City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 108: From Governor to President

Chapter 108: From Governor to President

[Oriental News: Today, the local armed forces of the Somalia announced that they would be stationed in the southern provinces, ending the thirty-year civil war in Somalia. 】

[BBC News: The situation in East Africa has made waves again. The legion announced the end of the civil war in Somalia and the completion of the reunification of the country. At this time, it was only 21 days before the legion went south to declare war on the Khalid People's Army. 】

[The Times: The Legion announced the end of the civil war in Somalia, but the specific situation has not yet been sent by the frontline reporters. We are still skeptical about the situation in the Somalia region. The existence of the Legion is still a threat to regional peace. 】

[Sakura News Agency: The situation in the country is complicated and confusing. During the war against the Khalid National Army, the Legion was suspected of using biological and chemical weapons. The Sakura country should submit an investigation application to the World United Conference as a world peace maintainer! 】

Since the Legion announced the end of the 30-year civil war in Somalia, the world's major media rushed to report it.

However, these reports are clearly marked with strong prejudice. For example, most Western media call the Legion a destroyer and threat to regional peace, and exaggerate or even distort some of the Legion's policies.

And the media of Sakura Country even clamored that the Legion was a destroyer of world peace, and that the Legion should be severely punished.

607 However, the Sakura Country does not have a single reporter in the Sokoku area...

Compared with the world and the cherry blossom country, the reports of other countries are relatively neutral and objective. Even if some small countries are under the pressure of Western powers, the bias in the reports is relatively small.

Port of Gaza.

Liu Xiao and teammate Pei Yining have been interviewing here for several days.

Since the day after the Marines of the Legion captured Gaza, they have entered the port of Gaza as war correspondents.

Although there are three Red Police soldiers around to be responsible for their safety, there are still too many uncertain dangers in a place where the war has just ended, especially when a major incident like the "Black Hawk Down" broke out in this city.

The courage of the two is admirable.

"Mr. Rhodes, I didn't expect to meet you here!" At the government building in Gaza Port, Liu Xiao, Pei Yining and a group of reporters from various countries in Gaza met the newly appointed President of the Legion.

"Hahaha, reporter Liu Xiao and reporter Pei Yining! You two can run much faster than me!" Rhodes in a blue suit greeted Liu Xiao with a smile.

The two borrowed their previous relationship to get to the forefront and got the opportunity to directly interview President Rhodes.

In the living room, Rhodes sat on the middle chair with his deputy, next to Liu Xiao, who was the reporter's representative.

The surrounding Red Police soldiers opened a cordon, allowing other reporters to take pictures and take pictures ten meters away from Rhodes and them.

"Then Mr. Rhodes, I want to interview the issues that everyone is most concerned about first." Liu Xiao, as the reporter's representative, was also wearing a suit at this time. Compared with the usual interviews in the city of drug lords and the city of crime, he wore a T-shirt and was obviously serious. too much.

"Excuse me!" Rhode smiled and made a please gesture.

Liu Xiao took out his notebook and asked, "After the legion ended the 30-year civil war in the Suo Kingdom, what are the next steps?

Rhodes smiled and shook his head: "The issue of the military is not within the scope of this press conference. 99

"Then let me put it another way." Liu Xiao said: "Excuse me, do you have any plans and plans for Suoguo's livelihood events?"

Rhode nodded slowly, sorted out the language, and said: "As we all know, the country of Suo is a country with a population of 17 million, and because of the civil war that lasted for 30 years, the country of Suo has more than 15 million people. At the hunger line, ninety-nine percent of the people belong to the poor."5

"So going forward, the Somalia government will work on addressing hunger and poverty."

"The war is over, and we can use the greatest strength to mobilize the strength of the whole country for development, including but not limited to the development of oil and natural gas resources, the development of fishery resources, the development of modern agriculture, and the development of other forests and natural resources..."

Although he was surprised that he could be the deputy mayor of a small town in just one year, Rhodes clearly knew who gave him his rights, and he also cherished his ability. enough effort.

Facing reporters from various countries, Rhodes also expounded a series of policies for governing the country, national development plans and so on.

For the development of the Sok country, the exploitation of the North Sheikh Oilfield is destined to receive a large influx of funds, and the rise of the Sok country is only a matter of time.

Although everyone is more concerned about the legion, after the end of the Somalia civil war, the legion must maintain such a huge military system, which will inevitably require a lot of military expenditure.

And the GDP of the entire country is only 8 billion US dollars, and it is impossible to support the huge military expenditure of the Legion.

The reporters were very curious as to where the military spending of the regiment would come from.

After finishing Liu Xiao's interview and conducting a random interview, a reporter raised his hand and asked such a question.

Lord said again: "I repeat, this is a government press conference, not a military press conference.99

"Then may I ask Mr. Rhodes, what do you think about the case of Eagle Country Komoda International Shipping Company suing you, which started the war in Gaza Port, and attacked civilian merchant ships?" The reporter changed the question again.

Apparently this reporter is a Western reporter, who specially picks some thorny questions for Rhodes.

Rhode said angrily: "The Legion has made it clear that the ship Brook Zayn was sunk by the Legion's aircraft! The Brook Zayn carried a large number of weapons to support Khalid's nationals during the war. It was an attack on the navy of the corps, and after the corps was warned not to leave the port three times, it also tried to storm the blockade of the corps fleet!

Soon, the interview session was over, and the reporters left the government building.

"It's finally over." Rhode loosened his tie and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Excellency, this is disrespectful." A secretary found Rhodes with some information and said with a smile.

"Zhao Xian, you also know how difficult which reporters are to deal with, there are at least three mines buried in a question! Rhode complained.

The secretary named Zhao Xian laughed.

Rhodes saw the folder in the other party's hand and asked, "Is it the commander-in-chief, do you have any orders?"

This secretary is one of the talents promoted by the chief teacher, and Rhode does not dare to call him like his subordinate.

And there are many people like Zhao Xian, most of them are from the people, they do the most basic work in the legion-ruled area, and then they are promoted.

For example, there are many such people around Rhodes. After he became the president, the governor of the northern region was also held by a newcomer from the legion faction.

Rhodes sometimes wondered where the Legion had found so many excellent officers.

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