City: I Can View The Script Of Life

Chapter 7 Obtaining The House, The Infatuated Woman

"Such a handsome little brother, young and promising!"

As soon as Zhang Ya saw Su Yi, she was instantly attracted by Su Yi's young and handsome appearance.

A young man in his mid-twenties actually bought a house with all the money. Looking at it like this, he didn’t look like a rich second generation, because the rich second generation usually wouldn’t buy a house in the community of Wenxinjiayuan. That’s why she praised Su Yi for being so young. for.

"No, Sister Zhang, you are amazing. You are so young and you only have several apartments. 901 is also yours, right?"

The 901 mentioned by Su Yi is naturally the one where Li Shiqing currently lives.

"What, you want to buy that set too? If we get two sets together, I can give you a discount!"

"Sister Zhang is joking. I don't have that much money to buy two sets at once." Su Yi shook his head. In fact, he also had the idea of ​​buying two sets at once. First, if the two sets are connected, it will be more than 180 square meters. In the future, After some overall decoration, it will be a big house.

Secondly, I also thought that if I became Li Shiqing's landlord, I would have more interactions with him in the future, and it would be easier to build up my favorability.

But in the end, he gave up the idea. He had to retain part of his cash flow. There would be another opportunity to cut off the money tomorrow. If he ran out of money, this opportunity would be wasted, which was not cost-effective!

He knows that to make iron, you need to be strong. No matter how much you increase your favorability or get to know awesome people, it can only be the icing on the cake. If you are nothing and have nothing, then everything is empty talk!

"It doesn't matter. If you want, I can keep it for you for three months! The second set is worth 700,000 to you!"

Zhang Ya spoke.

"Okay, Sister Zhang, to be honest, I really want to get through the two sets. It doesn't take three months, one and a half months is enough. If I can turn over the money, I will buy it from you in one and a half months. If not in one and a half months, If they come to you, you will sell them to others!”

Su Yi is not worried. Buying that house for 700,000 yuan is definitely a good deal. Even if you don’t want it in the future, it will definitely not be a loss as an investment!

"Sister Zhang, Su Yi, let's go. Once we've signed, let's go handle the transfer!"

Zhang Wenliang on the side packed up the documents signed by the two of them, feeling secretly shocked!

In the eyes of the company, Su Yi was pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. She just left her job and bought a house with full payment. She is also planning to buy a second house. Although these two houses are not expensive, they add up to almost 2 million. At their age, except for the rich second generation, how many people can afford so much money?

During the transfer process, Zhang Ya always looked at Su Yi intentionally or unintentionally. There was always something unusual in her eyes. She couldn't tell what the feeling was, but it made Su Yi feel a little weird...

Out of curiosity, Su Yi also opened the life script system:

【Name】: Zhang Ya

[Identity]: Supporting role

[Property]: No data yet

[Destiny]: Good things are hard to come by, there are no dangers, but success is smooth.

[Others]: Senior hotel operation and management talents, with a management market value of up to 10 billion!

[Recent turning point]: Three months later, I lent all my savings of more than 6 million yuan to my boyfriend. My boyfriend ran away and lost everything!


After reading this information, Su Yi didn't know what to say for a moment. He had wondered before why she was so anxious to dispose of her properties at a low price and sell them slowly. Two sets can be sold for at least 2 million!

Now he understands that it was to raise money for his boyfriend!

She was an infatuated woman, but she didn't know that her boyfriend would run away after getting the money!

"Do you want to remind her?"

Su Yi hesitated.

"Forget it, even if I say it, I won't believe it, and I might be misunderstood."

"Okay, all the procedures are completed, congratulations!"

At this time, Zhang Ya reached out and wanted to shake hands with Su Yi.

"Thank you, Sister Zhang!" Su Yi politely extended her hand, and the house payment was transferred from the agency's account to her account at the same time.

Of course, Su Yi transferred the money to the company account in advance.

"Brother Yi, you are so rich, why do you still come to work in our company? Moreover, you were laid off by the company, why do you still want to buy a house from me?"

On the way back, Zhang Wenliang finally couldn't help asking the question in his heart.

As for the first question, he can still understand it. Rich people experience life. There are many such examples!

But he clearly knew that Su Yi left the company after being treated unfairly. Why did he still do business for the company and let the company make money?

"Liangzi, aren't I taking care of your business? Among the people I know well in this industry, I think you are the most reliable and won't do anything. I'm not doing business for the company, I'm just looking at your face. !”

Su Yi avoided the first question. After all, he was too lazy to explain money.

"Thank you, Brother Yi!"

When she got home, it was already past 6 pm. After a busy day, Su Yi was a little tired. She took a shower, ordered a takeaway, and then opened the stock trading software on her phone to check the STxx stock.

According to the system information, Liu Neng will buy 500,000 shares at a price of 0.92 tomorrow and sell them at a price of 3.57 30 days later, making a profit of more than 1.6 million!

"found it!"

Soon, Su Yi found that stock. ST's stocks were all on the verge of delisting. They were very risky and most people didn't dare to buy them.

And there are often huge opportunities hidden in these stocks, such as the one Su Yi is checking now!

The closing price of this STxx stock today is 0.93, which means there will be another wave of decline tomorrow, otherwise Liu Neng would not be able to buy it at the price of 0.92 tomorrow.

"I just don't know what time Liu Neng's transaction will be. It seems that I have to get up early tomorrow and keep an eye on it, otherwise I will miss the opportunity!"

ST's stock has a small circulation. A few hundred thousand transactions can often affect the trend of the entire stock that day. If Liu Neng buys 500,000 first, then Su Yi enters later, the cost may be high, and he may even be directly bought. Pull up the daily limit, then close the daily limit!

That way, even if he wanted to buy it, he wouldn't be able to buy it!

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