City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 11: Play Tactics, I Am Your Ancestor!

Chapter 11: Play tactics, I am your ancestor!

If Wang Yao hadn't sent a Red Police spy, Wag Aidin's strategy might have succeeded.

Even if Wang Yao believed that the Red Police Corps that was attacked by surprise could immediately organize a counterattack to defeat the enemy who attacked at night, the Red Police Corps would definitely cause a lot of damage, which was very big for Wang Yao, who had only a thousand troops. Loss.

"If it was someone else, you might have succeeded, but unfortunately, we Chinese have known this trick two thousand years ago." Wang Yao looked at the map, and the staff used the intelligence that Spy No. 23 passed through to outline the enemy's so-called so-called enemy. Defense, sneered.

"I was going to trouble you for a few days after I took the gold mine, but since you can't wait to die, don't blame me for being rude!" Wang Yao immediately ordered: "Power the frontline troops and prepare to meet the enemy. It's better to leave these thousands of people here for me!"

"Yes!" Xue Beichen immediately turned on the communicator and sent an order to the front line.

"Contact Spy 23 and ask where is the enemy's camp? Let the Nighthawk helicopter team prepare to transport an infantry company to their home!"

"Order the Blackhawk fighter squads and the Raider fighter squads to lift off, ready to support frontline battles!"


As the order was issued, an infantry company that had just been produced in the Red Police Base quickly moved into action, brought full armor to the Air Force headquarters, and boarded a Nighthawk helicopter.

With the 33-person capacity of the Nighthawk helicopter, it only takes two waves of transportation to transport a 160-person infantry company, together with their equipment, to the designated target area.

In addition, on the temporary airfield, three Black Hawk fighter jets and three intruder attack aircraft loaded with ammunition, lifted off in the dark, and began to circle around the base, waiting for the next order to enter the battlefield.

Gold mine.

Chen Xuance, who was commanding the troops to clean the battlefield, received an order from the headquarters.

"Yo, it just so happened that the battle wasn't fully finished, so you all came to give away the heads." Looking at the order book, Chen Xuance shouted to his subordinates: "The support company and the logistics support company stay, and the other troops, leave immediately!"

After the order was issued, the Red Police infantry quickly returned to their respective companies, drove out of the mine, and headed north.

On the empty Gobi desert, under the cover of night, the First Combat Battalion of the Red Police Corps quickly completed its mobile deployment.

The three infantry companies were separated by a ten-kilometer front. Twelve tanks cooperated in groups of two. The tanks were surrounded by red police infantry. They were preparing to directly engage in a wave of hard steel with the enemy in the wilderness to fight with movement. Destroy the enemy army.

At this time, in the wilderness less than ten kilometers in front of the Red Police Corps, more than 5,000 warlords were marching at night under the leadership of their respective leaders. Only a few officers were riding pickup trucks or armored vehicles.

Waggar Eddin was wearing a military uniform, his fat body was a little out of place, and he wore a red military cap on his head. He personally rushed in with ten T-72s and five pairs of road wheels. front of the team.

"As expected of the boss! To be able to come up with such a night attack plan! Those guys will definitely relax after occupying the gold mine. At this time, let's go up and beat them by surprise, and we will definitely be able to wipe them out!" An adjutant with a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks Bragging to Wag Aydin for a while.

It made Wag Edding feel extremely comfortable.

"Thanks to the information that the spy you deployed in Gador found, I will wait for the annihilation of these guys. Those tanks are good things. I will give you a few tanks at that time." Wag Edding laughed. Lighted a cigar.

Originally, the spies reported from the information sent back by Gador that the strange group of guys who expelled Hebble were well-equipped, as well as more than a dozen tanks and many armored vehicles, as well as a steady stream of support teams.

To make Wag Eddin dare not take the initiative to attack Gador, he can only be a passerby who doesn't see anything.

But I didn't expect that the group of guys from Gador would take the initiative to attack the garrison of the gold mine, which gave Wag Aidin hope.

I remember a story that the Chinese trader told before, it was called 'the symbol of the mussel, the fisherman's profit', anyway, it was two people fighting. All property of these two persons.

Let Wager Edding remember this story deeply.

Unexpectedly, there will be an opportunity to apply this tactic to actual combat so soon, and Wag Aidin himself was surprised by his tactical vision.

At this time, he had already dreamed of completely annihilating the enemy army, seizing countless advanced equipment, and occupying the gold mine.

In this way, his sister also has a higher status by General Erickson's side.

Just as Wag Eddin was indulging in the dream of destroying the enemy, a few flashes suddenly appeared in the sky ahead.

"What?" Wag Aidin was stunned for a moment, and just halfway through, he heard a huge explosion of air coming from the air, followed by explosions from the surrounding area.

I saw that the armored team that was still advancing was directly destroyed by several tanks. In the night, these tanks turned into a fire that was so dazzling.

"Enemy attack!" At this time, Wag Aidin's subordinates reacted. It seemed to be a plane just now?

General Erickson also has planes, but they are all old fighter jets. Warlords can't afford to support such a huge military service. At most, a few third-generation planes from the 1970s are not bad.

"Disperse! Disperse! Dodge! Where's the bazooka! Aim at the sky for me!" Wag Aidin hurriedly jumped off a tank, because he saw that all the destroyed tanks were tanks, so he was afraid that he was in the tank Was killed together, and quickly got off the tank.

Then shouted for the soldiers to raise their weapons and aim at the sky.

Although I still don't understand where these planes came from, but attacking them directly can only be the enemy!

The warlords who lacked anti-aircraft missiles had to set up crane guns on the spot, pointed their muzzles in the air, and pointed their rocket launchers to the sky to seek comfort.

But soon, several planes swooped down again and dropped ground-to-ground missiles. This time, the missiles exploded directly in the army formation on the ground, and several huge fireballs rose into the air, taking away hundreds of people. s life.

The remaining rebels ran around in a panic, and thousands of people who lacked anti-aircraft weapons were blown away by bombs dropped by several planes.

Wag Aydin is still trying hard to gather the troops.

However, at this moment, there was a burst of vibrations on the ground, and there were bursts of roaring sounds from the south.

"Tank!" Someone shouted, but it was too late.

boom! boom! boom!

Twelve tanks of the Red Police Corps within 1,000 meters opened fire one after another. The 120mm rifled gun of the Challenger main battle tank and the 105mm rifled gun of the Grizzly tank could see the opposite side clearly with the help of night vision goggles.

Huge explosions sounded one after another, and the remaining tanks of Wag Aidin were also destroyed one after another, and only one of the tanks at the back was still able to move.

Immediately afterwards, the Red Police infantrymen cooperated with tanks and launched an attack.

M4A1 assault rifles, M249 light machine guns, M240 general-purpose machines, and M2 Browning heavy machine guns began to harvest life. Tanks and armored infantry fighting vehicles rushed into enemy positions and began to cut the battlefield.

Four or five thousand rioters ran around, and the discarded weapons almost tripped a Red Police infantryman on the ground. They were like a flock of ducks, being chased everywhere by the Red Police infantry.

Wag Edding started running straight away, forgetting how high-spirited he was a few minutes ago.

However, his fat figure was so conspicuous in the night vision goggles.


Eight hundred meters away, a Red Police sniper opened fire.

Waggar Edding was climbing into a pickup truck and was about to run away. His head suddenly burst open. Blood and brains smeared the faces of the surrounding chaos soldiers. The frightened soldiers started the engine directly, and took Wag Edding with only half of his head left. corpse ran away.

Wag Edding never thought that his attack plan was so perfect, what went wrong.

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