City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 88: Waiting for the prey

Chapter 88: Waiting for the prey

Wang Yao really didn't know that Xiaotian's navy could run so far. Since the last world war, Xiaotian's navy has been basically dismembered, and under the deterrence of Yingguo's father, he has been trembling to develop military industry.

In the past, Wang Yao had also heard that the Sakura Country built a helicopter carrier, which can not only carry armed helicopters, but also carry F-35 carrier-based aircraft that take off and land in three dimensions, which is simply a small aircraft carrier.

As a result, Xiaotian had to say that this was a destroyer, a helicopter destroyer.

Although all countries have protested Xiaotian's slanderous behavior, and condemned Xiaotian's military development as a threat to regional peace.

But it was still allowed by Yingguo's father.

Eva picked up the tablet and looked for it, then handed it to Wang Yao, and said, "Since the pirates in this sea area were rampant 12 years ago, countries have dispatched ocean-going escort fleets. An escort fleet consisting mainly of two destroyers, and with the support of the Eagle Nation, leased a plot of land in Chittagong as an air force and naval base.""

Wang Yao looked at the information on the tablet. This year, the escort fleet of the Sakura Kingdom was a destroyer named Gaobo and a destroyer named Kuroba.

These two destroyers are both high-wave 597-class guided missile destroyers, with a full-load displacement of 6,300 tons, a speed of 30 knots, a crew of 175, equipped with a 127 mm automatic naval gun, and four eight-mounted MK-41 vertical launch systems. Two quadruple-mounted Type 90 anti-ship missile launchers, two Phalanx short-range defense weapon systems, and two triple-mounted 324mm torpedo tubes.

The stern can also carry a helicopter.

The Gaobo-class guided missile destroyers are all in service two thousand years later. They are the main warships of the Sakura National Maritime Self-Defense Force, with a range of more than 10,000 kilometers.

If he comes to Chittagong from Sakura Country, although it is far longer than this voyage, his father's naval bases are all over the world. As long as he has his father's support, he can get supplies at the Eagle Country Naval Base at any time.

This is also the only overseas military base of Sakura Country so far.

"Let the spies of the intelligence department closely monitor the Eagle Nation's fleet and the Sakura Nation's fleet in Chittagong. 35 After thinking for a while, Wang Yao ordered: "As soon as their fleet leaves the port, notify me immediately. 39

"Yes!" Eva immediately conveyed Wang Yao's order.

In the next few days, Wang Yao ordered the troops on the front line to deliberately slow down, to completely eliminate the tribal forces and local warlords on the Akado Plateau, and give enough time for the national army in Khalid to mobilize in the south.

It's good to catch one by one.

Therefore, under the order of Wang Yao, Chen Xuance, who was on the front line, commanded tens of thousands of troops to clean up the Mudug tribe alliance on the Akado Plateau, and did not rush to continue south, but expanded the troops.

From the main national highway line to the coastline, the 200-kilometer defense line, the Red Police Corps used two brigades as advancing arrows, assisted by two guard brigades to fill the front, leaving two main battle brigades and one guard brigade as reserve teams, forming a The rectangular offensive line was 200 kilometers long and more than 30 kilometers deep.

Khalid in the south, while mobilizing his troops northward, blew up the road bridge in the Bramboud Gorge.

The road bridge is a road bridge over Brambod Gorge and is responsible for connecting a secondary road to the coastline.

The Shelley River, one of the two major rivers in the country, flows all the way from Beledwen to Bramble, scouring out a canyon area more than 300 kilometers long.

The average depth of this canyon is more than 50 meters, and due to the influx of the surrounding seasonal rivers, soil erosion is also relatively serious, resulting in complex and changeable terrain. Only the road bridge on the Brambud canyon can connect the two downstream sides of the canyon.

Now Khalid has sent people to blow up the Bramboud Gorge highway bridge, and sent some troops to patrol, which cannot be repaired in a short time.

In this way, the northern legion had to cross the canyon only from Beledweyne, upstream of the canyon.

Khalid appointed the military chief of staff, Herlug, as the front-line commander of the National Army (aica). The Legion against the North.

Some tribal armed forces and warlords responded to Khalid's invitation and mobilized about 20,000 troops to the front.

Some other tribal armed forces and warlords believed that even if the legion came, they might not be able to do anything to them in this forest. They wished that Khalid could fight to the death with the northern legion so that they could take advantage of it.

The various factions in the southern region have complicated thoughts, but in general, Khalid mobilized about 140,000 troops.

In addition to leaving two divisions in the port of Gaza and the surrounding plains, a force of 12,000 people is responsible for maintaining local stability, so as not to be taken advantage of by those dissatisfied tribal armed forces and local warlords.

All the other troops went to the front.

In just four days, Khalid deployed in the mountains from Mataban to Mahas on the Beledweyne front.

This mountain is backed by the Grand Canyon of the Shelley River, and further north is the Akado Plateau. The enemy will come from the Akado Plateau, and this is the first line of defense.

The front-line commander-in-chief of the National Army, Herlug, deployed nearly 120,000 troops on this line of defense, and only 10,000 troops were left behind in Beledwen on the Grand Canyon Road Bridge to be responsible for logistics and rear stability.

After several days, Wang Yao finally waited for the other side to complete the deployment and put hundreds of thousands of troops on the Beledweyne front line.

In addition, the Red Police spies also reported that Khalid in Gaza Port and the agents of the Eagles have been very close recently. Khalid seems to be urging the Eagles to agree to his arms assistance and the coordinated attack of the Serbian country.

On the Serbian side, because the legion suddenly moved south, their internal army mobilization was not ready, and the equipment aided by the Eagle Kingdom had not yet arrived, so the Serbian side was delayed again and again, only to mobilize and deploy in the Eastern Desert Province. Two infantry divisions, about 20,000 troops.

Show it to Ying Nation and urge Ying Nation's arms assistance to be in place as soon as possible.

The Eagle Kingdom is also there. Although Balin just had some weapons left over from the last time they fought against the Babylon Kingdom, it will take time to transport them.

All three parties are scolding the Legion for playing cards that are too unreasonable.

On the Legion's side, Wang Yao is letting the spies infiltrate the Bahrain military base to see when the ammunition will arrive at the Gaza port. If he can arrive earlier, he doesn't mind taking it slow and robbing the ammunition until the ammunition arrives. Li De was caught off guard.

By the way, grabbing this batch of arms, it is more than 8 billion arms, whether it is resold or used for the second-line security forces, it is super cost-effective.

Can also be angry eagle country guy.

At this time, Wang Yao was like a seasoned hunter who had already set up a full set, waiting for his prey to be automatically sent to the muzzle.

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