City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 24: The Silly Agents

Chapter 24: The Silly Agents

The port of Bossosa is the third largest port city in Somalia, after the capital Disha and Berbera.

Baipei is located in the Jiban Plain near the sea in the Gulf of Aden. It is a natural deep-water port at the estuary of the South Red Sea. It is also the largest port city in the northern autonomous region and controls most of the port trade in the northern autonomous region.

Bossosa is the largest port in Kuban Province. Although only 60% of the overseas trade in the entire Kuban Province is generated from here, as the last large port after the Red Sea comes out, many sea ships will be in Bossosa. Port to dock, supply some food and fresh water.

Or when there is a typhoon, many sea ships will enter the ports along the Gulf of Aden for refuge. Bossosa's geographical location gives it a lot of advantages in this regard.

Although this area was previously notified by the warlord Erickson, it has been peaceful in recent years, and the Port of Bossosa has entered a relatively stable development period.

Taking this opportunity, countries also dispatched agents and spies to lurk in the port city of Bossosa Port.

Bossoza's agents are not even less active than Porto Berbera.

So, when the missile hit Erickson's villa, which incidentally blew up the radar station at Qasim International Airport, the spies of various countries in the port of Bossosa were also awakened.

Then they discovered that Erickson seemed to have been attacked by a powerful force, and many of the informants who had developed in Erickson's army had lost contact.

A small number of informants returned information that they had been hit by military operations by major powers.

The "military action at the level of a great power" immediately attracted the attention of the agents of various countries.

Soon, the defeated warlord troops fled into the city, causing serious damage to the city. Burning, looting, and rape were everywhere.

But then, the army that attacked Erickson entered the city and began to suppress the robbers in the city. At the same time, it also shouted with loudspeakers that all residents should not go out, lock the doors and windows, and wait for the end of the crackdown. .

Of course, the agents of various countries would not obediently lock themselves at home, but ran to various high-rise buildings one after another, looking for commanding heights and observing.

Even occasionally meet a few colleagues.

They demarcated their respective areas and did not interfere with each other, but quietly observed the sudden emergence of the army.

"What kind of tank is this? How come I've never seen it before?" In a bar on a high floor, an agent looked at the Grizzly Tank driving into the city and made a sound of surprise.

"It's a bit like the M8 light tank of the Eagle Country, but it's not exactly the same, especially the layout of the tail, which is very strange." said a French agent.

This is a bar opened by a retired agent. Over time, many agents like to come here for a drink and some deals, and it has become one of the permanent bars for agents from all over the world.

"Wodefa! Am I right? Is that the Challenger main battle tank?" a Prussian agent exclaimed.

"It's the Challenger Type 2." Another Mao Bear agent said with a smirk.

Immediately, everyone's eyes turned to the Challenger-2 main battle tank that drove into the city, and then to the British agent.

The British agent almost spilled the wine glass in his hand when he saw the Challenger-2 main battle tank that was fighting alongside the infantry.

As the standard equipment of the British Army, there is no example of external sales of the Challenger-2 main battle tank. The orders for hundreds of vehicles are all the British Army's own equipment sequence.

And although the Challenger-2 main battle tank has participated in many wars since its service, and there are many records of destruction, there is no record of being captured.

What's more, the number of Challenger-2 main battle tanks that appeared here at this time is close to ten. This number is not like being captured, but more like a large-scale arms sale.

So in the face of everyone's eyes, the British agent chose to remain silent. He really didn't know why there were so many tanks that his own army would equip.

Drop drop-

At this time, the mobile phones of the spies rang one after another.

Many people immediately took out their mobile phones and looked at it.

As the armored units of the Red Police Corps entered the city, they inevitably came into contact with ordinary people, and even behind some windows or gaps, pairs of eyes looked at this strange army curiously.

Of course, it also includes the informants of agents from various countries.

In this era of smart phones and a sudden war, many civilians have no time to evacuate, so they secretly took some videos and photos from all corners with their mobile phones.

Some people sent these videos and photos online, while the informants of agents of various countries sent them to their superiors.

Therefore, the agents of various countries immediately received a photo and a video.

It's just that, looking at the military equipment in the photo, not to mention firearms, even the bulletproof vest and night vision equipment are the same model of the Eagle Country Army.

"Ahem, our Eagle sauce family's weapons occupy a major share of the world's arms market. It's normal for some inexplicable people to get them." The Eagle sauce agent said calmly.

At this time, there was a humming sound in the sky, which attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone looked up and saw two Nighthawk helicopters entering the city, and then hovering on the roofs of the two high-rise buildings. After a while, a soldier slid from the helicopter's cabin down the air rope and quickly occupied the top floor.

Looking at this Nighthawk helicopter, which is almost identical to the iconic CH-47 transport helicopter of the Eagle Country, everyone turned to look at the Eagle Country agent.

Next time, let's see how you respond.

"Hey hey hey! The ghost knows why they have CH-47! Many countries have purchased this stuff!" The Eagle Country agent was anxious, and while he tried his best to retort, he complained in his heart that those arms dealers actually called CH-47. -47 sold in bulk!

Sell ​​it, sell it, and sell it to unknown forces!

Isn't this thing only available for sale with the consent of the Polygon?

The agents of various countries had different reactions when they saw that the agents of the Eagle Country were anxious to explain.

Agent Mao Xiong dismissed it, while most of the other agents also had expressions of disbelief.

In this area, in addition to the four CH-47 transport helicopters in the Pyramid in the north, only the military base in the Eagle Country has the most of these things.

Now that the agent of the Eagle Kingdom knew that he was speechless, he could only leave the bar in embarrassment, and then kept sending messages to his superiors to report the information.

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