City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 102: Contest in the Darkness

Chapter 102: Contest in the Darkness

With the order of Herlug, an army of 2,000 people was sent from the city of Beledweyne to the Canyon Road Bridge, and an engineering team was also transferred from Beledweyne.

Most of them are ordinary people who were forcibly taken away by the army because of the war. They originally carried out the excavation of mountain tunnels in the city of Beledwin, but now they bring tools and vehicles, such as cement engineering vehicles and rescue vehicles, to the canyon road bridge. Just fix it.

Fortunately, the bridge piers on both sides of the Canyon Highway Bridge were not destroyed, but the bridge deck in the middle was broken. With the busyness of hundreds of workers, ordinary soldiers could pass through in the afternoon, and it is expected that vehicles will pass tomorrow. .

The repair speed of the Canyon Road Bridge made Herlug a little relieved, and ordered people to bring information to the officers who were fighting on the front line, so as to avoid the chaos of the front line troops.

But at this time, the communications force responded that it had not received any news from the southern Gaza port for several hours.

Herlug became a little worried. The main force of the legion was blocked by himself in the Beledweyne line of defense. It should not be said that a sneak attack was in the south, and there was no news of the enemy's sneak attack on the troops stationed in other directions of the Grand Canyon.

Is it airborne?

I heard that the Legion took the Berbera port in the northern autonomous region for airborne operations. If a large plane flew from a high altitude, it would be difficult for the National Army lacking radar equipment to detect it.

Although he was worried, in order not to affect the morale and morale of the army, Herlug ordered to block the news that the Gaza port had lost contact.

As night fell, both sides who had been fighting for a day began to withdraw their troops.

But that doesn't mean the battle is over.

From time to time, the artillery units of the regiment carried out shelling on the positions of the National Army, and used high-explosive and air-explosive bombs, which blew up the positions of the National Army.

The huge explosion made the soldiers of the National Army unable to sleep, and they were worried that the shells would fall on their heads. Coupled with the disadvantage of the war, the morale of the soldiers of the National Army was rapidly declining, and the mental state of the soldiers was greatly affected.

On the Legion's side, apart from the sentries on the front line, the main attacking troops had already withdrawn to their own positions, so they huddled in the trenches fully armed and slept in the anti-artillery holes.

In addition to the open and secret sentries on the front line, there are also a large number of military dogs and patrol soldiers wearing night vision goggles to patrol back and forth.

In fact, the officers of the National Army did not intend to attack overnight, they were just passive defense.

If it weren't for the geographical advantage of the Grand Canyon, they would not be able to hold the war under such a huge gap.

On the Grand Canyon Highway Bridge, the soldiers of the two guard regiments took turns defending, taking care of the engineering team who worked overtime all night, and yawned from time to time.

In the darkness, several dark-covered agents quietly hid in various places to observe the progress of the restoration of this canyon highway bridge, waiting for the opportunity, preparing to give the highway bridge another round.

But suddenly, some rustling sounds came from behind.

A vigilant agent immediately turned his head, and met indeed a pair of inhuman eyes.


After being discovered, the animal in the dark suddenly rushed up, and the huge body flashed out of the darkness. Only then did the agent discover that it turned out to be a big dog!

The big dog opened its fangs and mouth, and under the sudden attack, it directly knocked down the agent, and then bit the agent's neck with a large mouth.

Just as the agent felt terrified that the sharp teeth were about to pierce the skin, a call came from the darkness.

The big dog's teeth stopped digging in, but they still clasped the agent's neck tightly.

The agent, who found that he had not been bitten off his neck, widened his eyes and saw the person coming out of the darkness, but he was even more frightened.

Because that person looks exactly like him! Even the clothes on his body are the same!

At this moment, the agent felt that he had encountered something unclean, his face was pale, and he did not dare to take a deep breath.

The red police spy who completed the transformation came forward and took the agent's belongings, but unfortunately this is the front line, and there is no way to send it to Yuri, so that Yuri can read his memory, so after packing up the things, red. The police spy directly twisted the agent's neck.

Avoid being bitten by a military dog ​​and shedding blood.

Looking at the deceased agent, the Red Police spy patted the military dog's head, and the military dog ​​wisely bit the agent's collar, then dragged the agent to a cliff and threw the body directly into the Grand Canyon.

A muffled sound rang out in the darkness, and soon faded into the air, without attracting the attention of the soldiers on the road bridge not far away.

After the corpse was thrown, the military dog ​​bit a branch and swept the ground at will, cleaning up the traces of dragging.

After doing all this, the military dogs and red police spies disappeared into the darkness.

This kind of confrontation continued around the highway bridge. With the assistance of military dogs, the red police spies quickly locked the agents who destroyed the highway bridge, and then took them down one by one.

The valuable ones are tied up and brought back to inquire, and the worthless ones are directly killed and then thrown into the Grand Canyon.

After completing the task, the military dogs either hid in the complex Grand Canyon or in the city of Beledweyne.

In such a chaotic situation, no one would notice that there were more dogs in the city.

After dawn the next day, the engineering team finally completed the repair work, and the highway bridge can pass vehicles.

Herlug immediately ordered the supply convoy to deliver supplies to the front.

However, he also found it strange that the person who destroyed the highway bridge had made him repair the bridge after all the preparations he had made.

What did you destroy before that?

The other party didn't show up, but let Herlug worry even more, because the Canyon Road Bridge is too important, he still can't put down the vigilance mentality, not only continued to let the two guard groups guard the bridge, but also dispatched some patrols The team stepped up patrols on both sides of the bridge.

In the north of Beledweyne, on the border with Serbia, there is a small city called Fide.

There is one of the five roads connecting Serbia and Somalia, and it is also one of the important passages for Serbia to interfere with the southern national army of Somalia in the past.

Since the Legion announced a unification war against the Southern National Army, more and more Serbian soldiers have been stationed here.

Backed by the river valley terrain in the north of the Grand Canyon, they built defensive positions, and hidden thousands of troops in the forest by the river.

These are the troops permanently stationed in the desert province of eastern Cyprus, and they belong to one of the frontier troops of Cyprus.

At this time, the commander of the infantry division, Kare, was having breakfast while listening to the reports of his men.

The report contained an update on the Battle of Beledweyne in the south.

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