City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 22: Operation Beheading!

Chapter 22: Operation Beheading!

Port of Bossosa, thousands of troops are stationed in the port city, most of them around the Qasim International Airport in the west of the city.

Qassem International Airport is a rare airport in Somalia. Although the name has the word "International" in it, it only has a simple terminal building, a control tower, and a runway.

And Erickson's seaside villa is located between Qasim International Airport and the main city.

In this way, if something happens, Erickson not only has sea passage to escape, but also has a private jet ready to take off at Qasim Airport. It can be said that Erickson pays great attention to his personal safety.

Although Erickson is the largest warlord in Cuban Province, he only controls the northern coastal cities and some central areas of Cuban, and the main forces are also concentrated in the central and northern coasts. Just pay the tax.

Erickson also doesn't interfere too much with the cities or tribes below, especially those loyal to him.

He also basically never left the port of Bossosa.

At this time, on the top floor of a supermarket less than 800 meters from Erickson's seaside villa, two red police spies disguised as ordinary people were monitoring Erickson in the seaside villa through infrared thermal imagers.

Because of the distance, there is no way for both sides to launch an attack at the same time, so if Erickson receives news that the front-line army has been wiped out, he is likely to choose to run away. Go on a blocking mission to prevent Erickson from escaping.

After all, Erickson had more than 30,000 troops in his hands, and now more than 20,000 have been wiped out. Except for some scattered soldiers scattered in other cities, there are only more than 5,000 Erickson troops in Port Bossosa.

If Eriksson runs away, he will definitely run away with the wealth he has collected in the Cuban province for more than ten years. Even if he occupied the entire Cuban province, it would still be quite uncomfortable without a big fat sheep like Eriksson. .

So Wang Yao is going to capture Erickson alive and make this guy's property spit out.

Fortunately, I don't know if Erickson believed too much in Harrell's command ability, or didn't take the mysterious forces in the south to heart, or both.

In short, Erickson has been staying at the seaside villa, and even invited three beauties newly bought from other tribes to play for most of the night before falling asleep.

However, the battle report from the front line has not arrived here.

Around three in the morning, there was always a humming sound in the sky.

The Red Alert spy has already made contact with the forces that struck Porto Bossosa and submitted Erickson's intelligence.

As the commander of the blitz at Port Bossosa, Ma Hongzhen made a bold decision immediately after receiving information from the lurking Red Police spy on the Nighthawk helicopter.

Airborne at the seaside villa to capture Erickson alive!

After a brief operational meeting via video conference on the Nighthawk helicopter, Ma Hongzhen submitted the plan to the Red Police Base.

Wang Yao quickly agreed to the plan.

But at the same time, he was also very surprised by the flexibility and military literacy of the Red Police officers.

This is what a qualified military commander looks like.

After obtaining the commander's approval, Ma Hongzhen immediately deployed. Soon, the Nighthawk helicopter brigade transporting the 2nd Combined Battle Battalion began to change formations to facilitate the projection of troops.

At the Red Alert Base, the air force that had just completed a round of ground attack missions received a new attack order.

The ground crew immediately refueled the aircraft and replenished the missiles, while the pilots took advantage of this tense time to drink some water, put some water, and rest.

After the supplies were completed and the ground mechanics completed the inspection, the Red Police pilot also climbed into the cockpit and drove the plane to take off.

This time, six intruder attack aircraft and six Black Hawk fighter jets were dispatched.

After half an hour of flying, the air strike squadron flew over the Nighthawk helicopter group and quickly entered the area of ​​Port Bossosa.

Under the cover of darkness, the twelve aircraft launched missiles directly at the target after reaching the target area.

First, an air-to-surface missile hit the radar station at the airport, directly paralyzing the only counter-control radar in the port of Bossosa.

Then other air-to-surface missiles flew to the tanks, armored vehicles, sentries, forts and other military facilities previously marked by the Red Police spies.

Immediately, a huge explosion sounded from the west side of the entire port of Bossosa, waking up countless people in the city, and many agents from various countries in Bossosa were also confused by this sudden attack.

Although I know that the country has been in war for more than 30 years, except for the government forces in the south and the armed forces of the autonomous region in the northwest, I have never heard of any local forces in the country that have such things as planes.

Even Erickson, who occupies a province and holds an army of 30,000 people, can't afford to keep a plane.

"Could it be that Ying Nation is engaged in military operations again?" Inside a hotel, an agent from Mao Xiong frowned as he looked at the huge fireball of gas and the raging fire in the direction of the airport.

Many agents have also speculated about the ghosts that Yingguo does from time to time. After all, Yingguo likes to do this kind of tricks the most.

And the agents of Ying Nation also stared blankly at the explosion in the direction of the airport. I don't know why, I didn't hear that there was an air strike by the surrounding forces?

In the seaside villa, Erickson woke up immediately after the explosion. He didn't even have time to pass on his clothes. He rolled to the bedside, took out a pistol from a hidden compartment beside the bed, and trotted to the door.

"General! The airport was attacked! Our tanks and armored vehicles were also bombed! Someone attacked us!" The captain of the guard rushed into the villa with people.

Seeing his cronies, Erickson breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Go! Go to the seaside pier!"

He has a yacht by the sea, and he can escape directly to the country of Yelire across the sea, which is also caught in the war and is also a country where people are struggling, but it is the closest country to the port of Bossosa.

Ever since he was awakened by the explosion, Erickson had no idea of ​​resistance.

Being able to use several planes, precision bombing with missiles, and night attacks is obviously not something that any force in the country can do. Even the armed forces of the autonomous region next door have no ability to attack at night. Only those rogue powers have it. !

So Eriksson gave up resistance for the first time and just wanted to escape.

So, Erickson directly shot and killed several beauties who were still lingering with him in the first half of the night, and then quickly ran to the beach with his property over the past ten years.


However, just when Erickson was escorted by the guards, he just left the villa.

Dozens of never-before-seen helicopters surrounded the entire seaside villa.

And quickly put down a well-armed elite soldier with night vision goggles.


The two sides exchanged fire quickly.

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