After Yang Fan made a preliminary plan, it was already completely dark, so he planned to use the renovation voucher for the main entrance ticket office.

After using it, he saw through the window that the big truck was parked at the main entrance again, the iron fence had been erected, and there were faint lights.

"Go to sleep, I have to get up early tomorrow." Yang Fan yawned and lay on the sofa.

"I have to clean up the staff dormitory when I have time these two days, at least there must be a bed." Yang Fan muttered to himself, lay down and played with his mobile phone for a while, and fell asleep in the middle of the night.

The next day, Yang Fan got up early. Today is the day for classmates to ride the carousel. Everyone chatted very lively in the group the night before, and some classmates even said that they would bring friends to ride together.

Yang Fan planned to go to the subway station entrance to eat a simple egg pancake. When he left the amusement park gate, he saw the ticket office that had been renovated.

The ticket office has 6 manual ticket offices and 2 automatic ticket offices. The overall building is light red. There are three large gold-plated characters "Ticket Office" on the roof, as well as a huge naked-eye 3D screen.

People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. Although the ticket office is still the same ticket office, it has been renovated and some details have been adjusted. The overall feeling makes the main entrance of the amusement park next to it pale in comparison.

After Yang Fan had breakfast, he saw that some classmates in the group had already rushed to the amusement park. He planned to wait for his classmates near the subway station first.

Before ten o'clock, seven or eight classmates had already met Yang Fan at the subway station.

"Hey, Mr. Yang! Good morning, haha." A carefree voice came, and Wang Dehua, wearing a sportswear, walked towards Yang Fan with a smile.

"Welcome to Mr. Wang. Alas, Mr. Yang, it's not open yet, and I haven't made a penny."

Yang Fan shook hands with Wang Dehua in a proper manner.

The two are best friends and roommates, and they have a very good relationship. Wang Dehua plans to take the civil service exam and is preparing for it, so he has relatively free time.

"Hello everyone, you are here so early!" Yang Fan greeted other students.

These students are very supportive. As long as they can come before 10 o'clock, they will come. Some of them who have something to do temporarily also said that they will come in the afternoon.

Yang Fan brought more than 20 classmates to the amusement park. Everyone talked and laughed along the way, which was very lively.

When they arrived at the entrance of the amusement park, they saw the dilapidated main entrance. Wang Dehua said with emotion: "It is rumored that this amusement park has closed down. It seems to be true. I came here when I was a child, especially the crazy mouse. I didn't expect it to be your family's property. How can I say that the local tyrant is around me."

"It's not closed, it's just that there are no tourists, so it's temporarily closed ( ̄~ ̄)"

Yang Fan explained very stubbornly, which attracted everyone's laughter.

"But it doesn't matter. I've taken over now. It will become the best amusement park in the world. Look, the ticket office has been renovated!"

Yang Fan pointed to the ticket office and opened the locked iron door.

"Wow, you decorated the ticket office so luxuriously! I seem to smell a smell of money!"

Wang Dehua stretched his nose and took a deep breath.

"That's right, from now on, our classmates will come and it's all free!"

Yang Fan waved his hand and led his classmates into the amusement park and walked towards the carousel.

The entire park has not been cleaned up yet. Although it still looks like an amusement park, it does give people a desolate feeling.

The carousel is particularly eye-catching among these facilities.

"Wow, Yang Fan, your carousel is great! It's much more beautiful than the photo. It can be said to be the best-looking one I've ever seen|。・ㅂ・)っ♡"

Pan Lili's eyes were shining with little stars. She took out her mobile phone and took a selfie with the carousel.

"Hey, it's not just beautiful! It's much more fun to ride on it than an ordinary carousel. Let's go and experience it!" Yang Fan said with a smile.

Somehow, Wang Dehua felt that Yang Fan's smile was mixed with a hint of vulgarity. He felt that things seemed not that simple.


The classmates dispersed and each found a carousel of their choice and sat on it.

"Everyone fasten your seat belts! After all, it is an amusement facility, so you still need to take good protection." Yang Fan reminded everyone.

"Fasten your seat belts? My 7-year-old sister dares to ride a carousel, and you want me to wear a seat belt?" Chen Wei said, and said that wearing a seat belt on a carousel was an insult to himself.

Wang Dehua fastened his seat belt immediately. He felt that Yang Fan must have his reasons for asking them to do so.

The female classmates fastened their seat belts obediently.The students wore seat belts, while most of the male students refused to wear seat belts.

"All tourists, please sit down. Our happy journey will begin soon! Each round is three minutes long! I wish you all a good time!" Yang Fan said in a serious manner.

"It has an inside taste!" The students were very satisfied with Yang Fan's performance.

"These people are my college classmates. We must let them have fun!" Yang Fan said to the carousel and entered the control room.

Due to the noisy environment, the students did not hear Yang Fan talking to the carousel. Of course, even if they heard it, they would not care too much.

Yang Fan entered the control room, pressed the start button, and then observed the carousel and the students through the screen.

"Boom~" The colored lights of the carousel lit up and started to start.

Yang Fan's system task progress also changed to 23/30.

The first two laps of the carousel were still normal, but the following operations left a deep impression on Yang Fan's classmates.

Wang Dehua's carousel suddenly turned around and started to circle in the opposite direction.

Chen Wei's horse began to spin by itself.

Ma Guobao's horse ran at high speed like a wild horse.

Each horse has different motion states, and some even stand still.

The students who didn't wear seat belts were in a state of panic at this moment. They hugged the necks of the horses, and began to madly output fragrant words like honey on their mouths.

Others laughed at the funny postures of these students.

The carousel was filled with shouting, screaming and laughter, which was very lively.

Three minutes passed quickly, and as the carousel gradually stopped, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's so fun!"

"I was scared to death! But I still want to play!"

"Redefine the carousel!"

"Fortunately, I wore a seat belt!"

"I didn't wear it, and my head almost fell out!"

The students talked a lot.

Yang Fan walked out of the control room and came to the carousel. He asked the students who came out one after another: "How do you feel?"

"It's so cool! It's like a roller coaster!"

"I almost vomited my breakfast, but I'll ride it again in a while!"

"I'll take a break first. I'll take pictures for you and send them to the group."

There were still a few brave male students who didn't get off the horse.

Wang Dehua shouted to Yang Fan: "Mr. Yang! Can we play another round? It's not fun! ( ̄▽ ̄)╭∩╮"

"Okay! I'm coming!" Yang Fan walked to the control room and turned back to several students and said: "I'll trouble you to take pictures and videos, and help me promote it well."

"Don't worry! I have more than 700,000 fans!"

"Well, I'll arrange it in Moments now!"

"I'm responsible for editing the Moments copy!"

As the carousel started again, there were bursts of laughter and scolding.

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