City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 74 : Eagle sauce is cowardly, Sakura Nation protests!

Chapter 74 : Eagle sauce is cowardly, Sakura Nation protests!

The entire conference room of the Polygon Building was silent, and only the big screen was left. After cutting back, Eva, the spokesperson of the Red Police Corps, warmly celebrated with a smile on the successful test launch of the intercontinental missile with a nuclear warhead.

And the netizens on the official website of the legion cheered like a party, and even saw some barrages shouting at the Eagle Country.

The Minister of Defense slowly sat down on the chair, his eyes were a little hollow, and the officers around him were all lost or solemn, and the arrogance of clamoring for armed intervention a few days ago was completely gone.

The other party actually has nuclear bombs and intercontinental ballistic missiles with a range of more than 12,000 kilometers.

Although it is not clear how far the opponent's V4 intercontinental ballistic missile has a maximum range, it is now more than 12,000 kilometers from Sokoku to Okinotori Reef. This range is enough to shoot from Sokoku to the east coast of Yingguo. .

The current eagle sauce is difficult to ride a tiger, and only a few days ago was clamoring in front of the whole world to give the legion a little color, and to interfere with the legion forcefully. As a result, the legion has directly exposed its nuclear weapons and is also equipped with intercontinental ballistic missiles!

Just looking at the place where the Legion held a press conference photographed on a military satellite, it is suspected that there is a large nuclear power plant and more than ten missile silos! Eagle sauce is big!

This is still exposed in front of them. The entire Soo country is so large and there are many mountainous areas. The ghost knows where they hide the missile silo and this V4 missile launcher!

So, the Eagle Sauce Defense Department and the Polygon in-after today, are all counseled.

In the next few days, he did not mention the fact that he was clamoring for force to interfere with the Legion, and he did not mention the previous threat to the Legion.

Anyway, that guy, President Lao Dengzi, is in a daze. People are easy to fool, but it doesn't mean that they are stupid. It's okay to fight against a force that has a global nuclear force, right?

Although the eagle sauce is cowardly, the cherry blossom country is in trouble again.

Because there is an Okinotori reef in the area where the Legion's nuclear bomb was tested, this island is of great significance to Xiaotian. Although it is only two reefs exposed to the sea, it has been secretly reclaimed by Xiaotian to try to create A piece of man-made land, and then apply for island rights to the United Nations Convention on the Seas.

Because if it is successfully applied as an island, then Sakura Country will get an exclusive economic zone of 470,000 square kilometers and an outer continental structure of 250,000 square kilometers around Okinotori Reef.

To put it simply, if the World Joint Maritime Convention recognizes Okinotori reef as an island, then the Sakura country will get a large piece of ocean! Although the warships of various countries do not need to enter the coastline for 12 nautical miles.

But the jurisdiction and resources of the exclusive economic zone of more than 400,000 square kilometers belong to Sakura Country!

Of course this can't be done! So when Sakura Country applied, it was discovered by the World United Ocean Convention, and after a while, he said that man-made islands would not work, and they had to be formed naturally.

But Sakura Nation did not give up, and recently bought 200,000 coral eggs secretly and put them around Okinotori Reef, trying to use these coral eggs to grow a piece of 'land'.

But now.

The nuclear bomb of the Legion will go away, not to mention your coral eggs, even the sharks will be raised for you!

A large sea area, including Okinotori Reef, with a length of 100 kilometers and a width of 40 kilometers, will become a dangerous 'infection area'. A buffer zone at least twice the size of the infected area.

In this way, there is no way for anyone to go to Okinotori Reef now, and whether Okinotori Reef still exists after the nuclear bomb explodes has become a problem.

This directly eradicates the conspiracy of the Sakura Country to reclaim the land.

This time, Sakura Country can be very angry.

After the end of the nuclear bomb test of the Legion, a large-scale demonstration broke out in the cherry blossoms that afternoon, and tens of thousands of small days took to the streets, holding flags and slogans against nuclear bombs and nuclear tests, and then ran to the Eagle Country. The embassy and the Eagle Country military base went outside to protest.

The Eagle Nation's embassy and military base in Sakura Nation are also very puzzled. You were bombed by the Legion. Looking for the Legion, what's my business?

Is it because I'm your father, you want to encourage your father to fight with the nuclear-armed regiment?

Really unfilial son!

In the face of domestic indignation, the dignitaries of the Sakura Kingdom also severely condemned this dangerous behavior of the Legion in the news media and various external propaganda! They also claimed that the Legion must apologize for the destruction of Okinotori Reef! And compensation!

All of a sudden, the netizens of Sakura Country are collectively climaxing, and they have gone to the official website and video of the Legion to swipe the barrage, asking the Legion to apologize and compensate.

0.....For flowers..0

Netizens in other countries are not happy with Sakura Nation's self-aggrandizement. Even if they are not on the Legion's side, they stand on their own stand and denounce Sakura Nation's previous sinful behavior.

You did not even apologize for the crimes you committed back then. Why should you ask others to apologize and compensate you? Are you qualified?

Then the netizens of Sakura Country were overwhelmed by more netizens from all over the world.

"Hahaha, recently, there have been quite a few netizens and politicians in the Sakura Kingdom asking you to be responsible for Hedging Bird Reef. In Berbera Port, in the temporary consulate of the Tang Kingdom, Lin Yunhui was talking on the phone with the commander-in-chief of the Legion.

"Sakura Nation's protest is nothing more than a mosquito's cry." On the phone, Wang Yao said in a slightly deep voice: "I am more concerned about whether you can support us in leading the country at the international joint conference?"


The point is here, Lin Yunhui knows that now is the focus of the communication, he pushed the frame of his glasses, and said solemnly: "We will not support the unreasonable demands of the Sakura Country, and we cannot make it clear that you rule in the Suo Country. Support, but private cooperation can continue."5

As one of the five great powers in the world, it is impossible for Tang Kingdom to recognize such a local power as the Legion, so this is also in Wang Yao's understanding.

When the whole territory of Suogu is conquered, and the entire Suogu country has only one government under his control, then Tang Guo will also vote in favor of the international joint conference.

Although official cooperation is not possible now, private cooperation can also provide a lot of help.

Compared to Mao Xiong's observation group, it only gave verbal promises, and even offered to sell that mysterious fifth-generation fighter as a condition.

Tang Guo actually already supported the legion.

Wang Yao said directly: "We have actually been secretly mining in Sheikh's large oil field for a long time, but it was only made public recently. Are you interested in acquiring oil?"

"Oh? How much oil can you produce?" Lin Yunhui asked curiously.

This is oil! The Tang country was already short of oil, and even more of high-quality oil.

"This year's production plus reserves should still provide 60 million tons. Our plan is to complete a large oil exploration base with an annual output of 100 million tons of crude oil. Wang Yao said lightly.

Sixty million!

Annual output of 100 million tons!

Lin Yunhui, who was on the opposite side, lost his calm in an instant.

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