While the employees were rushing over, Yang Fan was going to ask about the details and precautions of riding the Hell Ring.

He opened the group chat, and the name of the group had been changed to "Director Yang and his friends".

[Hell Ring has joined the group chat]

Hell Ring: Hello everyone, newcomer reporting in!

Carousel: Welcome newcomer!

Big Pendulum: Welcome big boss, group status -1

Hell Ring: Nice to meet you!

Yang Fan: Welcome to join! @Hell Ring

Hell Ring: Thank you for the welcome, host!

Yang Fan: I will ride with a few employees in a while, is there anything special to pay attention to?

Hell Ring: Nothing, just fasten your seat belt. Generally speaking, I ride the black circle faster and more exciting, called "speed ring"; the red circle is slower and the thrill is average, called "warm ring". But I can control this.

Yang Fan: Just be normal, no need to change! I will assign personnel in a while.

Hell Ring: OK!

Ten minutes later.

The employees came to the bottom of the Hell Ring in a mighty procession.

"Director, we are almost all here."

Zhao Jie said to Yang Fan.

"Well, this facility can accommodate up to 40 people at a time. We can divide into four or five groups, and everyone can come and experience it." Yang Fan nodded.

He looked at the more than 100 employees in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

From the beginning, there was only one employee, Pan Lili, to more than 100 employees now.

In the past month, life is unpredictable.

Who would have thought that the amusement park that looked like a garbage dump a month ago has now been on TV, popular, and even has more than 10,000 visitors a day.

"Director, I took a few photos from a distance, they are so beautiful. Especially with the reflection of the lake, they can be used as the cover of the amusement park promotional video in the future."

Pan Lili's voice pulled Yang Fan back from his sigh. She handed the phone to Yang Fan and showed the photos she had just taken.

Yang Fan took a look and found that the photos were indeed very beautiful. Due to the dim light around, the halo looks particularly gorgeous.

"Lili, start the live broadcast. The content of the live broadcast is to test ride the new facilities in the amusement park. The Hell Ring will open tomorrow."

"Yeah, okay."

"You can't seem to get a full view from this position. You can stand back so that you can have a panoramic view."


Yang Fan asked a few people to help Pan Lili with the live broadcast, while he faced the employees and prepared to divide the employees into several batches to ride in turn.

"As you can see, this Hell Ring has two rings, each of which can be used. The yellow ring is fast, and the white ring on the other side is relatively slow. You can choose for yourself."

"Then I choose the yellow one!"

"I choose the yellow one too!"

"I choose the white one!"

"It looks a bit scary, I want to watch."

"I'm yellow!"

"Yes, you're yellow←_←!"


Soon, the grouping of people was completed. Yang Fan planned to ride with the second group of people.

A large number of viewers began to pour into Pan Lili's live broadcast room.

"Good evening, anchor."

"You're actually broadcasting live at night?!"

"Let me see what happened."

"Wow, what is that halo? So beautiful!"

"Fuck, it looks like the Eye of Tianjin! Although not as big!"


"Good evening, netizens! This facility you see is called the Ring of Hell, which is a newly completed amusement facility in the amusement park. Many friends should have seen it. It is near the artificial lake and was surrounded by a circle of iron fences before."

"Tonight, our director Yang and my colleagues will test ride. Lili will be responsible for broadcasting the whole process to everyone!"

Pan Lili explained to netizens.

"I want to see the anchor ride it!"


『Netizen "Yu Shuo Amusement Park" gave a [Super Rocket] and left a message "Wait for the anchor to ride it, otherwise you will have no roots"』

"Rich man!"


"Don't give me gifts yet, I will try my best to satisfy you later, and talk to the director to let me ride it once."


Yang Fan walked into the control room with two employees, who will be responsible for the control of the Hell Ring in the future.

Zhao Jie decisively chose the black Speed ​​Ring, and 19 male employees rode with him.

As for the other red Warmth Ring, Liu Yang took 19 female employees to ride together.

He said that he wanted to give courage to his female colleagues, and he could lend his broad shoulders to them at critical moments. Of course, everyone sneered at this.


The front and rear of the pulley are different from other carriages, and are streamlined.

Zhao Jie satAt the front of the train, you can see two tracks on the inner wall of the ring, about one meter apart.

Although it is a little unclear, there seems to be an LED screen that surrounds the tracks.

About three meters to his left is another ring, which is basically the same in structure, with the only difference being the appearance of the pulley.

The pulley of the Speed ​​Ring is full of technology, while the pulley of the Warmth Ring is a retro structure that looks similar to an ordinary roller coaster.

"Everyone fasten your seat belts, confirm each other one last time, we'll start immediately!"

Everyone heard Yang Fan's voice. It turned out that each car was equipped with two speakers, which could be transmitted through the microphone in the control room.


Zhao Jie felt the pulley slowly move backwards, and it seemed to start.

The LED screen between the tracks also lit up, and began to play some shocking pictures, such as cliffs, sky, abyss, etc.

The pulley slid back a distance and slowly stopped. Zhao Jie felt that it was about thirty degrees.

"I think it will dive down next, similar to the pirate ship..."

Before Zhao Jie finished talking to Ma Lan beside him, the trolley suddenly accelerated forward.

Just when everyone thought that the trolley would slide to almost the same height and then retreat, swinging back and forth.

The trolley had no intention of stopping at all, and rushed directly to the highest point and made a big loop.


"Oh my god! So brave Σ(,,ºΔº,,*)!"



And Liu Yang and others on the warm ring saw the current situation of Zhao Jie and others, and their eyes widened, and they were extremely glad that they were not in the same ring with them.

There was a special audience in Pan Lili's live broadcast room, he was Wang Zheng, the mayor of Shendong City.

At this time, Wang Zheng had just arrived home, and originally wanted to open his mobile phone to relax for a while, and accidentally saw Pan Lili's live broadcast.

He knew about the recent situation of Shendong Amusement Park, and he was very pleased. Yang Fan's father Yang Zhi also had a good relationship with him.

When it opened at the beginning of the month, he was on a business trip, so he did not attend the opening ceremony.

"This facility is so beautiful. I think it can become a landmark building in Shendong City. Yang Zhi, your son is much better than you."

Wang Zheng looked at the ring of hell in the live broadcast, thinking.

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