After Children's Day, Shendong Amusement Park also ushered in a short break, but this state will not last long.

After all, in a few days, the amusement park will welcome a group of students who have just finished the college entrance examination.

These students need to release the stress accumulated during high school, especially during their senior year.

It is undoubtedly very suitable to come to the amusement park to experience some exciting rides.

In fact, starting from June, amusement parks really enter the peak tourist season.

Yang Fan and the senior management of the amusement park were having a meeting in the conference room. The content of the meeting was a summary of work in May and work arrangements for June.

Although at the beginning of this year, the work content for June was already included in the first half-year work plan meeting.

However, with the rapid development of Shendong Amusement Park in the past six months, many of the original plans are no longer suitable and certain adjustments must be made.

All in all, there are four important tasks in June.

The first one is the Children's Day that just passed. This work has been almost completed successfully.

On Children's Day, more than 2,000 children's tickets were sold, a number that far exceeded expectations.

Not only that, the sales volume of children's packages and souvenirs are also very large, which has brought a lot of revenue to the amusement park.

Taking the 88 yuan children's set meal as an example, the cost of the blind box is only 8 yuan. Plus meals, desserts and juice, the cost does not exceed 30 yuan.

In other words, an 88 yuan children's meal can earn more than 50 yuan.

However, certain problems have arisen.

Due to the opening of the Fairy Tale Castle's food court, many of the original restaurants were dissatisfied.

It is estimated that when their one-year lease is up, they will most likely withdraw from the amusement park and not renew the lease.

Of course, Shendong Amusement Park didn't care too much about this. In fact, Yang Fan had already become disdainful of these shops.

The food they sell is not only high-priced and small in quantity, but also unpalatable.

Amusement parks often receive reports and complaints from tourists.

Tourists often call angrily to express their dissatisfaction with a certain food store.

In this regard, the amusement park customer service can only say to tourists, "We will verify the situation, and if it is true, we will definitely impose penalties on the food store."

But even if the amusement park punished these food stores, it had little effect.

This also made Yang Fan increasingly dissatisfied with them.

After all, when food stores prey on tourists, they are destroying the sign of their own amusement park.

Previously, the amusement park rented food stores to them, mainly because the amusement park was small and had insufficient staff. If you run it by yourself, you won't be able to keep busy.

But things are different now. Now that the amusement park is larger and has a food court, it can sell many of its own products and is confident.

As for renting out shops, the amusement park can choose the best ones in the future. Go and cooperate with some reassuring big brands that have a certain reputation or potential.

The second thing is the water castle that is about to be completed and the water park that is under construction.

When the water castle was first built, Yang Fan had already built Li Lake and the surrounding ground.

Although the water castle has not been completed yet, he is unable to obtain water rides from the system.

But this does not prevent amusement parks from purchasing and renting rides from other sources.

Shendong Amusement Park rents many common amusement facilities from water parks in other areas, such as tornadoes, magic bowls, wave pools, bumper boats, hand boats, etc.

Although these amusement facilities are definitely not as good as those distributed by the system, they are enough to buy one before the water park really takes shape and develops.

And due to the large area of ​​Li Lake, even if several system-distributed recreational facilities are built, there is still enough space to place these ordinary recreational facilities.

In addition, the purchasing department also purchased a number of pedal boats and speedboats.

Tourists can row boats and take speedboats on Li Lake to make full use of the vast surface of Li Lake.

If large sightseeing cruise ships were not too expensive, Yang Fan even wanted to buy one and put it in Li Lake.

In short, according to the plan, the water park will be put into trial operation on July 1st. Judging from the current progress, opening on time is not a big problem.

The third thing is the Dragon Boat Festival event in late June.

The amusement park plans to hold a dragon boat race during the Li Lake Dragon Boat Festival and a rice dumpling-making activity in the open space in front of the fairy tale castle.

Of course, the main purpose of these activities is to warm up the trial operation of the water park in July.

The fourth thing is that in early July, many college students graduated and left campus twice.The park will also usher in a wave of recruitment peak periods.

In addition to the return of the original interns who have been interning for half a year, there will definitely be many new people sending resumes.

With the opening of the water park, Shendong Amusement Park is now hiring.

This requires the human resources department to spend a lot of manpower and energy to check resumes, interview, go through entry procedures and conduct corporate culture training.

Yang Fan and the senior management of the amusement park had many discussions in the meeting, weighed the pros and cons, and focused their work in June on preparations for the upcoming water park.

Overall, Shendong Amusement Park will be very busy in June.

Especially the purchasing department, human resources department, publicity department and other departments have the largest workload, and every job is very important, so employees in these departments have almost no rest days in June.

After the meeting, all senior executives immediately left the meeting room and conveyed the spirit of the meeting to employees in their respective departments.

Yang Fan also has important things to do. He is busy contacting the leaders of the city, district and relevant departments, hoping that they can come to the amusement park to participate in an event in five days.

According to the system prompts, the water castle will be completed in three days.

After the construction of the previous fairy tale castle was completed, it only underwent some simple decorations and was opened to tourists in a low-key manner without any ceremony.

This time, Yang Fan decided to hold a completion ceremony for the water castle after being reminded by Wang Yue and Zhang Wenwen.

When the time comes, invite the leaders from the city and district to come over. This will not only reflect the importance you attach to the leaders, but also bring you closer to the leaders. At the same time, you can also promote the water castle in a very formal way.

Most of the leaders also accepted Yang Fan's invitation and agreed to attend the completion ceremony of the water castle five days later.

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