City: I Can View The Script Of Life

Chapter 95: Arrested, Zhang Mengyao Returns To Justice

As soon as they heard someone coming, Su Meng and Su Yi hid behind the door at the same time.

Waiting for someone to fall into the trap.


Sure enough, the person who came didn't care about anything and just kicked the door with his foot. The force was really not ordinary.

Looking at it like this, it probably won't take more than three kicks to kick the door open.



Sure enough, on the third kick, the door opened and four men rushed in.

"try to find!"

At the same time as he came in, one of the people shouted loudly, sounding a little angry.

They didn't notice at all that behind the door they kicked open, there were two people hiding.

"Police, don't move!"

At this moment, Su Meng took out a gun and came out from behind the door, pointing the gun at the four men who came in.

The four men stopped their movements instantly, raised their hands, and slowly turned around...

This set of actions is really not very skillful. It seems that he has encountered the police many times.

They saw four people turning around. One of them had a beard. It seemed that he was the one giving the order just now.

"Put your hands behind your head and squat down."

Su Meng continued speaking, reaching for the handcuffs at her waist with one hand, and at the same time said to Su Yi: "Help me find some rope and tie them all up."


Su Yi nodded and walked inside. He remembered just now that there seemed to be some rope-like things under the coffee table.

"Be honest, it's so dramatic!"

Su Meng took advantage of this time to get closer to the four of them little by little, intending to handcuff the leading bearded man first.

When she was investigating the fraud gang, she heard that there was a group of thugs, including a scumbag who was very good at fighting. Therefore, she could not take it lightly and controlled this man first.

Su Meng walked over, took out the handcuffs and was about to roast the bearded man.

At this moment, Hu Zhanan winked at the person next to him.

The man slammed into Su Meng.

At the same time, Hu Scumbag immediately took action, quickly knocking off Su Meng's gun with one hand, and quickly grabbed the handcuffs with the other hand.


Su Meng was handcuffed by her own hands.

Then, the scumbag man stretched out his leg and kicked Su Meng hard, knocking Su Meng to the ground. The pistol was also kicked to the bottom of the cabinet, where no one could reach it.

All this happened in an instant, and even Su Yi, who originally went to get the rope under the coffee table, kept trying to save her.

The whole process takes less than 1 second.

However, although he failed to save Su Meng immediately, Su Yi was not a theater person. As soon as he found out that Su Meng had been subdued, he immediately flew over and kicked him.

When they were relaxed after subduing one person, Su Yi kicked two of them away, then punched, knocking the remaining two back a few steps.

When the scumbag man saw Su Yi attacking so quickly and with full attack power, he immediately knew that he was no match.

However, Su Yi will not give him too much time to think. When facing the enemy, he must defeat him as soon as possible.

After another punch and kick, the remaining two people, including the scumbag man, fell to the ground and could not get up.

No one thought that Su Yi's attack power would be so strong, and he could basically knock them out of combat with one blow.

"Are you OK?"

After the battle, Su Yi helped Su Meng up.

"I have the key in my pocket, please help me.

Su Meng's hands were cuffed and needed to be opened.

"Which pocket?"

Su Yi asked.

"On the right side, in the trouser pocket." Su Meng was a little embarrassed.

Immediately, Su Yi helped her take out the key.

Su Meng's face also turned red. After all, the weather was quite hot and she didn't have much to wear.


After untying the handcuffs, Su Meng thanked her. If Su Yi hadn't been there, she might have capsized in the gutter this time.

This fraud gang dares to fight even the police, so it's not a good role.

"What do you say to these people?"

Su Yi looked at the four people lying on the ground and asked.

"Of course I'll take it back."

Su Meng said.

"Okay, do you mind if I ask some questions first?" Su Yi said.

"go ahead!"

Su Mengi, Su Yi must be asking for the purpose, and it just so happens that she also wants to know.

Originally, Su Yi thought that it would be difficult to get something out of these people.

Unexpectedly, these people were very cooperative, knowing that they could not escape. Basically, they answered whatever Su Yi asked.

It turned out that Zhang Mengyao was originally a tool under their gang, specially used to cheat money through online dating.

They have always cooperated very well, and although their performance in the organization is not very good, it is still passable.

The latest target is He Xiangxiang.

Originally, everything was ready. In the name of getting married and buying a house, he defrauded He Xiangxiang of 600,000 yuan and exchanged it for another one.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Mengyao suddenly quit and took out 350,000 yuan of the money stored in the organization in the name of a loan.

...Please give me flowers...

At first, the organization didn't suspect anything, but later Zhang Mengyao couldn't be contacted directly.

It took me a long time to find Zhang Mengyao here.

It turned out that Zhang Mengyao actually opened a noodle shop here with He Xiangxiang, and used the 350,000 to buy a house with him.

After confirming Zhang Mengyao's betrayal, the organization was very unhappy.

Just imagine, if other people in the organization know about this, how will they be able to manage other people below in the future?

Therefore, the organization decided to first ask for a sum of money from He Xiangxiang in the name of kidnapping Zhang Mengyao. However, because they did not know He Xiangxiang's specific financial situation, they asked for 5 million first and looked at the situation later.

As for Zhang Mengyao, she plans to sell it to clubs in other cities. After all, she is good-looking and worth some money.

Because Zhang Mengyao was also a member of the organization before, he was somewhat lenient during the kidnapping process.

But I didn't expect that Zhang Mengyao was too cunning. Not only did he steal the phone back, but he also found an opportunity to run away.

They had no choice but to come here again, with the purpose of catching He Xiangxiang and forcing Zhang Mengyao.

However, when Su Yi wanted to know more about the organization, they kept silent and said they didn't know. They only knew about the existence of the organization and knew nothing else.

Su Yi knows that there is only so much that can be understood.

But this also shows that his judgment is correct, Zhang Mengyao really wants to change his ways.

I just don’t know if Zhang Mengyao has already met He Xiangxiang at the police station at this time.

"Zhang Mengyao is at the police station, we need them to go there."

At this time, Su Meng glanced at the phone and said.


Su Yi nodded and helped Su Meng tie up the four people and take them to the car.

Arriving at the police station, Su Yi saw He Xiangxiang, but not Zhang Mengyao.

According to He Xiangxiang, Zhang Mengyao was taken for questioning. At the same time, he also said some words he heard from Zhang Mengyao.

Generally speaking, it is similar to what Su Yi knows, nothing new.

Su Yi asked He Xiang what his plan was.

He Xiangxiang said that he had asked the police officer. In a situation like Zhang Mengyao's, if he could be turned into a tainted witness, he would be sentenced to 6 months. He wants to wait for her!

In this regard, Su Yi didn't say much. As long as Zhang Mengyao sincerely changed his ways and wanted to live with He Xiangxiang, then he would go hiking. .

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