for so many days, go back and spend time with Qingxue, she needs you too.

Su Yi nodded and said, "Yeah, okay."

Mu Qingrou tilted her head and asked, "That's it? Don't you have anything else to say to me?"

Su Yi scratched his head and couldn't hold back a word for a long time.

As a time traveler, he was really embarrassed to face two women at the same time!!

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I won't have anything to do for the next half month, and my role in Dou Po Continent is almost over. The next filming will be next month, so we estimate that there will be a period of time. There is no time to meet, so I will visit the crew when I have time."

Mu Qingrou blinked, kissed Su Yi again on the face, and then turned around and went back to her room.

Su Yi looked at Mu Qingrou's leaving figure and returned to her home without hesitation. .

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