City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 117: Surprise for Eagle Sauce

Chapter 117: Surprise for Eagle Sauce

The Tang purchasing group was also very surprised to learn that the legion was going to sell warships.

You must know that although the Legion's fleet has just been launched, it has become the focus of attention of all countries in the world, whether it is the two large aircraft carriers and the three large cruisers, or the large destroyer of more than 10,000 tons and the destroyer of several thousand tons. A new type of warship that the world has never seen before.

Countries can judge from this point that the legion has a complete industrial system, even stronger than that of many major countries, otherwise it would be impossible to build such a complete large-scale aircraft carrier fleet.

As far as the combat effectiveness of this large aircraft carrier fleet is concerned, it is definitely not weaker than the major fleets of the Eagle Nation.

However, the legion expressed its willingness to sell these advanced warships, which was a bit surprising.

This is not a tank or a plane, but a warship. The manufacturing period of each ship is a weapon of the country calculated in months or even years.

Although Tang's own naval system has been perfected and will not outsource warships as it was decades ago, they are still curious why the Legion is willing to sell these warships.

In fact, it is very simple, because Wang Yao has already started to point the technology tree, starting from the Apollo fighter, the legion will start to march towards the sea of ​​stars.

Just the helicarrier and the space destroyer required a lot of money, and since the mineral resources and oil resources in the ruling area can no longer support these consumption, Wang Yao needs more funds.

The sale of weapons and equipment is an important source. A large cruiser has only two million funds in the Red Alert system, but it can be sold for tens of billions of dollars.

And normally speaking, building a warship is also a time-consuming task, and it is impossible to give it to you immediately. It is normal to build it for three to five years.

Wang Yao can completely collect the deposit first, and then drag it slowly. After his aerospace fleet comes out, he can sell the eliminated equipment to them, and he can save some processing funds.

Simply perfect!

So, at the invitation of Wang Yao, Ling Yunzhi and others went to Berbera Air Force Base, took several Nighthawk helicopters, and went directly to the naval base.

Along with them, there were also several reporter friends from Datang's official media, and three reporters, including Liu Xiao, were allowed to accompany the army.

In the military area east of Porto Bossosa, there is a large military building, including a large base and a naval base.

Ling Yunzhi and others took the Nighthawk helicopter and landed directly on the No. 1 aircraft carrier in the port.

Many of them have landed on their own aircraft carriers, but this is the first time they have landed on other aircraft carriers, so they are very excited and excited.

After getting off the Nighthawk helicopter, they looked at the huge aircraft carrier curiously, and kept comparing with their own aircraft carrier and Eagle sauce's aircraft carrier, and finally determined that it was at least a large aircraft carrier with a displacement of more than 120,000 tons. .

There are more than a dozen planes parked during overtime work alone, and there are several models.

The most of them are the X-47 Black Hawk fighters they want to purchase this time.

And here, they also saw the carrier version of the X-47 Black Hawk fighter.

Unlike the F-35C carrier version of the Eagle Country, the carrier version of the X-47 Black Hawk fighter cannot take off vertically by using the vertical lift fan and the downward deflection of the engine nozzle, because the X-47 Black Hawk fighter is Twin engine engine.

It is more powerful than the F-35 in thrust and can directly reach the speed required for take-off in a short distance.

Admiral Zhou Wei arranged a rest room for everyone, because it takes about three days to sail from here to Abu Dhabi, and everyone needs to spend a few days of unforgettable time on the aircraft carrier.

Everyone has no opinion on the rest cabins arranged, and they are very obedient to the arrangements of the legion. After all, this is a rare opportunity to observe other aircraft carriers.

After hearing the news, Cheng Lao and Shen Lao, who were left in Abu Dhabi City, felt extremely regretful that they did not come with them, otherwise they would be able to see the carrier-based version of the X-47 Black Hawk fighter up close, even if they just watched it, they would not Can gain a lot of experience.

However, after asking Wang Yao and learning that the fleet will dock at the port in Abu Dhabi and open for a limited time, the two old men are looking forward to it again.

After everything was ready, the fleet set off.

The fleet on this trip consisted of only one aircraft carrier, one Aegis cruiser, two assault destroyers and two Dolphin-class destroyers.

If you don't count the aircraft carriers, the other ships are about a quarter of the Legion's naval fleet.

But even so, after this huge fleet sailed into the Gulf of Aden, it was like the explosion of a nuclear bomb, causing a wave of waves all over the world.

The legion first notified the emirate, informing them that their exhibiting fleet had set off, and which warships would need the emirate's navy to guide them into the port after entering the emirate's waters.

Although the emirate has a navy of only a few thousand people, and the largest warships are two Cotton Aire-class frigates with a displacement of 3,800 tons, it is a sovereign country and the host of this exhibition.

After receiving the information from the legion, the emirate trembled and forwarded the information to other surrounding countries, asking them not to be surprised.

Then, Eagle Sauce in Port Bahrain was taken aback.

The Port of Bahrain is also in the Persian Gulf, more than 400 kilometers away from Abu Dhabi.

As a regional tyrant, the Legion sent an aircraft carrier fleet to participate in the defense exhibition in Abu Dhabi. The emirate did not dare to hide the Eagle Nation, but fortunately it also informed the Eagle Nation.

Then, the eagle country naval base in the port of Bahrain suddenly sounded the alarm, and everyone, including the soldiers who were on vacation, was ordered to return to their respective posts as soon as possible, and entered a state of first-level combat readiness!

"`" Your Excellency Commander! The information of the emirate has been preliminarily determined, and the Legion has sent an aircraft carrier fleet to pass through Ya (Wang Dehao) Dingwan "`!" Sweaty and sweaty, he submitted the latest intelligence to Lieutenant General Scott.

"Damn it! Are they going to participate in the defense exhibition with aircraft carriers and cruisers?!" Lieutenant General Scott scolded and picked up the intelligence.

As the Legion Naval Squadron entered the Gulf of Aden, it immediately attracted the attention of various countries, and space satellites were dispatched to monitor it.

After all, it is difficult to hide such a huge fleet on this narrow and busy route.

"Yes! Your Excellency Commander, the report from the emirate is that the Legion fleet is here to participate in the defense exhibition. It is said that the Legion intends to sell many warships including large aircraft carriers, large cruisers, and large destroyers..." Deere reported.

"Do you believe it?" Scott looked at Dilljian with a foolish look.

Seeing the latter swallowed his saliva.

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