"Mayor Wang!"

All three stood up.

"Everyone, please sit down and take a rest. Drink some water first. After a while, everyone will be here. Then we will start the meeting."

Wang Zheng motioned to the three of them not to be formal and just sit down.

In the following period, leaders from various departments entered the conference room one after another. After a while, the conference room was filled with people.

At ten o'clock sharp, the meeting was officially held.

A leader first summarized the work of the municipal government in the first quarter, as well as the work arrangements and future prospects for the second quarter.

When talking about April 22 in the near future, the leader said that Shendong City will hold an important event - the Earth Day event.

Earth Day is a holiday dedicated to environmental protection around the world. It aims to raise public awareness of existing environmental issues, mobilize the public to participate in the environmental protection movement, and improve the overall environment of the earth through green and low-carbon life.

This year's theme is still "Cherish the Earth, Harmony between Man and Nature".

But this year, Shendong City plans to hold Earth Day activities and takes it very seriously. This is also the main reason for calling Yang Fan and others.

"Director Lu of Shendong Zoo, Director Lin of Shendong Botanical Garden, and Director Yang of Shendong Amusement Park. Zoos, botanical gardens and amusement parks are important attractions in this city. The city hopes that these three people can actively participate in this event. ”

"Okay!" Yang Fan and the other three said in unison.

For the three of them, this event is not only a way to participate in an event organized by the government, but also a way to increase their visibility through this event.

After the meeting ended, Wang Zheng kept the three people behind and emphasized the importance of this event.

As for how to carry out the activities, Wang Zheng did not make too many demands, but asked the three of them to discuss a suitable plan together.

In the next few days, the amusement park, zoo and botanical garden each sent five employees to form a planning team for the event.

During this period, everyone has been studying the activity plan in the conference room of the amusement park.

The final plan was finalized on April 19. They planned to use the amusement park as the main body, and add elements of zoos and botanical gardens on this basis to show the harmony between man and nature.

Soon, this plan was approved by Yang Fan and others.

After making appropriate modifications, the plan was submitted to the government, and a positive response was received soon after.

So everyone began to carry out a series of decorations for Shendong Amusement Park.

For this reason, Shendong Amusement Park will be closed for two days on April 20 and 21.

In terms of plant decoration, Shendong Botanical Garden provides apricot blossom trees, cherry blossom trees, magnolia trees, peach blossom trees, etc.

These trees were originally planned to be planted in the botanical garden before Labor Day, but are now in the amusement park.

Since more workers were invited, two days were enough to plant all the trees.

It's easy to plant trees, but it's not easy to pull them out after the event.

First, it will consume a lot of human and financial resources.

Secondly, it will cause some damage to the roots of the trees.

Therefore, Director Lin of the Shendong Botanical Garden knew very well that these trees would eventually benefit Yang Fan.

After the event is over, these trees will remain in place and become part of Shendong Amusement Park.

Animals are much easier to handle. Amusement parks will definitely not raise animals.

Therefore, after the event is over, most of the animals provided by the zoo will be taken back to the zoo.

In fact, this was all part of Yang Fan's plan, and he had no intention of returning the trees provided by the botanical garden.

However, the number of trees is really too large. If I don't have any expression, it is indeed a bit unjustifiable.

Therefore, Yang Fan plans to give part of the money to the botanical garden as compensation.

As for the animals, Yang Fan really had no intention of keeping them as his own.

Especially when he thought about animals excreting everywhere and requiring cleaning staff to work overtime to wash the floor with water guns, he felt very dizzy.

However, it was not that he had no thoughts at all. The mandarin ducks, ducks, swans and fish brought by the zoo made him eager to move.

Mandarin ducks, ducks and swans will be placed in the artificial lake. Now the boat dock is open, so tourists can interact while rowing.

As for the fish, they are put into the artificial lake below the fairy tale castle.

When tourists pass through the underground passage, they can see the fish in the lake just by looking up, as if they are in an aquarium.

These fish are almostThey will not be taken away by the zoo, because once they are thrown into the lake, it is almost impossible to catch them all.

So if everything goes well, after the event, in addition to harvesting a large number of trees, Yang Fan will also harvest a large number of fish and even some birds.

Yang Fan, Director Lu and Director Lin were standing at the main entrance of the amusement park, watching the workers and some employees decorating the main entrance of the amusement park.

More than a dozen balloons with a diameter of more than two meters have been fully inflated and are floating in the air with the wind. The balloons are made to look like the earth.

After the magnolias were planted, two bifurcated tree trunks were installed on both sides of the main entrance. On the day of the event, there will be peacocks here to interact with tourists.

Entering the park, you can see workers busy everywhere, and trees have been planted in the vacant areas of the amusement park. This event increased the green area of ​​Shendong Amusement Park by at least 5%.

Over at the artificial lake, mandarin ducks, ducks and geese were swimming around on the lake.

In order to allow them to adapt to the environment in advance, the zoo sent them to the amusement park two days in advance.

The fish have also been put into the artificial lake below the fairy tale castle in advance.

Two busy days passed quickly.

At around eight o'clock in the morning on April 22, a large number of tourists gathered at the entrance of Shendong Amusement Park.

In addition to tourists, reporters from Ninghai TV, Internet celebrities from major platforms, and anchors were also watching the peacocks at the main entrance of the amusement park while waiting for the amusement park to open.

It has been promoted in advance by government departments, Ninghai TV, amusement parks, zoos, botanical gardens, etc.

The Earth Day event in Shendong City has become a hot topic recently, so people are looking forward to seeing what the event jointly organized by these three "parks" will be like.

"It's open!"

a tourist suddenly shouted.

As the main entrance of Shendong Amusement Park slowly opened, the Earth Day event organized by the Shendong Municipal Government officially kicked off.

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