Since the amusement park did not have Yang Fan's permission, the forest maze was not open to tourists.

When tourists passed by the forest maze, they just looked at it curiously, and no one forced to enter despite dissuasion.

The forest maze was surrounded by lush plants that were nearly one person tall.

Anyone who wanted to enter the maze could only enter from the entrance and exit of the maze.

If you want to force your way in, you are likely to be scratched by branches.

Although some children cried and made a fuss, crying and shouting to enter the maze. However, they were all dissuaded by the staff of the amusement park.

Yang Fan sent a message to the director of the engineering department early in the morning, telling him that he needed to send a few people to watch over the forest maze and that tourists must not be allowed to enter at will.

If you look down at the forest maze from the sky, you will see that the maze is a rectangle of 100 meters long and 40 meters wide.

There is a tourist entrance and a tourist exit, as well as two employee entrances and exits.

The tourist entrance is opposite the children's playground. After playing in the children's playground, tourists can choose to enter the forest maze.

The tourist exit faces the Fairy Tale Castle. Tourists who successfully walk out of the maze can go directly to the Fairy Tale Castle. There is a feeling that after going through untold hardships, I finally arrived at the castle.

It can be seen that the forest maze is a passage from the children's park to the Fairy Tale Castle.

Of course, if tourists do not want to go through the forest maze, they can also choose to take other roads directly.

If you look at these alone, this forest maze seems to be very similar to Disney's Alice in Wonderland, and it seems that there will be nothing wrong even if you enter it.

But Yang Fan doesn't think so. He absolutely does not believe that the amusement facilities issued by the system will be so normal.

Because normal buildings are called ordinary buildings, as long as they are not called ordinary buildings or ordinary items, he believes that there must be something unusual.

Moreover, there are two important points.

First, after the construction of the forest maze was completed, there was no prompt to join the system group chat. Then this shows that the forest maze needs to be powered on.

A maze needs to be powered on to start, which must be not simple.

Second, there is no video introduction to the forest maze.

Most other amusement facilities have video introductions, but the forest maze does not.

A common feature of amusement facilities without videos is that the movements are random.

Various signs indicate that this forest maze does not seem to be as simple as imagined.

This is also the reason why Yang Fan asked in advance not to allow tourists to enter without permission. He had to lead employees to come in and open up the land in person to make sure there were no problems before allowing tourists to enter.

"Sure enough, this maze has a control room."

Yang Fan stood near the entrance of the maze and saw a thick fake tree. This fake tree is the control room of the forest maze.

In order to look more harmonious, it was specially built to look like a big tree.

Entering the control room, you can find that the space inside is still very large, and there is a staircase leading to the upper floor. Obviously, this control room has more than one floor.

"This is the first time I have seen a multi-story control room. Sure enough, this forest maze is not simple."

Yang Fan turned on the power and started the forest maze. The system chat group also prompted that the forest maze had joined the group chat.

"System, I want to check the information of the forest maze."

Facility name: Forest Maze

Facility status: Started

Power system: Normal

Capacity: Unlimited (recommended within 100 people)

Thrilling index: 0~5

Detailed data: 100 meters long and 40 meters wide. It is composed of 1,000 trees (fake), and you can buy trees (fake) and other plants (fake) from the system mall to add and expand.

After reading the information of the forest maze, Yang Fan went up the stairs to the second floor of the control room. The first thing that caught his eye was a huge display screen hanging on the wall, with several buttons below the display screen.

Turning on the display screen, the screen showed a dense array of small black dots, which were arranged neatly, and at first glance seemed to have a pattern to follow.

"System, what is this?"

[This is a bird's-eye view of the forest maze, and each black dot represents a tree]

"In other words, this maze is made up of trees or plants?"

[Yes, all the trees in the forest maze are fake, and the roots are several balls that can rotate freely, similar to the mouse many years ago. Then a layer of gravel is laid on the ground to fix the trees and cover them appropriately]

[It is recommended that the host purchase other types of plant decorations in the system mall, which will make it easier to cover up the secrets under each tree]

"Why do I feel like you are thinking about my tourist spot?"

[Host, please don't interrupt]


[How to operate the forest maze: Click "Random Mode" button, then the forest maze will control the movement of each tree except for special positions. If you click the "Normal Mode" button, you can move each tree directly by manually moving the black dot on the big screen.

[It is recommended that the host try the random mode first]

[Tip: The forest maze is a highly playable amusement facility]

Yang Fan also decided to include the forest maze in the children's playground area and build it into a paradise for children.

Thinking back to when he went to You Shini in Magic City, he was impressed by Alice's Dream Walk.

However, Alice's Dream Walk is based on the storyline, and his forest maze does not have these bonus attributes.

But the forest maze also has its unique advantage, that is, the trees that can move freely.

It can also be understood that whether the ordinary maze can be cleared depends on strength and luck.

And whether the forest maze can be cleared depends on whether it wants you to pass it.

"If there is no plot, I can create one myself! Liu Jiahui from the Publicity Department is making a small animation now. As long as I add the elements of the forest maze to it, it will be fine!" Yang Fan thought to himself, and then took out his mobile phone and called ten employees who could spare time in the group. In addition to Liu Jiahui who was named and Yang Fan himself. A total of twelve people came to the entrance of the control room of the forest maze. Yang Fan told everyone the characteristics of the forest maze and what he wanted to create from beginning to end. His purpose was also very clear. Everyone had to think about how to decorate it better, and Liu Jiahui was responsible for recording these ideas and going back to select the best. After the selection, she needed to write a copy and give it to Pan Lili. After the discussion at the high-level meeting, once it was passed, the video could be produced. Yang Fan would purchase the materials and decorations needed for the copy and video through the system mall or let the purchasing department buy them. After everyone understood the meaning of this trip, they walked into the entrance. Yang Fan walked at the end of the team and communicated with the Forest Maze through the system chat group.

Through the chat, we learned that the Forest Maze can change the walking route through the continuous movement of trees, thereby achieving the purpose of making tourists lost.

Yang Fan told the Forest Maze that as long as they play normally, they didn't come here to pass the level, so they just need to show all the characteristics of the Forest Maze.

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