City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 79: Provoking War

Chapter 79: Provoking War

This meeting is actually quite simple. In fact, it has two purposes. One is to warn these former tribal patriarchs not to look for trouble, or they will cut you!

The second is that Wang Yao announced his ambitions for the first time.

At the same time, this is also the first time Wang Yao has appeared in front of outsiders since he obtained the Red Police Base.

To be honest, since he obtained the Red Police System, Wang Yao has cherished his life very much. Whether it is the raid on Kuban Province or the war against the Northern Autonomous Region, he is basically living in the base camp of the Red Police Base, with at least one battalion nearby. Troops, as well as various advanced equipment and two things that have never been seen in the world - Prism Tank and Prism Tower.

But this is not a thing, so Wang Yao did an experiment this time, and the ex-tribal chiefs he brought here basically declared their surrender to him, swore allegiance, and belonged to the friendly army in the radar scanning and spy satellites of the red police system- unit.

So Wang Yao used radar scans and spy satellites to monitor them all the way, and finally settled on one thing at this meeting.

That is, the radar scanning and spy satellites of the red police system are really abnormal. All hostile units have nothing to hide. Even the agents of various countries cannot hide for a long time. There are even red police dogs that can sniff out the agents of various countries.

If he needs to appear in some occasions in the future, at least Wang Yao's safety can be guaranteed.

After the meeting, Wang Yao asked Eva to receive them and take them around the barracks to give them some confidence. Next, Wang Yao needs to mobilize the northern part of the country.

Not to mention the cooperation of these former tribal patriarchs, as long as they don't make trouble, it will help him.

And a few young people, before leaving the venue, looked at Wang Yao on the stage with deep eyes, as if to keep his figure firmly in their hearts.

For example, Boiron was conquered by Wang Yao's ambition. He witnessed the changes of the tribe with his own eyes, and he was very agree with the concept of the legion. He secretly swore allegiance to Wang Yao in his heart, and decided to resign the village chief when he returned. job, to apply for military academies.

Yes, Wang Yao has also set up several military academies in big cities such as Berbera to train ordinary officers. These ordinary officers will serve directly after entering the military academy. Served in the garrison.

"Commander, are these people really useful?" After everyone left the venue, Sophia walked in from behind, stood beside Wang Yao, and asked curiously.

"Don't expect those old guys to be of any use, just don't hold me back, it would be good if that young man can be used for me." Wang Yao untied his cape, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a bit of murderous aura, "They all want to The tribe I swore allegiance to, although I abolished the tribal system and ended the tribal era, I did not treat them badly.""

"With the contacts and wealth they have accumulated, it is easy to make a fortune in the new era of the Legion. This meeting is to remind them that if anyone dares to collude with outsiders and try to do things that are not good for the Legion... I will never take it lightly. Forgive them." After taking command of the Red Police Corps, Wang Yao also experienced some subtle changes.

The most intuitive changes are the momentum and eyes.

The former clerk who ran thousands of miles for tens of thousands of dollars has died in the war. Now Wang Yao is the commander of the Red Police who has an elite army of tens of thousands and dares to carry out armed collisions and nuclear threats with the Eagle Country. handsome.

When Wang Yao integrated local tribes internally and ended the tribal era.

In Chittagong, Eagle Country Naval Base, Lieutenant General Scott is also having a small meeting with his chief of staff Dill, CIA Central Theater Intelligence Officer Aldrich.

The meeting place was Lieutenant General Scott's private residence in Chittagong, a seaside villa.

This villa area, which is backed by the military port, is located in the naval base, and only senior officers can be assigned a house.

"Our people have been withdrawn from the northern region. To be honest, the Legion's intelligence capabilities are very strong. We basically know nothing except for some information on army equipment. 35 Aldrich frowned with a cocktail in hand. "It's hard to even buy them, not to mention their air bases and missile bases," he said. ""

"What?" Dill, Chief of Staff of the Fifth Fleet, added some honey to his wine and said with a smile: "Is there anyone who can refuse a beautiful knife?

"Our people bought some informants from the garrison and the surprise unit, but we have never been able to penetrate the main force of the legion." Aldridge said solemnly.

This time, not only Dill was stunned, but Lieutenant General Scott, who had been drinking gloomily on the sofa, frowned.

Eagle Nation's intelligence capabilities are very strong. There are almost no troops in the world that they cannot penetrate. Even Mao Xiong's army has infiltrated them. A few days ago, the CIA intelligence department assassinated a female staff officer beside Mao Xiong.

But I didn't expect to kick the iron plate here in this legion.

In fact, they didn't know that even the informants of the bribed second-line garrison and police forces were immediately monitored by the Red Police spies, and a directory was made, and they were used to pass on some false information when necessary.

"Maybe it's because the management is very strict. After all, I have never seen how their main force came out to be active." Aldridge found a reason for his subordinates.

When the international observation team entered the northern region for inspection, he often contacted the secret agents, but he basically never had the opportunity to contact the single soldiers of the main force alone.

Because those main troops are not stationed in the urban area at all, they are all in the military barracks, and some of the main troops of the Red Police Corps who patrol the urban area or serve as the security work of government buildings, at least perform tasks in units of classes.

0.....For flowers...0

Only the second-line security forces and local police forces composed of recruited ordinary people are more likely to be infiltrated and bought by agents from various countries to become informants.

"Recently, the Legion has received a lot of free aid from some countries, and there should be infrastructure construction, which is an opportunity for us," Aldrich said.

"I thought they would go south and wipe out the Sokoku government army." Scott snorted.

Aldrich said: "According to the intelligence, the strength of the legion should be around 30,000. It will not be easy to defeat the local warlords and government forces in the south. Therefore, the legion recently recruited soldiers in the northern region to form a guard force."

"The informants we bought provided some information. There are many former warlord troops and tribal soldiers and former soldiers of the Northern Autonomous Army in the garrison. These soldiers are at least 20,000 people, and they all need to be integrated and trained before they can be used. That is to say , they won't go to war against the South until at least next year.35

Aldrich looked at Dill and Scott, squinting and said: "While the army in the north is resting, we can encourage the government army and local warlords in the south to take the initiative to attack the army."

Dill nodded thoughtfully and said: "The south is a large population area of ​​Suoguo, with at least 10 million people, especially the grasslands and forest areas controlled by the government army are densely populated areas, at least a dozen people can be mobilized. Wan's army."

The two looked at Scott.

The latter was lying on the sofa smoking a cigarette, exhaling a thick puff of smoke.

The Legion had caused him trouble many times and delayed his promotion, which had already angered Scott. If it weren't for the fact that the Legion had nuclear weapons, Scott would have encouraged the military to carry out an armed attack on the Legion.

Deere and Aldridge's proposal is very implementable.

With the rise of the army in the northern region, the government army in the south has already felt the threat, and the commander Khalid signed the army expansion bill to expand the original government army of 30,000 to 120,000 people, which is preparing to deal with the army in the north.

If they provide support at this time, Khalid and the southern class behind him will definitely take the initiative to attack the north in order to maintain their position.

After thinking about this, Scott smiled and exhaled a sigh of smoke, took a sip of wine, and said: "The Bahrain Naval Base still has a lot of ammunition left over from the last war, which can be sold cheaply to the government forces in the south. Collateralized with naval ports and tariffs.”

Aldrich raised his glass and said with a smile: "In addition to the southern government army, the neighboring country of Serbia can also provoke it properly. They have long coveted the coastline in the north of the country." Li.

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