After Yang Fan and Wang Yue returned to Shendong Amusement Park from Fuzhou, they learned about the entire recording process of the "Super Star" program from Liu Feng and Pan Lili.

Although Cai Jun, the chief director of the program group, told Yang Fan when he left the amusement park that the recording of the program was very successful, he also looked forward to the next cooperation.

But Yang Fan had other plans in mind.

The reason why he had Liu Feng and Pan Lili accompany the program crew throughout the whole process was not just to help the program crew answer questions.

We still need to let these two people adopt a learning attitude and go to the scene to learn how a professional director directs a column well.

This will be of great benefit to their management team and even to directing variety shows themselves in the future.

In the future, Shendong Amusement Park's promotional methods will definitely not be as simple as releasing a few short promotional videos. Instead, it must keep pace with the times and compile its own variety shows and broadcast them on the official website.

Recently, many tourists and netizens have reported that the official website of the amusement park will experience lag when there are many people.

Therefore, the External Relations Department is also actively contacting more high-quality website operation outsourcing companies.

Pan Lili also proposed to Yang Fan the need to expand the scale of the Department of Culture and Entertainment and recruit more potential talents, and Yang Fan also strongly agreed with this.

He decided to ask the Human Resources Department and the External Relations Department to cooperate with Shendong Conservatory of Music and Shendong Media School before the start of fall recruitment in September.

If there are potential stocks with strong comprehensive qualities, the amusement park will try to win them over as soon as possible.

If conditions permit, we can directly set up an exclusive agent team for the amusement park to open up the entertainment industry market.

In fact, when the amusement park signed an endorsement contract with Li Lingli, Yang Fan had already opened the door to the entertainment industry.

Although he himself does not intend to go into the muddy waters of the entertainment industry, after all, the water there is too deep and he cannot control it.

But this is both an opportunity and a challenge for him and Shen Dong Amusement Park. Although it comes with great risks, the benefits are also considerable.

Abroad, it has become commonplace to use the power of the entertainment industry to promote amusement parks.

But in China, this kind of situation is still rare. At best, you can only find a celebrity to endorse it.

According to Yang Fan's imagination, in the near future, the amusement park will organize celebrities to record variety shows in various parks. Or after producing mascot cartoons or even big movies, let these stars do the dubbing. These will all be possible.

These are all good ways to expand the influence of amusement parks, but there is still a big gap between this level and it needs to be improved step by step.

"Sister Yue, now that our amusement park has entered the two circles of entertainment and catering, do you have any other ideas?"

Yang Fan was sitting in the principal's office. He had just finished reading the materials submitted by Liu Feng and Pan Lili, and raised his head and asked Wang Yue.

"Director Yang, let's improve these two first. Entertainment and catering are already new challenges for us, which requires a process of adaptation. You can't reach a thousand miles without taking small steps."

Wang Yue was worried that Yang Fan was too eager for quick success and instant gain, so she poured cold water on him at the right time.

In the past half year, Shendong Amusement Park has developed too fast.

The most significant thing is that the overall quality of employees has dropped significantly. This is mainly because the amusement park is growing faster than the growth rate of employees and the injection of excellent employees.

From the expansion and opening of the water park area to signing an endorsement contract with Li Lingli, to the second expansion of the amusement park, taking over Qingfeng Ocean World and so on.

It all went so smoothly that it felt unreal.

Wang Yue also clearly noticed that something was wrong with Yang Fan in recent days, especially after returning from Fuzhou Qingfeng Ocean World.

"Sister Yue, there should be nothing wrong. We have made a lot of money this year. I feel like we can just buy a small film and television base. Then let Li Lingli join our amusement park directly. Haha!" Yang Fan started He said without any hesitation.

In fact, this cannot be entirely blamed on Yang Fan. After all, he is just a young man who has just graduated for more than a year. After achieving certain results, everyone will inevitably become proud and complacent.

Wang Yue didn't speak, stood up, and took out an old-looking photo album from the bookshelf in the principal's room. She opened one of the pages and found an envelope inside.

She handed the photo album and the letter in the envelope to Yang Fan, and left the principal's office without saying a word.

In the photo album are printed photos of Shendong Amusement Park more than half a year ago. At that time, it still looked desolate, far less prosperous than it is now.

And that letter was written by Yang half a year agoYang Fan wrote this letter to warn his future self, not to be complacent even if he has achieved good results.

It turned out that Yang Fan had made an agreement with Wang Yue half a year ago.

Because he was young and energetic, he was easily swayed by emotions. If the amusement park develops quickly, he will inevitably become arrogant and arrogant.

In order to avoid this from happening, he must stop it in time before everything gets worse.

For this reason, Yang Fan wrote a letter to himself to warn himself and wake himself up.

After writing the letter, he put it in an envelope, put it in the album and put it on the bookshelf.

More than ten minutes later, Yang Fan finished reading the letter and pondered for another half an hour, and his mood changed a lot.

At this time, he calmed down and began to recall the negligence and problems in his past work.

In the process of recalling, he found that there were many things that could have been done better, but he muddled through them in a daze.

"System, have I been performing badly recently?"

The director's office was empty, and Yang Fan wanted to find someone to talk to, so he naturally found the system.

[Well, at least compared to the first half of the year, it's much worse]

"What aspects do you mean specifically?"

[Almost all aspects]


[I'm glad you can reflect on yourself. In fact, it's not terrible to lose yourself. What's terrible is that after losing yourself, you can no longer find your original direction and goal]

"Well, I know."

[I'll give you ten words! 『Hide your edge』, 『Hide your wisdom』, 『Self-reflection』, 『Be careful with your words』, 『Be kind』

[I hope you can deeply understand these ten words, continue to work hard, and live up to this amusement park your parents left for you]

"Well, thank you!"

Yang Fan stood up, put the letter back into the envelope, put it in the album, and put the album back on the bookshelf.

Just then, the phone rang suddenly. Yang Fan took a look at the incoming call and found that it was Pan Lili calling.

"Hello? Lili, what's up?"

"I just sent an event plan."

"What's the theme of the event? Any new ideas?"

"Yes! Shaved Ice Festival!"

"Clean and hygienic?"



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