City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 56: Cooperation With Tang Guo

Chapter 56: Cooperation with Tang Guo

The issue of food was temporarily over. Next, Xue Beichen said: "Your Excellency Commander, for the sake of economic stability in the ruling area, I suggest that a new currency be issued to replace the currency that has no trust at all. currency, and build up our own gold reserves to name our currency in the international market.”

Although the strength of military force can make others surrender and make outsiders dare not to invade, it also needs economic and cultural strength to make up for it.

In terms of culture, Wang Yao intends to use the more high-end vocabulary of "human destiny" to unite the hearts of the people in the ruling area, and not only the people in the current ruling area or the future ruling area, but also the people on the entire Blue Star.

As long as they agree with the "destiny of mankind", they are not limited to one country and one family, and they can become people under the rule of the Red Police Corps.

Cultural identity can be temporarily suppressed by force and developed slowly.

But the economy is about the survival of the people under the rule of the region, and it is an important part that must be developed together with military force, just as a person must have two legs to walk steadily.

The last one who only cared about the development of the military and ignored the economy and culture, the grass on the grave is already three feet tall.

That's right, it's you, Red Bear!

"Currency?" Wang Yao frowned slightly, lost in thought.

Now that the territory is large, the population under his control is larger, and more and more people follow him to eat. It is not enough to directly distribute US knives and food as before. There must be a stable currency.

The tens of thousands of soldiers in the Red Police Corps all eat rations produced by the Red Police system, and there is not much to say about the internal circulation.

The second-line troops, garrison troops, and local police units under the legion all need expenses.

Now that the entire northern region is unified, it is estimated that the police force alone will need 15,000 people, the garrison force will need about 30,000 people, and local officials, if each official manages 100 people, will need at least 50,000 people officials.

With such a huge base, it would be inappropriate to use US knives and food as their salaries.

There must be a set of its own currency, which is also an opportunity to influence the world economy.

So after discussion, Wang Yao decided to issue 'military coins' within the legion first, using the gold, precious metals, and food of the Red Police Base as a credit guarantee. The garrison, the local police force, and the administrative staff are paid as salaries and incentives.

Military coins are anonymous, just normal paper currency, specially produced by the red police system, and no country or force in this world can imitate them.

At the same time, in the major cities where the Red Police Corps and the garrison are stationed, the 'Legion Material Supply Agency' will be established, and temporarily only the army coins of the Legion will be received.

Anyone who holds legion military coins can buy various civilian materials, including but not limited to gasoline, diesel, food, medicine, water resources, etc., from the army material supply agency.

In this way, these military coins will gradually flow into the market from the army's subordinate units and local officials and departments.

And because the rule of the Red Police Corps is stable, people in the ruling area will use these military coins more and more, and then like other currencies, they will form an underground trading market, which will be transferred from the bright side to the underground, making the military currency more stable. .

In order to issue this military currency and conduct foreign economic cooperation, Wang Yao established a new 'Legion Bank'.

The next day, Chittagong, Tang embassy.

"Mr. Ambassador, a person came from outside. He said he was a representative of the legion. He hoped to discuss some humanitarian assistance and cooperation matters with Tang Guo." An embassy assistant walked into the ambassador's office.

Just as Lin Yunhui was about to start a day's work, he received a report from his subordinates.

"Legion?" Lin Yunhui was stunned for a moment.

Chittagong is right next to the northern part of the country. Because of the recent rise of the legion, the country has also noticed this mysterious force. Let him pay attention to it. If there is another war in the northern region, he must prepare a plan to evacuate the overseas Chinese.

It's just that I was just about to convene people to plan the evacuation plan, but I didn't expect the people from the legion to come to the door.

"Please come over." Frowning for a while, Lin Yunhui decided to meet this person. After all, the other party used the slogan of humanitarian aid. If he refused, it would be bad for the country's image.

Soon, the Red Alert Samsung spy, Li Wenquan, walked into the embassy dressed like a dog.

"Who are you?" Looking at the person in front of him, Lin Yunhui always felt a little familiar.

"Ambassador Lin, I used to be the manager of Zhiqiangfei Group in Suoguo, and I visited you in Chittagong before." Li Wenquan also used the information in his memory to get in touch with people.

"Oh! I remembered it! Which fertilizer factory are you? Please take a seat." As Lin Yunhui went to the rest area, he was surprised: "How did you become the representative of the legion?"

Li Wenquan followed Lin Yunhui to the sofa seat in the rest area, and then said with a smile: "It's not good luck, I have now resigned from the position of the strengthening fertilizer group, and I specially serve the legion."

"Oh, that's it—" Lin Yunhui adjusted the frame of his glasses and observed Li Wenquan.

It's hard to imagine the attraction that would make a manager of a large company willingly give up his domestic comfort and run to serve a mysterious force in a chaotic region.

This made Lin Yunhui a little curious about this legion.

"Then please state your purpose directly." Lin Yunhui went straight to the subject and asked questions.

"It's like this." Li Wenquan said: "The legion has ended the chaos in the north and is gradually maintaining the stability of the northern region, but we are short of grain, at least one million tons of grain, so we want to buy some grain and civilian use from your country. Supplies, such as medicines.”

"There are more than 5 million people under the rule of the Legion, but there are more than 4 million hungry people. I believe you also have data. We hope to borrow a batch of funds from your country's banks to buy food and civilian materials."

Lin Yunhui listened silently, and after the other party finished speaking, he said, "From the perspective of humanitarianism, we are very happy to provide you with some food assistance, of course, provided that it is carried out under our supervision."

"That's for sure." Li Wenquan nodded.

"However, I'm more curious about what you used as collateral for the loan?" Lin Yunhui asked curiously.

Judging from his long-term experience as a diplomat in East African countries, Somalia does not seem to have any large-scale industries other than animal husbandry.

"Gold and precious metals." Li Wenquan added: "For the first time, we are willing to put up a ton of gold as collateral, and we can guarantee that this batch of loans is limited to the purchase of grain and civilian materials."

"A ton of gold—his—" Lin Yunhui sucked in a breath of cold air.

Although a ton of gold is only 370 million in Tang coins, the large-scale gold transaction means that the other party has a large amount of gold reserves and even stable gold mining channels.

These two points are the most important behind the transaction!

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