50 cruise ships were quietly docked at the shore. A steel wire rope was tied to the hook at the stern, and the other end of the rope was fixed to the rivet on the ground.

Yang Fan put on his life jacket and boarded a shark-shaped cruise ship. Others also boarded the cruise ships they chose one after another.

The operation of the cruise ship did not seem difficult. There was a mobile phone holder, a steering wheel, and five buttons in front of the driver's seat.

The five buttons were: automatic driving, manual driving/starting, forward, backward, and stop.

[The host has entered the cruise ship and is about to enter the novice guidance section]

"Everyone listen to me!"

Yang Fan shouted to the employees who had already boarded the cruise ship.

"I'll turn on the group voice, everyone enter, and I'll teach you how to drive the boat!"



"Got it!"


Yang Fan turned on the group voice, and all employees entered immediately.

[The rope at the rear of the cruise ship is not untied. Please untie it.]

"Everyone, untie the rope at the rear of the cruise ship!"

[Click the "Manual Drive/Start" button]

"Everyone, click the 'Manual Drive/Start' button!"

[Click the "Forward" button]

"Click 'Forward'!"

The cruise ship began to move forward slowly, and everyone shouted excitedly.

[You can use the steering wheel to control the direction of sailing. The left pedal is for deceleration, and the right pedal is for acceleration. No operation can maintain the current speed.]

"The steering wheel can turn left and right. Stepping down with the left foot is for deceleration, and the right is for acceleration. Let's try it!"

When the employees heard Yang Fan's words, everyone started to operate, and more than 30 cruise ships sailed in all directions.

[“Backward” is the same as “Forward”, but the speed is slower]

“If you want to reverse the boat, you can press ‘Backward’.”



“So cool!”

The laughter of the employees came from the lake.

“System, is this the level of this cruise ship? It’s no different from an ordinary cruise ship!”

[Yes, host, the manual driving mode is not much different from an ordinary cruise ship]

[Host, please fasten your seat belt and press the “Autopilot” button]

“Everyone, be quiet and fasten your seat belts. Then press ‘Autopilot’!”

Yang Fan fastened his seat belt and pressed the autopilot.


“Oh my @¥&! What’s $& going on?”

The cruise ship flew forward like an arrow, and the two ends of the cruise ship raised a splash of more than one meter high.

Yang Fan obviously didn’t expect the cruise ship to suddenly sail at such a fast speed, and subconsciously spit out sweet words.

Because the speed was too fast, his face was even deformed by the oncoming wind.

[Current speed: 75km/h]

Suddenly, the cruise ship made a sharp turn to the right.

A splash of nearly three meters high immediately rose on the left side.

"Fuck Σ(゚∀゚ノ)ノ!" Yang Fan was also shocked.

"System, what is this?"

[Since the cruise ship the host is riding is a shark cruise ship, the shark's swimming method and speed will be simulated during automatic driving. The shark's swimming speed can reach 70~80km/h, so the cruise ship can also reach this speed]

"This is almost catching up with the speed of a roller coaster! What about other types of cruise ships?"

[Other types of cruise ships also have their own swimming methods]

"Could it be?"

As soon as the voice fell, a violent noise came from the phone, and the sound of some people shouting could be heard faintly.

Yang Fan hurriedly pressed the stop button, and the surroundings returned to calm.

He unbuckled his seat belt, stood up and looked around.

There were several huge splashes on the wide lake in front of him, and it was obvious that someone had also chosen the shark cruise.

The shark cruise is extremely fast, which is very suitable for people who seek excitement and have a spirit of challenge.

The speed of the ray cruise is a little slower, and the pectoral fins on both sides flap like wings, which looks very warm and healing, suitable for couples to date.

The speed of the turtle cruise is very slow, which is very suitable for families with children.

The crab cruise sails sideways, and the squid cruise sails in a meal. It will be very fun to take these two cruises.

In short, each cruise has a unique way of sailing, which is suitable for people with different needs and is very humane.

[The host has been on the cruise for 20 minutes]

[Task completed, get the task reward]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the artificial lake monitoring system! After installation, all cruise ships and the overall situation of the artificial lake can be monitored in the control room]

20 minutes passed quickly, and Yang Fan successfully completed the task of taking a cruise.

"Everyone switch to manual driving, come to the dock and gather!”

Yang Fan shouted at the phone.

Perhaps everyone was not skilled enough in the operation. It took nearly half an hour for all the employees to return to the dock one after another.

“How do you feel?”

Yang Fan tried to ask the employees about their views on the cruise.

“The speed of the shark cruise was too fast. I was scared and splashed with water.”

“I took the ray and had a very good experience.”

“The turtle was a little slow.”

“Here is the crab. I can’t tell the front, back, left, and right now. I’m a little confused.”

“The squid’s one is a bit weird (ノд・)”

Everyone talked about their experiences just now.

“Yes, that’s right. The cruise I designed is no different from an ordinary cruise in manual driving mode. But in automatic driving mode, it will imitate the corresponding creatures to carry out activities.”

“Wow! The director is excellent!”

“Director, are you a scientist? ”

“Director, are you still short of a pendant for your thigh?”

“My sister is young and beautiful. If the director is interested…”

The employees started to flatter Yang Fan again.

“Okay, okay, stop it! The cruise ship will be open to the public tomorrow afternoon. I roughly calculated that we may need seven or eight people to help here.” Yang Fan clapped his hands.

“Director, we don’t have enough people. There will be vacancies in other places.” Zhao Jie reminded.

“Tomorrow morning, 15 new employees will join. Zhao Jie, you will assign them to the vacancies and let the experienced ones lead them.”

“Okay. "

Yang Fan named five men and three women among the employees and asked the others to go back and rest.

Three female employees were responsible for the food store, water bar and gift shop. Although they were definitely too busy, this was the maximum number of people that could be spared.

Five male employees were responsible for monitoring, issuing life jackets, collecting life jackets, assigning cruise ships, and one person who was good at swimming acted as a safety lifeguard.

"Alas, there are still not enough people. It seems that the only way to distribute fish food is to force a lucky employee from the newcomers tomorrow."

Next, Yang Fan briefly talked to these people about the work situation and took them to familiarize themselves with the environment at the dock.

Originally, I wanted to take a cruise ship of different shapes and let Pan Lili take videos and photos. As a result, due to poor light, I had to give up.

When all these tasks were completed, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. Everyone also dragged their tired bodies and dispersed on the spot and went back to the dormitory to rest.

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