After hearing the system's message, Yang Fan's train of thought was interrupted. So he stood up, came to the window, looked out the window, and slowed down his brain.

He looked at the time.

At this time, the water park was about to close, and there were not many tourists in the park.

"Let's go to the wave pool after closing."

Yang Fan said to himself.

The wave pool is a swimming pool with artificial waves, which is known as one of the strangest artificial landscapes of mankind.

It can generate waves and is deeply loved by tourists. It is also one of the main projects of a water park.

Waves usually appear every few minutes. Compared with natural waves, the waves generated by the wave pool are more controllable, and the shape, frequency, and intensity can be set according to demand.

Conventional wave pools generally do not become an independent scenic spot project, but are attached to the water park.

Of course, there are also cases where a single wave pool becomes an independent attraction. This level of wave pool is generally three or four hundred meters long and one or two hundred meters wide, and it really looks like the sea.

After the water park closed, Yang Fan came to the wave pool.

The area around the wave pool has been decorated to look like a real beach. The width of this circle of beach is nearly 20 meters, which is enough to experience most beach entertainment.

For example, beach volleyball, sand bath, etc.

There are also some fake shell decorations on the beach.

At first, Yang Fan planned to buy them directly from the system mall, but then he thought about it and asked the purchasing department to order them directly from the Mengtu Toy Factory.

The cost of these decorations is very low, less than a few cents per piece on average.

Considering that there must be losses, such as damage or theft, the purchasing department purchased more than 20,000 at one time, and will replenish them from time to time.

After inserting 10 signs with the words "Please do not take away shells, crabs and other decorations" into the sand, Yang Fan planned to enter the water and experience the wave pool in person.

"Hello, Director Yang!"

"Director Yang!"

Just as Yang Fan was holding his bag and preparing to go to the changing room to change his swimming trunks, he suddenly heard someone calling him.

He looked back and saw several employees who had just got off work.

"Director Yang, what are you doing?"

"The wave pool has just been built, I'm here to experience it."

"Do you need our help?"

"No problem, no. You guys should go home soon, you've been busy all day."

"Well, Director Yang, you go ahead, we'll go back."

"Okay, bye."

"Goodbye, Director Yang!"

After the employees left, Yang Fan also went to the locker room to change into his swimming trunks. Then he entered the control room of the wave pool and turned off the power.

In the control room, you can see that this wave pool can create 20 kinds of waves, including diamond waves, wave waves, swing waves, and row waves.

In addition, there is a red button that is very conspicuous.

"What is this?"

[This is "Tsunami". Press this button and the wave pool will not produce ordinary waves, but a "tsunami" with a height of 1 to 3 meters. It is not recommended to use it unless there are special requests from tourists.

[The wave pool uses a vacuum wave machine, which uses a vacuum pump to raise the water level in the room. The control system sends a signal to the actuator system according to the pre-designed wave spectrum to control the opening and closing of the valve system.

"It's well said, but I didn't understand."


Yang Fan has no interest in the principle of the wave machine. He just wants to experience it now. If everything goes well, he wants to open the wave pool as soon as possible.

He put a swimming ring around his waist and came to the edge of the wave pool.

The water surface in the wave pool is about one meter below the ground. Although it is not high, it is not suitable for jumping in directly. Even if you can swim, you should not underestimate the power of water.

On the inner wall of the wave pool, there is a ladder every ten meters. Yang Fan followed the ladder into the water and felt a chill.

He opened the system chat group and communicated with the wave pool. Then waves began to appear on the water surface.

As the first wave of water "attacked" him, Yang Fan, who was floating on the water, followed the waves up and down, and his body was out of control.

After experiencing several ordinary waves, he decided to be bold.

Yang Fan: Let's have a huge wave, more than 1.5 meters @ wave pool

Wave pool: OK!


Suddenly there was a sound from the wave pool, and a row of two-meter-high waves surged over.

"Oh my god!"

Yang Fan was thrown up by the huge wave and then fell into the water again.

In this way, he soaked in the wave pool for nearly two hours, and experienced everything except the "tsunami".

Because the "tsunami" is dangerous, Yang Fan does not plan to experience it, especially when he is alone. If something unexpected happens, it will be troublesome.After leaving the wave pool, Yang Fan went to the complex to take a shower, and then prepared to go home.

Yang Fan had just returned home and was sitting at his desk preparing to continue writing a land application.

Suddenly, he was interrupted by another burst of cell phone ringing.

"Good guy, is it so hard to write an application?"

After complaining for a while, he still picked up the phone.


"Director Yang?"

"it's me."

The caller was Liu Feng, the newly appointed Minister of External Relations.

He told Yang Fan that a total of 10 people, including the chief director, chief screenwriter, producer of the website's variety show, and several accompanying staff, had arrived at the hotel at the amusement park.

The name of this variety show is "Superstar".

The program team invited 12 relatively popular celebrities, and each episode will play games in relatively popular attractions.

The Shendong Amusement Park Water Park is the fourth phase of the plan, because not all attractions have been confirmed.

Therefore, Yang Fan hopes that if everything goes well, it would be best to arrange a phase in the main park.

"After the opening of the water park, the amusement park has obviously received more attention! Therefore, we must win the land to the west of Li Lake!"

Yang Fan tasted the benefits of expansion, sat at his desk and wrote a land application.

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