In the days after the roller coaster was completed, Yang Fan asked the Propaganda Department to make a video about the operation of the roller coaster and play it repeatedly on the big screen in the subway station.

At the same time, on major websites, videos about the roller coaster at Shendong Amusement Park have also been played repeatedly by netizens.

Liu Jiahui relied on her excellent painting skills and immersive experience to draw several illustrations about roller coasters and published them on the official official account of Shendong Amusement Park.

As for the wide-wing cockpit awarded by the system's temporary mission, Yang Fan did not use it immediately.

He plans to wait for an opportunity, such as a first anniversary or a major festival, and then use it as a gimmick, and then use it when the atmosphere is in place.

This idea inspired him to think of the marketing strategies of many mobile phone brands today. Although it is a new product release, its hardware and functions are definitely not the latest.

Because the latest one will not be released until next time, this can guide consumers step by step to buy the next stage of the product.

It's shameless, but it works.

Several new food stores and gift shops have also been built around the roller coaster.

The investment promotion is now booming, and several companies are very interested and have reached the stage of contract negotiation.

In short, due to the completion of the roller coaster, Shendong Amusement Park has been on the news of Ninghai TV Station a lot these days.

There is no doubt that when it comes to roller coasters alone, Destiny has firmly ranked first in the province.

Easily handle the Silver Fox, the longest and fastest roller coaster in Haidong Amusement Park in the province.

Just as the popularity of roller coasters is still rising, Shendong Amusement Park is about to receive more exciting news.

Yang Fan, along with some senior executives and employees, totaling more than 30 people, were standing in an open space in the park not far from the fairy tale castle.

One after another, large trucks loaded with gravel and waste materials drove past them and left the park.

As the last large truck left everyone's sight, Yang Fan suppressed his excitement and said: "Family, the fairy tale castle is completed today!"



"Wow Kaka~"

“Long live≧▽≦!”

The amusement park employees also cheered excitedly.

Not far in front of them, a brand new gray-white castle appeared in front of them.

The highest spire of the castle in front of you is nearly fifty meters above the ground, and the top of the tower is blue. Except for the tallest independent rooms, there are six floors overall.

"Let's go in and take a look!" Yang Fan suggested.



Employees immediately responded to Yang Fan’s call.

More than thirty people walked toward the gate of the fairy tale castle.

When everyone came to the door, they found that the two large blue iron doors were only ajar.

Yang Fan and everyone worked together to push the door open.

What came into view was an empty hall, which was quite large. There was a stage that had been set up directly in front of them, and there was a giant LED screen behind the stage.

There is a very gorgeous giant chandelier above the head, and a European-style lamp is fixed every one meter or so on the surrounding walls.

Every few meters on the wall, there is a picture frame hanging. There are no photos in the frame. It seems that this requires the amusement park to insert photos later.

"Jiahui, when you have time, print out the roller coaster illustration you drew and hang it here."

Yang Fan turned around and said to Liu Jiahui.

"Mmm Good."

Liu Jiahui was a little embarrassed.

There is a curved staircase on the left and right sides of the hall leading to the second floor. The handrails of the stairs are very delicately carved.

"It seems that this floor can be used for various dance parties, drinking parties or for tourists to rest!"

Yang Fan looked around and said to himself.

"Director Yang, if there is a chance to hold a wedding in an amusement park, would this be the venue?"

Pan Lili took a few photos with her mobile phone and said to Yang Fan.

"Well, that makes sense!"

Yang Fan agreed with Pan Lili.

After everyone wandered around this floor for a while, they went to the second floor under the leadership of Yang Fan.

The atmosphere on the second floor is a little different. It looks like a playground similar to that in major shopping malls.

Game machines, electric machines, shooting machines, claw machines, etc. are placed in front of you.

"When the time comes, make more mascot dolls and put them in the claw machine."

"You can put a popcorn machine and a sausage machine on the coin counter."

Yang Fan said to Wang Yue beside him.

Wang Yue also took out a notebook and recorded Yang Fan's words.

"However, in theory, the amusement park's amusement park will not make any money. We will first look at the profits after it is opened to the public.The situation. If it really doesn't work, just turn this place into an amusement room for everyone to rest. "

Yang Fan is not very optimistic about this amusement park. After all, tourists who come to the amusement park mainly come to experience the amusement projects.

This amusement park is a bit awkward, at most it is an embellishment.

In fact, many tourists who come to the amusement park will not enter the fairy tale castle at all.

Although the fairy tale castle is an indispensable part of the amusement park, its greater value is to take pictures and watch the fireworks show.

However, Yang Fan wants to make full use of this fairy tale castle.

The system defaults the first floor to the auditorium, which must be used well;

The second floor is the amusement park, and it is estimated that there will be no tourists at that time.

If there is really no one , he planned to put game machines and claw machines in the park so that tourists strolling in the park can play at any time.

Soon, everyone visited the third to sixth floors.

However, since these four floors are empty and there is nothing inside, Yang Fan plans to hold a meeting with everyone in two days to study how to use these four floors properly.

Everyone left the castle and came to an open space in front of the castle. This is the best place for tourists to watch the fireworks show. It is not a problem to accommodate thousands of tourists at the same time.

Yang Fan thought for a moment, turned around and said to all the employees:

"Now everyone has seen the problems of the castle."

"The first one is the four empty floors. We need to make full use of them and decorate them well."

"The second one, everyone looks around the castle. There are only a few trees and a few roads now. It's too monotonous. This is definitely not okay."

"So, everyone can go back and think about how to decorate these two places well!"

"If you have ideas for other aspects, you can also put them forward! ”

“I don’t care what position you are in, whether you are an old employee or a new employee. As long as your suggestions are adopted, there will be material and spiritual rewards!”

After Yang Fan finished speaking, he instructed Wang Yue to send an email to all employees through WeChat for Enterprise to explain the matter.

As the saying goes, “Three cobblers can kill Zhuge Liang.”

He wanted all employees to take action, mobilize everyone’s wisdom, and work together to make the amusement park better.

At this time, in a recording studio far away in the imperial capital.

Li Lingli finished singing the last song and took off the headset.

“Lingli, you sang well! I believe Shendong Amusement Park will like it very much!”

The composer Qiao Enze and the surrounding staff said to Li Lingli.

“Thank you everyone! You have worked hard.”

Li Lingli smiled and thanked everyone.

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