In an empty room on the fourth floor of an office building.

In the past period of time, Li Lingli analyzed her plans and the pros and cons of representing Shen Dong Amusement Park to her management team.

The entire analysis process is very clear and logical.

This gave the entire brokerage team a new understanding of Li Lingli.

"Hey, Lingli, tell me the truth. Did you have this plan for a long time?"

Agent Wang was convinced, he sighed and said to Li Lingli.

"Well, yes, I've been thinking about this for a long time."

"No wonder you insisted on coming to Shen Dong this time, and even asked us to come too."

At this time, Agent Wang finally understood why Li Lingli had to let his agent come with him this time.

Doesn't this mean you want to sign a contract directly at the amusement park? !

"I, Mr. Wang, have been in the entertainment industry for half my life, but I was tricked by a little kid who just hatched from an eggshell a few days ago! It's funny, I really can't accept it anymore." Manager Wang sighed in his heart.

Normally, if a company wants to find a celebrity to endorse, it needs to contact the relevant brokerage company or the celebrity's agent in advance.

According to the company's requirements for celebrities and the approximate budget. The brokerage company or broker will find qualified celebrities for the company to choose.

Then there are some details to be discussed, and once they are settled, the signing can be arranged.

As soon as Li Lingli came out this time, she simply omitted the first few links. At that time, she only needed to discuss the endorsement fees and other details with her agent, and then she could sign the contract directly.

Even the signing location has been selected in advance. Isn’t the Fairy Tale Castle at Shendong Amusement Park the most suitable location?

After a while, Li Lingli and her management team returned to the director's office.

As the saying goes, "The man is interested, the sister is affectionate." The talks between Shen Dong Amusement Park and Li Lingli went very smoothly.

"Lingli, let's have a meal at noon and take a good rest. At three o'clock in the afternoon, we will go to the lobby on the first floor of the water castle to hold a signing ceremony. The signing ceremony requires a lot of preparation work." Wang Yue suggested.

This time, Yang Fan gave full power to Wang Yue for the signing of the spokesperson.

"OK, all right."

Because there was a signing ceremony in the afternoon, Li Lingli ate watermelon and blew the air conditioner in Wang Yue's office after lunch.

Wang Yue immediately convened a meeting with some senior amusement park executives and established a signing ceremony planning working group to prepare for the signing ceremony as quickly as possible.

Since there had already been a completion ceremony in the water castle before, everyone was familiar with the process, so the preparations went extremely smoothly.

Originally, the signing ceremony was planned to be held in the hall of the Fairy Tale Castle in the main park. After all, the hall of the Fairy Tale Castle was superior to the Water Castle in every aspect.

But today is the first day of the opening of the water park. If we can sign a contract at the water castle, we can maximize the publicity effect.

The amusement park staff took a speedboat to the first-floor lobby of the water castle. Fortunately, there were not many tourists in the lobby, because most of the tourists were playing on the rides or boating on Li Lake at this time.

The water castle is more of a background for taking photos.

Some tables and chairs were evacuated from the hall on the first floor and placed in the castle's warehouse, freeing up an open space.

A carpet was laid out on the stage, a signing table was set up, and a red tablecloth was laid out.

On the signing table, place pens, ink absorbers and other stationery used for signing.

Since the contract text has not been printed yet, there is no contract waiting to be signed.

Behind the signing table, there are two chairs for the signers to sit.

"What are they doing?"

The onlookers chatted with each other, and some of them didn't understand what the amusement park wanted to do with such a huge display.

"Huh? This is it?"

"Manager Li, do you know what they are doing?"

An employee of Haidong Amusement Park asked Li Haihua.

"This is a signing ceremony. I don't know who Shendong Amusement Park will cooperate with."

Li Haihua is well-informed, and he knew at a glance that this formation was about to hold a signing ceremony, and it was quite formal.

"signing ceremony?"

"Well, let's ask their employees. If time permits, we can also watch the signing ceremony."

Just as they were about to ask the amusement park staff, the large background screen behind the stage suddenly lit up.

On the big screen, yellow characters on a red background clearly read:

"Shendong Amusement Park joins hands with famous movie star Li Lingli for a brand endorsement signing ceremony"

"Ah Σ(๑ºΔº๑ )?!"

"Fuck Σ(゚∀゚ノ)ノ! "

"I'm going&$!"

After the big screen came on, the onlookers on the scene let out bursts of exclamations, and Li Haihua and his employees also hurriedly looked at the big screen.

"Our Haidong Amusement Park doesn't even have a spokesperson yet! This Shendong Amusement Park is really full of surprises!"

Li Haihua looked at the words on the big screen and felt a little surprised.

After a while, Yang Fan came to the lobby wearing formal clothes and followed by a group of senior executives from the amusement park. Li Lingli also wore a formal dress and walked in accompanied by her management team.

The moment Li Lingli entered the hall, the hall was boiling. If the amusement park had not provided sufficient security in advance, this group of fans might have pounced on her.

As the chairman and director of Shendong Amusement Park, Yang Fan signed the contract document with Li Lingli. After fastening the contract copy, the two parties shook hands in a friendly manner and then took a group photo.

As for the tourists who were watching, they held up their mobile phones and never put them down.

After the signing ceremony, Yang Fan, Li Lingli and others left the water castle under the escort of everyone.

Next, they have other activities to do, such as taking pictures, eating, etc.

Starting from this day, a young and beautiful girl will appear on the promotional poster of Shendong Amusement Park.

As it got late and the water park closed, Li Haihua took his three employees and left the park.

"Haha, this trip is really worth it! The water castle, celebrity endorsements and the magical tornado rides. Shendong Amusement Park really opened my eyes. Director Hou, you really should come and see it in person look. "

Li Haihua turned back and took one last look at the main entrance of the water park, and said secretly in his heart.

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