Reporter Jiang watched Pan Zhuo and Yang Fan enter the dock with helpless expressions on his face.

Pan Zhuo usually doesn't watch news programs at all, so how could he recognize who Wang Yue is.

But looking around, there was only one person, Wang Yue, wearing a black dress, so he mistook Wang Yue for the helper Pan Dahai arranged for him.

At this time, the WeChat group of Shendong Amusement Park employees also exploded.

Pier Sailor 1-Liu Yang: That fat guy is so abusive. If it weren't for the image of the amusement park, I would really want to beat him up!

Pier Sailor 5-Ma Lan: Stop bragging. Can you beat him? But at first glance, that kid was just here to have sex, and he was very famous.

Pier Sailor 3-Li Hongliang: What do you think when a fat man wearing famous brands comes here to try his luck?

Trojan 5-Gao Yue: Is there anyone out there? I hate people who touch porcelain the most. The social atmosphere has been ruined by them!

Publicity-Pan Lili: I’m off the air now, it was too scary just now. I saw that the principal took several people to the monitoring room.

Director-Yang Fan: Don’t worry, everyone, it’s okay. @赵杰 Zhao Jie, you go to the police station next door and call the police, saying that someone is causing trouble by touching porcelain, and then you bring them to the monitoring room.

Director-Yang Fan: @publicity-Pan Lili Lili, come here too, use your mobile phone to record the video, don’t broadcast it live.

Zhao Jie: Got it!

Publicity-Pan Lili: Got it!

Yang Fan took Pan Zhuo and Wang Yue to the monitoring room and took three chairs for everyone to sit down.

"What are you doing?! Don't you want to watch the surveillance? Look, don't play tricks on me!"

Pan Zhuo was confident. He believed that through the exaggeration by the reporters around him, the amusement park would definitely be disgraced and disgraced.

"Don't worry, let's wait for a few more people."

"Who are you waiting for?"


"Huh, do you think I'm scared? When they come, your amusement park will be even more embarrassed."

Pan Zhuo crossed his legs, looking rebellious.

"Then wait until they come and see who will be embarrassed."

Yang Fan also stopped pretending. Except for Wang Yue, all the employees in the monitoring room were his own, so there was no need to put on a fake smile.

"Okay, let's wait."

Pan Zhuo ignored Yang Fan and planned to have sex with reporters.

"Are you a reporter?"

Pan Zhuo secretly asked Wang Yue in a low voice.

"How do you know? Do you know me?"

"Hehe, of course I know, and I also know you are here to help me."

"help you?"

"Of course you are helping me stink up this amusement park. I don't know what my dad said to you, but you will act according to my eyes in a while."

"Who is your father?"

"Oh, that's quite the pretense. Okay, stop talking, the police will come soon, and I won't let go of the fact that the amusement park boat is a safety hazard, so you can help me fan the flames."


Although Wang Yue was still a little confused, she almost understood what was going on. The little fat man in front of him seemed to have misunderstood something.

"No, I am not……"

Before Wang Yue could finish her words, Zhao Jie, Pan Lili and several police comrades entered the monitoring room.

"Who is the director?"

"I am."

Yang Fan stood up and shook hands with the police.

"Comrade police! This amusement park is really harmful to people. If I hadn't been lucky, I might have been reincarnated by now!"

The villain Pan Zhuo complained first and complained to several police officers.

"Comrade, please calm down first. We will definitely enforce the law fairly and fairly."

"Okay, okay."

"Hey, this comrade looks familiar. Are you Wang Yue? The host?"

The police seemed to recognize Wang Yue.

"Yes, it's me."

Wang Yue said quickly.

"I'm a very tough dad. Looking at this attitude, this reporter is not an ordinary young reporter." Pan Zhuo thought to himself, and even had a little more respect for Pan Dahai.

"Okay, comrade police, this tourist said that our amusement park did not do a good job in safety. He insists on asking our park to compensate for 20,000 yuan in mental damages. This is an obvious suspicion of extortion."

"I have surveillance here, let's take a look together."

Yang Fan led everyone to the big screen, which displayed the entire artificial lake. It was indeed difficult to see clearly the situation of each cruise ship.

"What's the use of this surveillance?"

Pan Zhuo said disdainfully.

"Don't worry."

Yang Fan pressed the button marked with the number "17", which was the number of the cruise ship that Pan Zhuo had just taken.

The big screen suddenly switched to show the four seats in the cruise ship, and the image was very clear.

Yang Fan played the video backwards, and four tourists appeared on the screen. One of them is Pan Zhuo, who is sitting in the second row, which is also the closest position to the surveillance camera.

Pan Lili held up her mobile phone and started recording the video. Wang Yue also stared at the big screen with a surprised expression on her face.

As the surveillance video played, after a while, Pan Zhuo was seen unbuckling his seat belt with force, and then took advantage of the turn of the cruise ship to jump into the lake.

Yang Fan pressed the pause button, and the video was frozen at the scene of Pan Zhuo about to fall into the water.

"Everyone saw it, right? Is there anything else to say?"

Yang Fan turned his head and showed a wicked smile.

"This, this is impossible."

Pan Zhuo was a little flustered. He never thought that every cruise ship had surveillance.

"Do you want to solve it privately or follow the procedures?"

A policeman said.

"Of course we will follow the procedures. This kind of evil spirit must be eliminated once it is discovered."

"Okay then. Comrade, please come with us."

"No, I won't go! Mr. Yang, I was wrong. Tell them not to take me away."

Pan Zhuo shouted loudly.

"I've told you that if you're here to scam me, you'll definitely go to the police station for tea today! If you want to scam me, it's not that easy to let it go!" Yang Fan said forcefully.

"I'm still a child!"

"How old are you this year?"


"I'm only 23 this year!"

"Reporter, for my father's sake, you have to help me!"

Pan Zhuo turned to Wang Yue for help.

"I'm sorry, I can't do anything! I don't care who your father is, I have my own bottom line!"

Wang Yue turned her head away and didn't look at Pan Zhuo.

"I won't leave, no one can take me away today! Even the king of heaven can't do it!"

Pan Zhuo made a big fuss and acted like a rogue. Finally, three policemen joined forces to subdue him.

"Director Yang, please go back with us to make a statement."


The police took Pan Zhuo to the police car parked on the side of the road, and Yang Fan got in afterwards.

"Are you okay?"

The cameraman saw Wang Yue coming out of the dock and hurried over to ask.

"It's okay, but I really encountered an interesting thing."

Wang Yue took out a recorder from her bag and showed a meaningful smile on her face.

Afterwards, Yang Fan called Zhao Jie to take Wang Yue on a cruise. Wang Yue then interviewed several tourists.

However, those who took the carousel in the afternoon were unlucky. Perhaps affected by Pan Zhuo, the carousel seemed unhappy and the movement was much larger than usual.

At about six o'clock, when the park was closed, the TV station suddenly called Wang Yue and asked her to go back.

Wang Yue, who wanted to wait for Yang Fan to come back, had to leave first.

Others continued to wait for Yang Fan's return.

At about seven o'clock, Yang Fan finally returned to the amusement park.

"Director Yang, are you okay? How did you deal with that kid?"

Zhao Jie asked with concern.

"It must be a detention plus fine package, and there will be a written apology."

"That's good. We must not be soft-handed when dealing with these guys who commit fraud, and we must not encourage evil trends."

"Well, everyone should remember that we must learn to use legal weapons to protect our legal rights and interests. We cannot give these sneaky people any opportunity to take advantage of us. I believe that the law will eventually give us a fair judgment. You must be tired, go back and rest."

Yang Fan waved his hand and entered the office building.

That night, Pan Dahai used all the connections he could use, and finally got Pan Zhuo out on bail.

"Yang Fan, you bastard!"

Pan Dahai's eyes were full of murderous light, and he clenched his fists viciously.

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