City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 110: Development of the Dominion Area

Chapter 110: Development of the Dominion Area

With the end of the Legion's war on the southern part of the Sok country, it marked the complete end of the thirty-year civil war in Sok country, and the new government team also began to make intensive preparations.

It is not unreasonable for Rhodes to be called a lucky man. Although he was born in a small tribe of Suoguo, although he had lofty ideals, he was severely defeated by reality. For the first 40 years, it was just a futile struggle.

If he hadn't met Wang Yao, he would have been the deputy mayor of an ordinary small town for the rest of his life, and it would have been difficult for him to even get out of that small town.

And now Rhodes is respected as Mr. President.

Because he will be the first president of the country to end the 30-year civil war, he is destined to leave a name in history.

Although all of this is just because the Legion's supreme commander trusts Rhodes.

The new "610" government team with Rhodes as the president began to form. Most of the politicians were from the Red Police faction, and a small number of politicians were the first to be brought into the northern faction under the rule of Wang Yao, and the politicians of the southern faction. There are very few.

From the presidential palace below, there are three governors, namely the governor of the northern region, the governor of the central plateau, and the governor of the southern region.

Under the three governors are the governors of the provinces.

Of course, the legion is independent of this, the legion is just a security force organization, responsible for public security issues in the ruling area, and does not intervene in the development of local civil affairs.

It sounds more like a security company in the cyberpunk world.

As the team of the new government began to improve, government departments at all levels began to work in an orderly manner, and cities across the country began to stabilize and develop in a good direction.

The first is the food issue for the 17 million people inside.

The Galaxy Company, a subsidiary of the Legion, transferred a batch of humanitarian aid to the new government, and transferred the order of 20 billion people's livelihood materials from Tang to the new government.

And led by the Galaxy Company, the new government invested in land to attract foreign capital investment and established many joint ventures.

For example, in the northern area and plateau area of ​​Somalia, the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources, the development of animal husbandry and fishery are strengthened, and the tribes are encouraged to manage and sell their livestock in a unified manner.

Encourage fishermen from all over the coast to go fishing. Among the many companies under the Yinhe Company are not only the ocean-going fishing company recruiting personnel, but also several small shipyards, which can sell and lease fishing boats ranging from tens to hundreds of tons. For offshore fishing.

And there are fish processing plants affiliated to Galaxy Company that specialize in acquisitions along the coastline.

Forest resources and plain resources in the southern region are also vigorously building pastures. ,

President Rhodes emphasized in a speech that priority should be given to the development of agriculture, fishing and animal husbandry.

Among them, animal husbandry with 9 million animals will be one of the advantages of Somalia. It is planned to build several large livestock farms, slaughterhouses and canning plants this year, and develop animal husbandry into a market of 100 billion yuan.

Next is agriculture. Somalia has 8 million hectares of arable land, accounting for 13% of the total area of ​​Somalia, most of which are on the plains in the southern region, and is located in the tropics, where rice can be grown twice a year or even Three cooked.

However, because of the civil war that lasted for 30 years, only one million hectares of arable land in Somalia has been developed, and other arable land is in a state of abandonment and overgrown with weeds.

As a result, the Galaxy Company, a subsidiary of the Legion, invested and the Suoguo government provided land to create the Galaxy Agricultural Reclamation Group, which contracted 3 million hectares of arable land in the southern region.

The remaining 4 million arable land is organized by the Somalia government and funded by local former tribes to establish agricultural companies in various places for large-scale reclamation.

And introduced high-quality rice and corn seeds to Tang, mainly for the cultivation of rice and corn, and then supplemented the planting of soybean, sesame, cotton, sugarcane, banana and other economic crops.

In terms of fishery, due to the long-term civil war in Somalia, its own fishing capacity is low. The former Somalia government sold fishing licenses to foreign fishing companies, and fishing companies from various countries have serious poaching in the territorial waters of Somalia.

After the establishment of the new government, President Rhodes announced that he would vigorously develop the fishery. In order to combat poaching, the garrison under the regiment established the Coast Guard. and recruited ordinary people.

The coast guard has a total of 5,000 people, equipped with more than 20 patrol boats of 100 tons and five coast guard ships of 800 to 1,000 tons, as well as ten helicopters and three seaplanes.

Because it is not only necessary to deal with poaching fishing boats from various countries, but also to deal with rampant pirates and combat pirates in this waters, so each patrol boat is equipped with a 20mm cannon and a high-pressure water cannon, and the coast guard ship is equipped with a 37mm rapid-fire guns, two 20mm twin-mounted cannons on the left and right sides of the ship, and a small speedboat 0...

The tasks of the coast guard include patrolling territorial waters, combating pirates, smuggling, poaching, and maritime rescue operations. Therefore, the equipment is relatively advanced, and the personnel training is based on the strength of the legion.

In terms of industry, there is almost no industry in Somalia, and the industry has stopped since entering the Thirty Years' War.


The first batch of industrial development was mainly civil industry, and the development of basic industries such as imitation, leather, sugar, pharmaceutical, tobacco, food processing, oil refining, electric power and building materials industry was carried out.

In terms of currency, the new government of the country announced the abolition of the currency, and the army currency of the legion was used as the temporary currency.

Because the demand for coins in this matter has been completely reduced to waste paper, the demand for coins is simply abolished.

The army, garrison, and police force under the legion are located in various cities, and the Galaxy Company has set up material stores in each city, and the currency of the legion flows into the place through the hundreds of thousands of troops in the ruling area.

The new central bank of Suguoguo also does not have the right to issue military coins, but the Galaxy Bank, a subsidiary of the Galaxy Group, prints and issues military coins.

In order to stabilize the military currency, Wang Yao directly took out 200 tons of gold and deposited it in the Galaxy Bank as a guarantee. These gold resources were mined by the super-space mining trucks day and night in the past six months.

Precious metal resources such as gold, silver, and copper ore are no longer directly sent to the ore refining 2.0 plant, but are reserved for precious metals.

With the release of Wang Yao's policies, all parts of the country soon entered a period of rapid development after stabilization.

People all over the south began to join in land reclamation and forest resource exploitation, while people in the north mainly entered the two major industries of animal husbandry and fishery.

One month after the Legion ended the civil war in Somalia, the World United Parliament dispatched a group of investigators to investigate the actual situation in Somalia.

And in the end, these investigators submitted the report on the end of the war in Somalia to the World United Conference, and the World United Conference officially confirmed the end of the war in Somalia and accepted the proposal of Somalia's return to the World United Conference.

If the proposal is successful and the country returns to the World Joint Conference, it means that Wang Yao can speak directly at the World Joint Conference through representatives.

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