City: I Can View The Script Of Life

Chapter 233 Hidden Deep Enough

"To put it simply, this is it. I know that you are good at gambling, and you are particularly good at gambling, so what I asked you to do is to help me confuse my eyes, make money in the gambling house, and attract all their people."

"Especially after printing the leader, I can find a way to kill him."

"You don't need to do anything in the whole process. What I need is your ability to bet on jade. But you just happen to have some skills. If something unexpected happens, you can handle it yourself. I don't have to worry about protecting you."

Brother Li stated all his intentions and finally stretched out two fingers.

"Two hundred million, as long as you go to this underground stone gambling den, gamble hard, and make all their money, I will give you an additional two hundred million. All you have to do is protect yourself. The rest has nothing to do with you, okay?"

Su Yi narrowed his eyes and had to say that these two hundred million were given to him for free.

Indeed, according to what he said, Su Yi can do this.

And he was originally going to go to this underground stone gambling den with Guo Xing tonight to make money, but his original plan was to take Guo Xing to make a little money.

After all, if you catch too much in this kind of underground place, it will be a troublesome question whether you can take it out.

But if Brother Li is here this time, attention will definitely be attracted to him, so that he can take advantage of the chaos and leave.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the other party becomes angry and wants to keep him instead.

Don't talk about moral issues with underground forces, that's all nonsense.

Su Yi spread her hands and said:

"Two hundred million is fine, but you have to give it to me now. Otherwise, if you do such a dangerous thing, who will I ask for payment if you die?"

"Okay, no problem, your worries are indeed justified."

Brother Li nodded, then took out his mobile phone and started the transfer operation.

"My private account cannot transfer such a large amount. I can only transfer it to you in batches through the public account. Is that okay?"

"Of course it's no problem. You can do whatever you want. I'll just receive the two hundred million. If you give me your address tonight, I'll be there."


Brother Li started to operate the transfer, and Su Yi smiled and said:

"You quite trust me, don't you worry that I will take the money and run away?"

"Haha, can a boss as big as you still want to take 200 million from me?"

"Okay, that's right if you say that. I'm curious to ask, do you have any other helpers now?"

"Yes, as for the fat man and the thin man last time, I saved their lives, so they followed me, and this time they will help me in the underground casino."

Brother Li put down his mobile phone and said immediately:

"The money has been transferred and will arrive in batches in about two hours. You can just check it then. 11

Su Yi nodded and said:

"Okay, if the money arrives by then, I will go there in the evening and tell me the time and address.

"The time is 9 o'clock in the evening. I will send the address to your mobile phone shortly."

"Okay, then we'll see you tonight."

"No problem, see you tonight.

Brother Li got up and left the room, but Su Yi didn't move, sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone and drinking tea.

After a while I received the message.

The money arrived and the location was sent.

Following Su Yi, he went to find Guo Xing.

Guo Xing was stunned when he saw that Su Yi was still in the hotel.

"Mr. Su, aren't you out?"

"Haha, I have some business to come back to. Send me the location of the underground stone gambling den where you are going tonight."

"Okay, wait a moment."

Guo Xing nodded, and then sent the location to Su Yi's mobile phone.

Su Yi took a look and saw that it was indeed the same place!

Then Su Yi said seriously: "Something may happen tonight. When I tell you to leave, you must leave. Do you hear me?"

"Well, I understand, Mr. Su, don't worry."

Although I don't understand what Su Yi is worried about, it is definitely right to listen to the boss.

And since Su Yi raised this matter, it must be very important.

Time turned and came to seven o'clock in the evening.

After chatting with Brother Li for a while, Su Yi simply didn't bother to go shopping elsewhere.

They stayed at Wangjiang Hotel until evening. After Guo Xing handed over everything, they drove to the underground stone gambling den together.

What surprised Su Yi was that this underground stone gambling den was actually located in the underground space of one of the bars on the bar street in the center of Changshi City!

There is no doubt that this pub should be owned by this organization.

The more chaotic a place is, the safer it is if you do some shady things down there.

After all, no one could have imagined that someone would dare to build a black gambling quarry under such a downtown area.

After entering the bar, walk through the crowd.

Guo Xing took Su Yi to a corridor that led to the toilet and kitchen.

After walking through the kitchen, there is a small door at the end of the corridor.

Since it is right next to the kitchen, some people may think this is a utility room or a freezer.

Especially there is a combination lock on the door, which is obviously locked to prevent entry.

Unexpectedly, Guo Xing stepped forward and fiddled with it twice, and the combination lock actually opened! Only!

After opening the door, there is actually a staircase leading to the basement!

Su Yi smacked her lips and sighed:

"Oh my god, this place is so hidden."

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