City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 106: The Battle of Beraidwen ends, and the National Army disintegrates!

Chapter 106: The Battle of Beraidwen ends, and the National Army disintegrates!

The mysterious technology tree of the Legion seems to have touched the mechanism of the Eagle Nation, and the actions against the Legion have been placed in the priority order.

However, even by supporting other agents to intervene in the war against the legion, it will take time. It will take at least half a month to complete the parliamentary procedures of the Eagle Nation.

It's just that the Legion's offensive against the Southern National Army of the Sok country, I'm afraid Khalid won't be able to insist on the next step of the Eagle Nation's intervention.

Wang Yao did not know that his cyber counterattack had triggered a certain mechanism of the Eagle Country, but he was still very wary of the intervention of other countries or forces, especially the neighboring country of Serbia. Wang Yao used half of his troops for defense. Seychelles attack.

However, as the war continued, Serbia did not send troops to intervene, and even the Red Police spies who infiltrated Serbia sent some news that the Serbian border troops were retreating.

This made Wang Yao a little surprised, but thinking that he had launched a southward unification war in advance, not to mention Khalid and Serbia in the south of the Suo country, even the 08th Eagle country was brushed.

With the current military deployment of Serbia and only partial arms support, it is no wonder that Serbia did not directly intervene, and most of them were cowards.

So Wang Yao took this opportunity to order the front-line troops to step up the offensive against the National Army in Khalid in the south, and it is bound to completely disintegrate the National Army by the end of this month and bring the southern region under the rule of the Legion.

Following Wang Yao's order, the Red Police Corps started running at high speed.

A convoy of trucks loaded with various ammunition sent countless ammunition to the front line, and the all-rounder intruder attack aircraft began to be dispatched on a large scale to provide air support to the front line.

With a garrison brigade arriving at the port of Gaza from the sea, the Red Police Corps also took complete control of the port of Gaza.

Under the two-day fierce battle of the Marine Corps of the Red Police Corps, Khalid's National Army Guard Division was completely wiped out in the surrounding area of ​​the Presidential Palace, and a group of southern officials, including Khalid, and the National Army generals were killed by the Marine Corps. Squad captive.

After the navy captured the Gaza port, it completely cut off the logistical supply of the 120,000 National Army of BlackRock's micro-defense line.

Chen Xuance, the front-line commander of the Army, took the opportunity to launch a new offensive, with two combat brigades as the frontal main attack force, and two garrison brigades as a coordinated combat force to attack the defense line of the National Army head-on.

But at the same time, Chen Xuance mobilized a Nighthawk helicopter brigade, more than fifty-four Nighthawk helicopters, on the night of the third day, to perform a night attack and transport mission.

Three combat battalions, that is, 2,700 Red Police fighters, were transported to the rear of Beledweyne.

Each Nighthawk can carry 33 heavily armed soldiers, and only two batches of one Nighthawk can transport all 2,700 Red Police soldiers to the rear of Beledweyne. .

At the same time, the Nighthawk helicopter can also hoist some light artillery, and easily fly over the Grand Canyon under the fireworks at night.

Although the three combat battalions were equipped with light infantry, they did not even have light tanks or armored vehicles.

However, the well-trained Red Police fighters still completed the task of raiding and captured the main urban area of ​​Beledweyne. Had it not been for Herlug who had dug a batch of mountain tunnels in Beledweyne, they would have been attacked by After the night attack, he led a part of the security forces to withdraw into the tunnel of the mountain. I am afraid that the entire Beledwen has changed hands.

The highway bridge was also knocked down in the night raid by the Red Police fighters.

The two National Army guards stationed on the highway bridge were defeated at night, and thousands of people fled in panic, even forgetting to blow up the highway bridge at this critical moment.

By the fourth day, Beledweyne was attacked, and news reached the front that the main city had fallen.

In addition, the presence of electronic fighters blocked the communication in the Beledweyne area, and Herlug, who was hidden in the mountain tunnel, could not contact the front-line troops. As a result, the front-line troops could not get the orders of the Herlug headquarters, and the army was panicked for a while.

Chen Xuance took this opportunity to continue to intensify the offensive, and at the same time airlifted a garrison brigade to Beledweyne, responsible for suppressing the Herlug garrison that was trying to fight guerrilla warfare through the mountain tunnel.

The front-line troops tried to contact the Herlug headquarters, but the contact was made up, so they jumped to the Gaza port.

However, it was indeed news that Gaza Port was also occupied, and the morale of the front-line troops plummeted, and a large-scale surrender occurred directly.

After losing contact with the two high-level headquarters in succession, the frontline battlefield in Beledweyne was completely chaotic. Facing the fierce offensive of the Red Police Corps, the National Army troops laid down their weapons and surrendered.

In the end, most of the troops in the front line blocking positions in Beledweyne gave up their resistance, and the Red Police Corps took advantage of the situation to annihilate the remaining stubbornly resisting National Army troops and successfully merged with the airborne troops.

After the loss of about 15,000 people, the Beledweyne frontline blocking position was basically lost, and the Red Police Corps alone captured as many as 70,000 or 80,000 people.

On the night of the fourth day, the 1st Brigade of the Legion Army completely wiped out the last National Army resistance force and killed all officers of this resistance force, marking the basic end of the Battle of Beledweyne.

Herlug hides in the mountain tunnel and has never been able to communicate with the outside world, and the soldiers of the guard regiment in his hands are fighting less and less, and the supplies are getting less and less, and he already has a bad premonition in his heart.

Facing Herlug who was hiding in the mountain tunnel, Chen Xuance sent several captured Herlug's guard regiment soldiers with several letters of persuasion to persuade Herlug to surrender.

After seeing the photo of Khalid being captured by the legionnaires in the capitulation letter, Herlug was silent.

In the end, Herlug ordered the soldiers to drop their weapons and go out and surrender to 607, while he himself ended his life with a gun.

Herlug chose this way as the last dignity of a soldier.

With Herlug dead, the remaining resistance soldiers dropped their weapons and walked out of the mountain tunnel to surrender to the Legion.

The Battle of Beledweyne is officially over.

At the cost of less than 2,000 casualties, the legion annihilated the 120,000 National Army in the Beledweyne area, killing and wounding more than 15,000 people, and taking about 90,000 prisoners. The remaining thousands of soldiers escaped or disappeared.

The Battle of Beledweyne took only four days, and it only took ten days from the time the legion went south to attack the Sag warlord. disintegrate.

Many high-ranking officials and generals, including Khalid himself, were captured, and the 150,000 National Army disappeared in history.

After solving the remnants of Beledweyne, Chen Xuance left a combat brigade to guard Beledweyne to guard against the attack of the Serbian state, and he led the main force to escort nearly 90,000 prisoners to the port of Gaza.

The way was unimpeded, and on the eighteenth day of the war, the Army and Marines of the regiment joined forces at the port of Gaza.

It marks that the largest armed force in the southern region of the country, the Khalid People's Army, which has been occupying the south for more than ten years, has completely disappeared.

Wang Yao's mission to unify the north and south of the country is only one last step away.

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