The Entertainment Department of Shendong Amusement Park had already started preparing for the anniversary party one month in advance.

The party is expected to start at 7:30 and end at 9:00 in the evening, and the whole process will take about 1.5 hours.

The venue is on the stage in the open space in front of the fairy tale castle, and there will be a fireworks show after the party.

The content of the program is also very rich, including singing and dancing performed by the "SAG" group, magic and acrobatics performed by the circus, audience interactive lottery draws, etc., as well as the most anticipated singing performance by Li Lingli.

"Let's sit here, it seems like this is the most suitable place now!"

It was almost seven o'clock after Wang Mengzhu and others finished dinner, and they decided to go directly to the venue to get a good place.

Although I arrived thirty minutes early, I thought I could get a good seat, but in the end I only sat in the middle left of the eighth row.

Fortunately, there were seats available. Within ten minutes, all the seats were filled with tourists. Tourists who came late had to stand at the back.

There is a big screen behind the stage. Even if you can't see the people on the stage clearly, you can still watch it on the big screen.

As a total of four hosts, two men and two women, came to the stage, the Shendong Amusement Park anniversary party officially began.

The host first introduced the guests present, including Chairman and Director Yang Fan, Assistant Wang Yue and others.

When the host introduced "Ms. Zhang Wenwen, Regional Manager of the Main Park of Shendong Amusement Park", Wang Mengzhu's face was filled with happiness.

She also muttered: "Hey, my sister-in-law is so awesome! So handsome! My idiot brother got a big deal!"

"Mengzhu, calm down, that's your brother!"

"It's over, the brother's control has become the sister-in-law's control!"

Wang Mengzhu's roommates had dark looks on their faces.

After introducing the guests present, the first program was a dance by the group "SAG". Since the tourists present were mainly young people, it was very popular.

Next is a new acrobatic show choreographed by the circus, with several cute animals performing together.

The wonderful performances of circus performers and animal performers also attracted bursts of applause and cheers from tourists.

During the party, there will be a lottery every two or three programs.

Each visitor's ticket has a corresponding number, and the amusement park will conduct a lottery through random drawing.

In the end, three third prizes, two second prizes, and one first prize will be drawn. The prizes are very generous.

After the circus performance, one of the evening hosts returned to the stage.

"Next, there will be a round of drawings! Three third prizes will be drawn. Visitors and friends, please read the numbers on your tickets clearly!"

While the host was speaking, numbers began to scroll rapidly on the big screen behind him.

"Now we invite the lucky draw guest - Ms. Zhang Wenwen, regional manager of the main park of Shendong Amusement Park, to draw the lucky draw for everyone!"

Next, Zhang Wenwen came to the stage.

"Manager Zhang, you can stop at any time! The number displayed on the big screen will be the number of the winner's ticket. If the winner is not present, a redraw will be conducted!"

The host explained the lottery rules to Zhang Wenwen and the tourists present.

Music played in the background. The host and Zhang Wenwen held microphones and looked back at the big screen almost at the same time.

"Stop!" Zhang Wenwen suddenly shouted.

"NO.002333" was displayed on the big screen.

"Congratulations to tourist 002333. If this tourist is here, please come to the stage immediately with your ticket!"

"I won the lottery!"

A young man in his twenties jumped up happily and quickly came to the stage with his ticket.

"Manager Zhang, please continue the lottery!"

After the three winners came to the stage, Zhang Wenwen presented the awards to the three.

The third prize is a brand-name juicer.

After the lottery, the kindergarten children also performed wonderful dances, and the amusement park employees performed cross talk and so on.

During this process, a second prize draw was also held. The prize was a microwave oven. Yang Fan conducted the draw and awards.

Just when the party was about to end in more than twenty minutes, a sound of "rumbling~" suddenly came.

"what sound?"

"Is that the airship?"

"No, that's not what the airship sounds like!"

"It's a helicopter!"

a tourist suddenly shouted.

The searchlights on both sides of the stage suddenly shot into the sky.

The tourists took a closer look and saw a red helicopter flying towards the stage.

"There's someone under the plane!"

There is a gorgeously decorated "flower basket" hanging under the helicopter, and the person standing in the flower basket isIt is Li Lingli, the image spokesperson of Shendong Amusement Park.

When the helicopter flew directly above the stage, it began to slowly lower its flight altitude.

After the "flower basket" landed, Li Lingli, who was wearing a formal dress, opened the door of the "flower basket" and walked out to the center of the stage.

Afterwards, the helicopter also increased its flight altitude and left with the "flower basket".




"This way of showing up is too cruel!"

"So high-profile!"


The tourists were talking a lot and were obviously shocked by Li Lingli's appearance.

Li Lingli stood in the center of the stage, said hello to the tourists, and then prepared to start singing. The "SAG" group is responsible for the backup dancers.

She sang two songs in total, one was her famous song and the other was the theme song of Shendong Amusement Park.

The enthusiasm of the tourists has also reached a climax, and the first prize draw will be held next, and the guest of the draw is naturally Li Lingli.

After a "stop" sound, "NO.001704" was displayed on the big screen.

"Ah~ I won the lottery Σ(,,ºΔº,,*)!" Yueyue, the roommate next to Wang Mengzhu, suddenly screamed.


"Haha, I have to treat you!"

"Haha, come on stage, come on stage!"

Under the urging of Wang Mengzhu and others, Yueyue came to the stage happily.

Li Lingli presented her with an award, and the prize was a new laptop computer.

As the party and fireworks show ended, the tourists dispersed.

Wang Mengzhu and her roommates also returned to the tourist hotel.

"What a lovely day!"

"You have to get up early tomorrow!"

"OK, good night!"

The four girls returned to their respective rooms to rest and recharge for the next two days.


〔important Notice〕

As of now, a full year has passed in the plot year, and nearly 200 chapters have been used.

During this year, in addition to focusing on describing the development process of amusement facilities and amusement parks.

The activities and programs at each stage are also narrated according to the timeline.

Since the plot of the first year has ended, starting from the second year, there will be almost no festivals that have been written in the first year, but the focus will be on the construction of the water park and the third park.

It can also be understood that the next focus is on the gameplay of the amusement facilities and the construction of the park.

In this way, starting from the second year, each year will pass quickly and the length will be reduced. There will not be nearly 200 chapters in one year.

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