On the day when water bungee jumping was officially opened to tourists, Shendong Amusement Park welcomed a group of extreme sports enthusiasts.

These people get together almost every once in a while to bungee jump, sky dive or even wingsuit.

They are very knowledgeable and familiar with bungee jumping.

However, the height of domestic water bungee jumps is generally not high. Except for the Macau Tower bungee jump, other water bungee jumps are only a few dozen meters, which cannot satisfy their courage to challenge at all.

This time, they learned from the Internet that Shen Dong had a 120-meter-high water bungee jump, so naturally they couldn't miss the first day of its opening.

Before they came, they also called the customer service of Shendong Amusement Park to ask whether the water bungee jumping could be opened on time and whether the data in the promotional video was true and reliable.

After receiving a positive reply from the customer service staff, they immediately organized and arrived in Shendong the day before the opening.

As the water park gate opened, tourists flocked in, including many self-media people and staff from other amusement parks.

Journalists from regular TV stations and websites do not need to buy tickets when entering most attractions with press passes, but there are also some attractions that require permission from the attractions in advance.

For example, Shendong Amusement Park is privately run.

These reporters all contacted the amusement park in advance, and Yang Fan naturally agreed one by one.

Soon, a scene like this appeared in the water park:

On the shore of Li Lake, hundreds of mobile phone holders were set up, and the anchors dressed in colorful clothes were twisting and turning with their hands on the water bungee in the background.

Although water bungee jumping has been well-known to many people after the publicity in recent days, many people came for water bungee jumping today, but most of them came to watch others bungee jump.

Lucky for these people, those extreme sports enthusiasts arrived at the Lihu Pier quickly. After explaining their intention, two speedboats carried ten extreme sports enthusiasts to the water bungee jumping.

The ten people got off the speedboat and, under the guidance of the staff, took the elevator to the bungee jumping platform.

As the first person jumped off the platform, shouting "Ah~ah~ah~", everyone's attention was attracted.

Then the second person, the third person, the fourth person...

In just one hour, all ten people jumped once. At this time, many reporters came to the water bungee jumping platform to interview these "warriors".

In addition to these extreme sports enthusiasts, reporters also interviewed other tourists and water park staff.

Finally, it was time for reporters to interview Yang Fan.

Yang Fan prepared a lot of materials in advance and answered questions from reporters fluently.

In short, due to the series of chain reactions caused by water bungee jumping, Shendong Amusement Park has become an amusement park in China that cannot be ignored.

The video of ten extreme sports enthusiasts bungee jumping quickly became a popular video online.

In the circle, many bungee jumping enthusiasts have also started ranking water bungee jumping.

The water bungee jumping at Shendong Amusement Park has become the second largest water bungee jump in China, second only to the Macau Tower bungee jumping.

"Director Yang, a total of 42 tickets for water bungee jumping were sold today, and commemorative badges were given to them."

After the water park closed, employees reported to Yang Fan the situation of today's water bungee jumping.

42 tickets means that 42 people experienced water bungee jumping on the first day it was open to the public.

The commemorative badge is a new idea that Yang Fan thought of.

Prior to the Children's Day activities and the opening of the water park, the commemorative tickets issued by Shendong Amusement Park were well received, and some people even bought them at high prices online.

Therefore, Yang Fan decided that when large-scale amusement projects such as bungee jumping, Ferris wheels, roller coasters, and castles are completed in the future, some souvenirs will be distributed to visitors who experienced the experience in the first three days.

For this water bungee jump, Yang Fan specially asked the purchasing department to go to the Cute Rabbit Toy Factory to order water bungee jumping badges.

The badge is engraved with a bungee jumping tower and the image of a person falling from the top. The shape is very exquisite and has great collectible value.

According to Yang Fan's idea, in the beginning, only about 30 people could bungee jump every day. If you become famous in the future, the number of people may increase.

On the first day, thanks to the ten extreme sports enthusiasts, there were only forty-two people, which exceeded his expectations.

Yang Fan had already returned home before the main park closed.

He was interviewed by many media today. He was exhausted both physically and mentally and planned to go home early to rest.

Just when he was getting ready and ready to go to bed.

【becomeUpdate on the progress of the task]

[Achievement Task 1: The World's No. 1 Amusement Park]

[Task Description: Keep attracting tourists and let the amusement park's reputation spread all over the world]

[Completed Phase 9: 1,000,000/1,000,000 have been attracted, and the Phase 9 reward - Achievement Task Pack 9]

[Current task in progress: Phase 10: 1,000,255/5,000,000 have been attracted]


"Achievement Task?"


[What's wrong? ]

"Nothing, a little surprised, one million tourists."

[Well, it's almost the first anniversary, which means that one million tourists have come in the past year]

"This number looks really exciting. Although it can't be compared with Disney, which has an annual income of more than 7 billion and a tourist volume of over 10 million, it is definitely a good start!"

[Well, come on! Disney, Liuqi and other world-famous amusement parks are rated A. If you surpass them, you will be S-level]

"Sounds awesome!"

"Open the gift package first!"

[Use successfully]

[Obtain special building - Magic Castle]

[Obtain 100,000 square meters of artificial lake]

[After building the Magic Castle, new items will be available in the system mall]

[It is recommended to build the Magic Castle halfway up the mountain or at the foot of the mountain]

"Magic Castle?! This..."

Yang Fan had seen the Magic Castle in the system mall before. It was very expensive and was the highest level among the five castles.

He hurriedly opened the system mall.

Sure enough, the Magic Castle, like the Fairytale Castle and the Water Castle, turned gray and showed "Cannot be exchanged".

"But I have no place to build it now."

Yang Fan felt a little headache. He finally got such a big treasure, but there was no place to build it.

Just when he was at a loss, Mayor Wang Zheng suddenly called.

"Got it!" Yang Fan's eyes lit up.

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