City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 43: The Two Armies Face Off!

Chapter 43: The two armies face off!

The central and western regions of the Northern Autonomous Region are basically in a coastal plain called the Jiban Plain, which faces the Gulf of Aden and is backed by the Gobi of Serbia.

From Sai Raki on the border of Chittagong, it makes a large circle along the Jiban Plain, then enters Berbera, and then from Sheikh into the eastern desert.

Today, the main road is full of chaotic scenes.

The garrison stationed in each city received an order from the commander-in-chief to assemble at the port of Berbera, so the garrison in each city brought weapons, armed pickups, or buses, carrying AK47, 56 rushing one by one. And the RPG soldiers drove along the road to Berbera.

But on the road, taking the sheep and looting some property from the local people's homes has also become the main driving force for these soldiers.

When resting, they will even disperse to the small tribe settlements around the highway, looting the local tribes, causing everyone to complain.

In this way, they went all the way to loot, and before they reached Berbera, the armed forces of these tribes were robbed pours.

The cattle, sheep and camels that were robbed were killed directly on the march to eat meat.

There are eight infantry divisions in the entire northern autonomous region. They lost one division in the eastern theater, and only one division fled to Aubre in a hurry, and which division did not even hold on to Aubre. After encountering the attack of the Red Police Corps, it was defeated again. He fled directly to the fortress city of Sheikh.

The defenders in Sheikh City shot and killed several rout soldiers before stopping the rout.

Now the Northern Autonomous Region has assembled two infantry divisions and two so-called armored divisions in Sheikh, and another three infantry divisions are on their way to be assembled towards Berbera.

Berbera, the most important port city in the northern autonomous region has entered a state of high alert at this time.

As the two armored divisions originally stationed in Berbera headed to Sheikh City, Berbera Port welcomed other troops who came from various places to support the assembly.

These troops, which were not much better than the warlord troops, soon brought Berbera to the effect of flying dogs.

Some police officers went to the police after receiving the report, and then saw the other party's weapons and equipment, and immediately gave up.

But it is indeed a disaster for ordinary people. After these troops, which are no different from bandits, entered Berbera, the security of the entire city plummeted.

Some diplomats and agents of various countries in Berbera, seeing Berbera's situation now, all know that the war is not far away, and Berbera is about to fall into war.

So they sent the latest intelligence to their home countries, and at the same time sent mass text messages to their own people in the region, asking them to pay attention to their safety in life, and to gather at the consulate in case of danger.

Then they sent inquiries to the officials of the Northern Autonomous Region through telephone lines or informants, and finally got the information that the war broke out.

It's just that this force called the 'Legion' attacking the northern autonomous region has been unheard of by many people.

Only some countries with agents in Port Bossosa know that this is a mysterious force that has recently risen in Kuban Province, with a large number of armored forces and air power, but the supporters behind it are very mysterious.

The Eagle Country agents even have individual intelligence showing that this mysterious force called "Legion" has a lot of American equipment, and even shot down one of their Global Hawk drones.

Many Eagle Country agents were dispatched to Berbera to investigate in depth how many American equipment this force called "Legion" had, why there was American equipment, and who were their supporters!

Frontline, Sheikh City.

Due to preparations, after the assault group of the Red Police Corps arrived in Sheikh City, they did not attack directly. Instead, they built a defensive position 30 kilometers away. With Oble as the logistics center, they launched a confrontation front. It seems that they are going to fight here. final battle.

Sheikh City is located between a series of mountains, blocking the main road to Berbera, and because of the surrounding terrain, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it has always been a military center in the northern autonomous region.

Here, there are now two infantry divisions and two armored divisions in the Northern Autonomous Region, with a total strength of about 20,000 people. This is because Dallol's troops were withdrawn from the front line and were hit by air strikes along the way. Many people lost their lives and arrived at Sheikh City. At that time, an infantry division of 6,000 people had less than 4,000 people.

This still did not encounter the Red Police Corps, just the end of the air strike.

At this time, Dallol was almost punished by military for fleeing.

But considering that there are still 4,000 people under him, all of whom are direct descendants brought out by Dallol, killing Dallol may have collapsed and escaped from these 4,000 people, so the Sheikh's top commander, Dere Valle, did not kill him. he.

On the Sheikh's front line, Derevalle was at an observation post, using binoculars to observe the Red Police Corps position in the distance, watching the enemy's position become more and more perfect, and his heart became more and more gloomy.

Although he has four divisions in his hands, they add up to only 20,000 people, more than 70 T-72 and 59 tanks, more than 150 armored vehicles and armored pickups, a dozen mortars, and ten Self-propelled artillery, six vehicle-mounted rocket launchers.

It can be said that almost all the armored forces and heavy equipment of the entire northern autonomous region are here.

But Derevalle is not optimistic about the battle.

The opponent not only has air force, but also hundreds of main battle tanks and hundreds of armored vehicles that are much more advanced than them, and these are general information, which is sent by the remnants of Dallol who stayed in Aubre when he fled. intelligence.

If Dallol hadn't brought this information on Weibo, Dre Valle would have killed Dallol, the escaped general, even with the wrath of the great commander.

"There's still too little information!" Dre Valle was annoyed.

They were all beaten to Sheikh City, which is equivalent to losing half of the territory of the Northern Autonomous Region, but there is no specific information on the number of enemies, how many tanks and armored vehicles.

How did this battle go!

Just when Dre Valle was about to send a small number of drones, or civilian drones bought from passing maritime merchants, to reconnaissance.

boom! boom! boom!

More than a dozen shells landed on the positions outside Sheikh City, shaking the mountain in an instant, and Derevalle stumbled to the ground.

boom! boom! boom!

The enemy's artillery bombardment continued, pouring towards the positions outside Sheikh City as if they were not paying for it.

"This is... a heavy artillery over 150 mm..." Derevalle stood up slowly with the help of his deputy, feeling the shock and impact of the surrounding shell explosion, and quickly retreated.

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