Like the first day, most tourists came for the carousel, and other amusement projects were still deserted.

Many tourists saw that the area where the pendulum was originally located was surrounded by iron fences, and there were clanging sounds from time to time. But they didn't care because they didn't plan to ride it at all.

The artificial lake in the park was surrounded as a whole. Yang Fan also recruited 30 temporary workers through the recruitment group to ensure the safety of tourists around the construction site.

With the experience of the previous day, the employees also felt that their work was much easier. This gave Yang Fan the energy to do other things.

By seven o'clock in the evening, the water system and cruise ship dock of the artificial lake will be completed.

After another night of water storage, if everything goes well, the cruise project can be opened at noon the next day.

Before that, Yang Fan had a lot of work to prepare in advance. For example, buying life jackets, safety ropes and warning signs, as well as buying some koi and fish food.

Yang Fan plans to go to the wholesale market first to buy 200 life jackets.

Just when he arrived at the wholesale market, the voice of the system came again in his mind.

[Warning! Warning! Host, please pay attention! Host, please pay attention! ]

[The carousel has something to report]

[The carousel found a suspicious person, please confirm in time]

"System, can I communicate with the carousel directly (゚ペ?)???"

[No, but the system can communicate on your behalf]

"Okay, let the carousel describe the characteristics of the suspicious person."

[Three people, two men and one woman, two men wearing white tops and gray shorts, the woman wearing a white dress and white high heels, and they are near the trash can at this time]

"Okay, I know."

Yang Fan called one of his employees. This employee is called Zhao Jie, and he is one of the most outstanding employees in this group. So when Yang Fan left, he deliberately asked him to take charge temporarily.

"Zhao Jie, it's me."

"Director, what's wrong?"

"There are two men and one woman wearing white shirts and white dresses near the trash cans on the carousel. Keep an eye on them. I suspect they are suspicious."

"Okay, director, I'll be there."

"By the way, tell Pan Lili about this and ask her to interview the three of them. Try to find out. Even if there is no gain, you can still give them a warning."

"Okay, director."

"Well, it's okay. Go ahead."

"Alas." Yang Fan hung up the phone and sighed.

"I didn't expect that it was only the second day and there would be clowns who couldn't sit still. The kind of plot in novels that waits for the protagonist to grow up and then comes to give away heads really doesn't happen in real life."

Yang Fan muttered to himself and entered the wholesale market.


On the carousel side, there was still a long queue, just like the day before. For the sake of tourists, Yang Fan also set up a small water bar here and sold drinks and ice cream.

Zhao Jie trotted all the way to the carousel area and saw Pan Lili still live streaming.

"Sister Lili, I have something to talk to you about. The director just called me."

Zhao Jie respected Pan Lili very much because he had a hunch that this sister might become their boss lady in the future.

"Oh? What's wrong?"

Pan Lili turned off the live microphone. Looking at the nervous Zhao Jie.

"Sister Lili, did you see the white trio next to the trash can? The director suspected that there was something wrong with the three of them. I just watched the surveillance. Since entering the amusement park, these three people have not ridden any facilities. They have been pointing and taking pictures to record something."

"Oh? The director means that we two should keep an eye on them?"

"I can keep an eye on them alone. Sister Lili, the director asked you to interview them and see if you can get something out of them."

"Okay, I know."

Pan Lili turned on the microphone again. This time, she slowly moved towards the three people. At a very close distance, she suddenly handed the microphone up.

"Good morning, three tourists!"

These three people are the spies sent by Pan Dahai of Guangtai Real Estate. They came to the amusement park to find some clues that can be used for hype, and the carousel is the top priority.

"Oh, hello."

The three people obviously did not expect Pan Lili to notice them.

"I see that you three are not queuing up, but are watching others play here. Are you dissatisfied with the carousel?"

"No, we come to the amusement park to relax. After all, this amusement park has just opened, and we haven't been here for a long time, just to take a look."

One of the three men seemed to be the leader of the other two. Facing Pan Lili's question, he replied coldly."This carousel is very interesting. I suggest you three try it (*^_^*)"

"No, it doesn't look safe."

"Don't worry, our carousel is very safe."

"Forget it. By the way, little sister. Are you an employee of the amusement park?"


"Then do you know who designed this carousel? How was it designed? What is the principle of each horse's independent movement? Does this facility have safety certification and operating permits from relevant departments?"

Pan Lili is just a student who has just graduated. Facing three old hands who have been working in the workplace for many years, she is obviously the host.

What's more, the questions raised by this person are very sharp. How could Pan Lili know the movement principle and safety certification? If Yang Fan hadn't admitted it, she wouldn't know who designed it.

The audience in the live broadcast room heard their conversation and began to talk about it.

Some of them even set the pace.

"Yes, can this kind of facility pass the review?"

"I also think there are safety hazards. Anyway, I won't ride it."

"I suspect that the relevant departments don't know at all. The amusement park must have opened it secretly."

"This amusement facility is anti-human!"

"I suspect that the anchor has an affair with the director of this amusement park. Maybe they have already done that."


The person who was talking nonsense in the live broadcast room was obviously from Guangtai Real Estate. They didn't have a chance to lead the rhythm, but a pie fell from the sky. This opportunity must be seized.

"This facility was designed by our director. There is absolutely no problem with safety. As for the principle, it is confidential and I am not very clear."

Pan Lili seemed to be caught in a whirlpool at this moment.

Zhao Jie saw that Pan Lili was a little panicked, and the wind direction in the live broadcast room was not right. So he hurried over.

"Sister Lili, the director wants to see you. He wants you to go to the director's office. Give me your phone first. I'll live stream for a while."

Zhao Jie hurriedly sent Pan Lili away. After taking the phone and microphone, he ignored the three people and continued to live stream the carousel.

Pan Lili hurried to the office building. She knew Zhao Jie was helping her out.

After calming down, Pan Lili took out her phone and planned to call Yang Fan to report.


At this time, Yang Fan was at the flower, bird, fish and insect market, planning to buy hundreds of koi and put them in the artificial lake for tourists to watch.

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