City: I Can View The Script Of Life

Chapter 238 You Can Try This One

"Are you the boss here?"

Su Yi looked at Xie Tian and smiled:

"Looking at your polite appearance, do you think you are some kind of entrepreneur?"

Regarding Su Yi's words, Xie Tian just stroked his glasses and said:

"Are entrepreneurs not allowed to open casinos? I heard that you are in good luck today, and I am also very interested in gambling, so how about playing with you next time?"

"Of course, I'll settle the 30 million just now."

"Haha, no problem, transfer the money to him."

Xie Tian waved his hand, and his subordinates immediately went over to transfer money to Su Yi.

A few minutes later, another 30 million was received. Su Yi nodded with satisfaction and said:

"What are you playing this time? Are you still playing dice?"

"No, let's not play dice anymore. How about we play jade this time?" Xie Tian said.

Su Yi smiled and advised:

"I advise you not to play with jade. If you play with jade, you will lose miserably."

"Oh? So confident?"

Xie Tian narrowed his eyes and looked at Su Yi, as if he wanted to see through him.

Su Yi smiled and said: "How about it? Do you still want to play with jade? I will accompany you at any time."

"Haha, since you are so confident, I won't touch this brow, so let's play poker. y

Xie Tian took out a pair of cards and put them on the table and asked:

"Texas, stud, fried gold, or blackjack, what do you want to play?"

"I can do either, so let's play stud. I don't gamble often, so I'm not very good at other things. I just watch a lot of it on TV."

Su Yi spread her hands and said casually.

"Okay, let's stud."

Xie Tian signaled, and a dealer who was responsible for playing poker came over to shuffle and deal the cards.

"Do you want to cut the cards?" Xie Tian asked again.

Su Yi shook her head and said, "No, it doesn't make any difference to me whether you make a fortune or not."

"haha okay."

Xie Tian nodded and signaled the dealer to deal the cards.

I won’t go into too much detail about how to play Stud here, I believe everyone should understand it.

In the first round of dealing, Su Yi's up card was the 10 of diamonds, while Xie Tian's up card was the 5 of spades.

Turn over the hole card and see the diamond 5.

And he also saw through clairvoyance that the opponent's hole card was the 8 of clubs.

"The Ten of Diamonds speaks," the croupier said.

Su Yi looked at the cards the dealer placed in front of her.

The first card is the 2 of hearts, and the second card is the 6 of clubs.

Obviously, it doesn't make any sense to get this 2 of Hearts, and you have three loose cards.

The opponent has three cards, 5, 6, and 8, and is expected to form a straight.

Su Yi's clairvoyance eye is currently only low-level, and the objects it can pass through are limited. For example, playing cards can only see through two layers, and cannot see more than two layers.

But if you want to upgrade this function, it will cost 2 billion, which is obviously not worth it.

So Su Yi just chooses to do this. Being able to see two pictures in advance is already cheating.

Although the cards are not good now, you can still shout once in the first round.

"Tian Wan, please let me know for the first time." Su Yi said calmly.

Xie Tian nodded and said:

"Follow me."

The dealer dealt the cards, and this time it was Xie Tian's 6 of clubs that was greater than the 2 of diamonds, so he called.

“The first round was 100,000, but the second round had to be doubled to one million.

Su Yi squinted her eyes, this was not just doubled, it was directly doubled ten times.

Su Yi looked at the deck of cards again.

The cards above are the 9 of hearts and the king of spades.

Although the card dealt to Su Yi was larger, the opponent's card already formed 5,6,8,9,10.

If another 8 is dealt, you will lose.

"I won't follow."

Su Yi covered the cards and pushed them back into the pile.

Xie Tian was stunned for a moment, but without saying anything, he folded his cards and started the next move.

Immediately following the second call, Su Yi called another hundred thousand.

After the opponent followed, Su Yi found that the opponent had a pair on the fourth card, but she had all the cards scattered, so she decisively folded and tried again.

The same is true for the third and fourth games...

Su Yi was also a little confused, was she really so unlucky?

When you can see the opponent's cards and the cards that will be dealt in the future, will your own card be lower for 4 consecutive hands?

Su Yi's continuous discarding also made Xie Tian's face look a little ugly.

Although he seemed to have won four games in a row, in the world, he only made a base of 10,000 plus a hundred thousand each time.

The total of 4 earned 440,000.

This is not enough for Su Yi to win just a fraction.

For Su Yi, he was very satisfied with being able to win 80 million smoothly, plus the 200 million remuneration given to him by Brother Li.

All that's left is to delay.

Naturally, he couldn't say anything about Su Yi's gameplay.

If the cards are not good, it is normal to hold them well.

The next round begins again, and this time Su Yi's cards are two sixes.

The opponent's up card is hearts, and the hole card is the king of hearts.

Xie Tian directly asked for 1 million, and Su Yi followed.

In the next round, it was Xie Tian's Queen of Hearts, and Su Yi dealt another one.

On the surface, Su Yi has a pair of 6, so you can call.

The two cards that come down (the one that wins the king) are the 7 of Hearts and the 10 of Hearts.

If Xie Tian got the 10 of hearts, then it would be 10, J, Q, K!

Whenever the opponent gets the 9 of hearts and the ace of hearts, it is a royal flush! The biggest card in Sohari!

Even though Su Yi had three sixes in her hand, she couldn't suppress her opponent.

If the opponent only gets a flush or a straight, Su Yi can still win if she can get 4 6s, or a 6 up.

But if the opponent gets a straight flush, no matter what Su Yi's card is, it won't work.

But such a card is still worthy of recognition.

"Boss, I'm very lucky tonight. It seems like I'm going to lose this time again, but I still want to give it a try with a pair of 6s.

Su Yi slowed down and said with a smile:

"It was 1 million just now, so let's do 5 million now."

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