City: I Can View The Script Of Life

Chapter 84 Comprehensive Upgrade, Unexpected Courtship

After sending Su Meng away, Su Yi fell into deep thought again.

According to Su Meng, those two people have very special identities and may belong to a huge underground organization.

Moreover, these two men are very dangerous and have assassinated some top retired special forces soldiers.

Even some business tycoons have been brutally murdered.

It's just that these two people, who mostly lived abroad, suddenly reappeared in this land, and they also found Su Yi, which can't help but make people have more daydreams.

Who on earth would pay such a high price to deal with an ordinary citizen like Su Yi?

Obviously, it can't be because of some trivial matter like jealousy.

"No matter who it is, and no matter what the reason is, arming yourself first is the business! As long as you are awesome enough, it doesn't matter what cats or dogs you have?"

Su Yi thought about it and began to study how to add some.

Currently, his strength is level 4, 200 kilograms of force. Physical fitness is level 4, 200kg defense.

The speed is also level 4 30KM/H.

In terms of skills, Sanda level three is the master level!

Thinking of the last battle with those two people, I suffered a little loss in terms of strength and ability to withstand blows.

So, this time, Su Yi decided to give priority to these two basic attributes.

The first is strength. The current strength is 2.4 million attribute points, and it still takes 10 points to level up.

Su Yi decisively bought 10 points for 24 million first, upgrading the power level to level five. This time the volume increased by 100 kilograms, which means it reached the calendar area of ​​300 kilograms.

With this power, it shouldn't be a problem to hit a cow in one fell swoop.

Then there is the physical fitness. The stronger the physical fitness 747, the stronger the ability to withstand attacks. The current physical fitness is 1.6 million attribute points, or it takes 10 points to level up.

Su Yi bought 10 points and upgraded her physical fitness level to level five, and her resistance to attack increased from 200 kilograms to 300 attacks! This wave cost 16 million

This also greatly improved his ability to resist being hit. He believed that with his current ability to resist being hit, even if he was punched by the fat man, there shouldn't be much damage.

Then there is the speed. The speed skill point is 2.4 million points, and another 24 million is spent to increase the speed to the fifth level, reaching 40KM/H. This speed is almost beyond the limit of sprinters.

After upgrading these three basic attributes to one level, the total cost is only 64 million, with more than 200 million left in hand.

"Upgrade your Sanda again!"

Although in the last duel, his Sanda was still very advantageous, but it was not too obvious and could not achieve the effect of complete crushing.

However, it is really expensive to upgrade Sanda to the fourth level now.

8 million skill points per skill point!

However, in order to improve combat effectiveness, this money must be spent!

At 1,10 o'clock, 80 million is gone!

[Sanda skills have been upgraded to level four, rank: Grandmaster]

Grandmaster level! This is far from being comparable to the master level. Now Su Yi believes that if he confronts that thin man again, he will be able to defeat him easily! (chae)

After spending the 80 million, there is only one person with eight liters left in the account.

Su Yi feels that this money will no longer be used for skills for the time being, because for now, the fully upgraded attributes and skills are enough for the time being, and the money will be kept in case there are any special needs.

To avoid spending it all at once and running out of money when you want to use it.

After all, an opportunity like today, where you can cut off more than 300 million yuan in one day, does not come easily. Maybe you won't be able to find such a good opportunity in the next few months.

Therefore, it is also important to ensure the cash flow in hand!

After a comprehensive upgrade, Su Yi's confidence has greatly increased. He even couldn't wait to meet the fat and thin people again and let him teach them a lesson!

However, Su Yi also knows that it is not that easy for people like them to reappear after a failure. In fact, the person who appears next time may be someone else, or someone more powerful!

"If you're in a good mood, go buy some food and come back and treat yourself!"

Su Yi was in a good mood, thinking that it was still early for dinner now, so she could go to the nearby vegetable market to buy some food, and cook for herself in the evening to make some side dishes to feel comfortable.

However, he made a mistake!!!

Before he could go out, someone took the initiative to call and invite him to dinner.

However, this person was unexpected by Su Yi!

Qin Nuoxue!

Originally, Su Yi wanted to refuse, but Qin Nuoxue said that the first phase of the company's cooperation with Chunjiang Huayueye had been successfully completed, with a considerable profit, and she wanted to confirm the dividends with Su Yi in person.

So, Su Yi agreed, after all, it was money!!!

The agreed place to eat was a private restaurant in a villa near Nuoxue Design Company.

It is said that the taste is very good and it is a famous Internet celebrity store. Many Internet celebrities will check in.

Because it was close to the design company, Su Yi went to the design company first.

Speaking of which, I haven’t visited the company I invested in a few times...

"Dr. Su, you are here!"

As soon as he arrived at the door, Qin Nuozhong walked out with four young people.

Speaking of which, Qin Nuoxue is a little younger than Su Yi. At such a young age, she founded a clothing design company and even won a big order like Chunjiang Huayueye Company.

It’s truly a protagonist template!

"Okay, have we expanded the number of members?"

Su Yi smiled. Last time I came, there were only three designers in the team. Today, there are five including Qin Nuoxue.

This is an expansion of staff by 2 people!

"Yes, because the order for Chunjiang Huayueye is not small, it would be difficult to hide it with just the three of us, so we found two more friends, so that we can complete it ahead of schedule. Now, we have signed the next contract for Chunjiang Huayueye period products.”

Qin Nuoxue is very happy. Since Su Yi's investment, her development has been smooth, and she is about to expand her staff again.

"Awesome, I just said, you can do it!"

At this time, Su Yi is very good at putting gold on his face. If it weren't for the system, could he have discovered such a good investment opportunity? Could he have discovered such a talent?

"Thank you, Director Su, for your trust."

Qin Nuoxue smiled and said: "Dr. Su, the eating place is in front, about 100 meters away. If you don't mind, can we walk there?"

"Okay, let's go."

Su Yi said, speaking of it, it seems that he didn't have lunch today, and now he is really a little hungry.

At the dinner table, Qin Nuoxue talked about some of the design company's next plans, and also asked Su Yi what she thought of the dividend plan she had made.

Qin Nuoxue's dividend plan is to pay dividends once a year at the end of the year. 50% of the annual profits will be used to distribute dividends in proportion to the shares. The rest will be used for the company's development funds to make the company bigger and stronger.

This kind of distribution method was originally expected by Su Yi, so Su Yi did not put forward any opinions and directly agreed with Qin Nuoxue's arrangement.

Qin Nuoxue was relieved about this, and at the same time she trusted and appreciated Su Yi even more.

Because for many investors, timely and rapid returns are what they expect most, and they want to withdraw their investment principal in the shortest possible time.

Such a result will inevitably lead to a slower development of the company.

But this behavior of investors is also understandable. After all, after getting the principal back, it will be all profits! Even if the company cannot continue in the end, they have already received their money, and they can take whatever they make.

After all, if people think you are good today and are willing to invest money, they may not think you are good tomorrow! Therefore, getting money into your hands quickly is what many investors like to do.

Fortunately, Su Yi is not!

Therefore, Qin Nuoxue is very grateful and has a better understanding of Su Yi!

After eating, Su Yi had no intention of staying any longer. After learning that this time Chunjiang Huayueye’s order earned her salary 5 million, and that subsequent orders could earn at least 10 million more.

Su Yi nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, I'll do as you say when you get the bonus, and then, do your best, and I'll leave first!"

Back at the entrance of the design company, Su Yi said goodbye because his car was parked here.

However, before he could leave, a large, colorful truck drove in from outside and blocked the road at the door!

"Nuoxue, I love you!"

Just then, a young man jumped out of the truck to everyone's surprise.

Immediately afterwards, the door on one side of the truck opened... a brand new sports car! And a circle of pink balloons and a banner!

The banner also said: "Qin Nuoxue, I love you!".

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