The towering tower, also known as the tower of Babel, is an amusement facility with the exact opposite characteristics of a bungee jumping machine.

The bungee jumping machine is designed to allow visitors to experience the feeling of free fall, while the towering tower is to experience the feeling of accelerated ascent, a process similar to the rocket launch or the take-off stage of an airplane.

The towering tower is not common in amusement parks in China, but there are about a dozen of them in general.

For example, the towering tower in Changzhou Longyuan (although some people say that this is a bungee jumping machine, in fact, strictly speaking, this is a bit difficult to define. Because when rising, the speed of the cabin is obviously faster than that of an ordinary bungee jumping machine).

"System, I want to buy a facility construction card and then build a towering tower."

[Purchase successful]

Yang Fan looked at the map and found that there were more than ten amusement facilities that had been built and were under construction.

If the fairy tale castle under construction and several facilities in the original amusement park are counted, there are more than 20 in total.

This number is already quite large.

After the opening, the amusement facilities of the level of the tower will be the second bungee jumping machine, and there will definitely be many tourists seeking excitement to play.

Therefore, the construction location of the tower is very particular.

Because there were relatively few amusement facilities before, and the area of ​​the amusement park is relatively large.

Therefore, except for the location of the Ring of Hell, the Eye of Shen Dong, the roller coaster and the fairy tale castle, which were determined after careful consideration, the other facilities were built wherever there was more open space.

At first, there was no big problem, but at this stage, there is obviously a big problem-the tower has no suitable location.

The location selection of amusement facilities is very knowledgeable. It is necessary to consider many factors such as the location of the park area, the density of tourists, and the power supply.

In summary, only the area near the wave-breaking in the east of the amusement park can be barely used.

But this place is actually not ideal. After all, the location here is relatively remote, and the supporting facilities such as shops and toilets are not perfect.

But there is no way. For the time being, only this place is the most suitable.

Therefore, this also made Yang Fan feel that the development of the amusement park has reached a bottleneck.

"System, if I have the idea of ​​moving amusement facilities in the future, can I move them?"

[Yes, when the amusement park rating reaches D level, you can buy a mobile card in the system mall, and you can move the amusement facilities. But please note that indoor amusement facilities, special buildings and other indoor buildings cannot be moved]

"What if I want to move it?"

[Tear it down and rebuild it]


"Okay, build a tower."

Yang Fan finally built the tower near Pi Bo Zhan Lang.

[Construction successful]

[Construction time required: 15 days]

"I'll go to the amusement park tomorrow and stay for another day, clean up, and open again the day after tomorrow." Yang Fan said to himself.


Haidong City, 400 kilometers south of Shendong City.

Haidong City and Shendong City are both cities in Ninghai Province. As the name shows, it is a coastal city.

Haidong City is also very large in size, comparable to Shendong City.

As for which of these two cities is the first city in Ninghai Province. This question has always been an unanswered question, so no one argued about it later.

Because as brother cities in the same province, there is really no need to fight each other, and it is good to be the first.

Haidong City also has an amusement park, and it is a very distinctive amusement park-Haidong Amusement Park.

Half of this amusement park is built on land, also known as the main park of the amusement park; and the other half is built on the sea, known as the water park.

Most of its amusement facilities are in the main park, which does not look much different from ordinary amusement parks.

In winter, there are also ice and snow projects here, but due to geographical location and climate and other reasons, the snow in Haidong City is generally not heavy and the temperature is not too low.

Even if there is a cold wave this year, the ice and snow projects can only last for two months at most.

The water park in the amusement park can be said to be the only choice for people in Ninghai Province and even surrounding provinces to escape the heat and cool down in the hot summer.

But in winter, although the sea will not be frozen, the freezing cold sea water cannot meet the needs of opening the park.

So Haidong Amusement Park, like Shendong Amusement Park, also has a winter holiday in winter, although it will open one month earlier than Shendong Amusement Park.

It is for this reason that Haidong Amusement Park is only at a medium level in China. If you look at the world, it is not ranked at all.

Of course, it is still the number one amusement park in Ninghai Province.

At this time, in the meeting room of Haidong Amusement Park.

The senior executives of the amusement park were presided over by the director Hou Haibo.Have a meeting.

The next day, the second day of the Lunar New Year, the amusement park will open again, so what is happening now is a mobilization meeting before the opening.

In addition to the work plan for the next period of time and employee management issues after the year, the content of the meeting naturally also included Shendong Amusement Park, which has experienced a strong recovery in the past six months.

"Everyone should be aware of the sudden rise of Shendong Amusement Park in the past six months, right? Our performance has been affected to a certain extent."

Hou Haibo said.

"Director Hou, what do you mean?"

A senior executive made a "throat-cutting" gesture.

"Stop your dangerous thoughts. What we all have to do is how to improve ourselves, increase the popularity and entertainment of our amusement park, and attract more tourists!"

Hou Haibo scolded the senior executive dissatisfied.

"How many times have I emphasized this! Each of us must be stricter with ourselves. If any problems arise, we must find ways to solve them through changes. This change first refers to changing ourselves!"

"After returning home, everyone sent me a copy of the work plan that their department had failed to do in the past year, especially the last six months. Then they took back the work plan for the first half of the year that was sent to me at the beginning of the month. I changed it."

"The meeting is over!"

Everyone left the conference room, leaving only Hou Haibo and his assistant Hu Zewen.

"Director Hou, calm down."

"Xiao Hu, please help me sort out the information about Shendong Amusement Park, especially the past six months. I can use it."

"Okay, Director Hou."

"Well, go ahead."

Hou Haibo really felt the pressure brought to him by Shendong Amusement Park.

He had a hunch that if things continued like this, his position as the No. 1 amusement park in Ninghai Province might be lost within half a year.

But he has a strong sense of justice and can be said to be one of the few conscientious businessmen. He is also very popular and has many connections.

It's not like he never thought about using his connections to suppress Shen Dong Amusement Park and Yang Fan, but he gave up in the end.

Firstly, as a man over fifty years old, he felt that he could not afford to embarrass that person by using despicable means against a young man in his twenties.

Secondly, he was worried that there was a background behind Shendong Amusement Park, maybe it was quite big. Otherwise, it would be very abnormal for it to develop so fast in half a year.

Therefore, he decided to do his own thing first. I will make plans after learning more about Shendong Amusement Park.

If we can join forces and link the two cities, it would also be a good choice.

“No one can swallow a piece of cake alone, but when the cake is divided, I can be the divider.”

Hou Haibo muttered to himself and left the conference room.

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