The autumn job fair of Shendong University is the campus job fair with the largest number of participating companies and the highest quality in the Shendong area.

Participating companies range from well-known domestic and foreign companies to supermarkets, pharmacies and Internet cafes. Hundreds of companies gathered here, it was so lively.

Generally speaking, the students participating in the job fair are new seniors who do not plan to take the postgraduate entrance examination and want to enter social work early.

Choose your favorite company to submit your resume at the job fair, and you will receive a probationary contract if you pass the exam. You can work as an intern in a company in mid-September, which will last until the eve of the Spring Festival.

The second semester of my senior year is mainly busy with graduation projects. After graduation in July, if everything goes well, I can directly obtain a formal contract from the company.

The time now is 8:30 in the morning on the first day of the job fair. In thirty minutes, the door to the gymnasium of Shendong University will open.

Yang Fan originally didn't want to come to the job fair. After all, it will be July next year when these students become full-time employees.

But from the perspective of sustainable development, only with the injection of fresh young blood can the amusement park develop in a more healthy and orderly manner.

Not to mention that it’s bound to be even busier starting in October. A few days ago, Yang Fan built the jumping machine the day after the construction of the rotating cup was completed.

According to calculations, the building jumping machine will be completed on the evening of September 25.

There will definitely be a shortage of a lot of manpower by then. Although Zhao Jie and the others said they will definitely come, they may not be enough. After all, there are more and more recreational facilities.

Moreover, Yang Fan wants to develop all departments of the amusement park, especially the human resources department.

Recruiting, making phone calls, and interviews are all done by yourself, which is really overwhelming. But with the human resources department, all problems will be solved.

There is also the medical department, which currently only has five people, which is far from enough.

"Lili, we in the School of Economics and Management and the School of Medicine should pay more attention."

"Well, okay٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و"

"By the way, Lili, you will be responsible for the human resources department for the time being. You are mainly responsible for recruiting new people and training corporate culture. You can withdraw when suitable people are found."

"Well, no problem. Now Xuexue is in charge of the Propaganda Department, and the results are good."

"After all, she has also been a beauty anchor, which is quite attractive to the audience."

Yang Fan also recognized Li Xue very much.

"I wonder what will happen if the children's play area is opened to the public on the first day today."

"Yang Fan, don't worry, there should be no problem. I think the photos posted in the group are all good. As soon as the door opened, a lot of people came. And Sister Wenwen is in charge, so there must be no problem. She is our daughter now. The eldest sister of the staff."

"Well, if this kind of regional amusement park can be done well, then we can then use the banyan tree as the core to create a place specifically for making wishes and taking photos."

"And then buy two alpacas and put them under the tree? Pay five yuan for a carrot for tourists to buy?"

"Lili, you are a genius!"


The recruitment positions at Shendong Amusement Park are very conspicuous. After all, as a graduate of Shendong University, Yang Fan communicated with the school in advance, and the school also opened a convenient door in order to take care of its own students.

Soon, many students submitted their resumes, most of them were overseas applicants and did not have clear work goals and plans. This is also the situation of the vast majority of fresh graduates.

"There are so many people today. I estimate there are more than a hundred resumes now."

"Well, yes, I didn't expect so much. By the way, Lili, what were you doing at this time last year?"

"It's a live broadcast. I didn't come to the job fair at that time. I went to visit the store. I pay the bill myself, not to eat and drink for free. That kind of thing doesn't deserve to be called a store visit, that's called a beggar!"

"Well, those beggars under the guise of shop detectives have ruined the real shop detectives like you."

"Yes, how about you?"

"I was at this time last year? I seemed to be studying or playing games, and I wasn't looking for a job."

"Let's study inheriting the family property."

"Ha ha."

The whole morning passed in a hurry and it was time for lunch break.

Yang Fan and the others received a total of more than 400 resumes in the morning, including 20 from medical students and 10 from the School of Economics and Management.

Many students who had conducted live broadcasts in college knew Pan Lili, so they also submitted their resumes. These people will also be important personnel reserves for the future propaganda department.

When Zhao Jie and others learned that Yang Fan and Pan Lili were coming to the job fair, they took the initiative to invite them to eat stir-fry on the second floor of the cafeteria.

Returning to the cafeteria of Shendong University, both Yang Fan and Pan Lili felt a little nostalgic and emotional.

In the afternoon, Yang FanhePan Lili returned to the job fair again.

While the two were busy receiving resumes from students, Yang Fan's cell phone rang.

Yang Fan glanced at the incoming call. Zhang Wenwen's name was displayed on it, and he suddenly felt a bad premonition.

"Director? What's wrong?"

Pan Lili felt something strange about Yang Fan.

"It's okay, it's Zhang Wenwen calling. I'll answer the phone."


Yang Fan got up and went to the rest area behind to answer the phone, and glanced at the student in front of him who was submitting his resume.

This student is the head of the female department of the School of Economics and Management, a local, and her job intention is to develop in human resources.

Because I was very attracted to the recently developed Shendong Amusement Park, and I heard that the director was my senior, I only submitted this resume.

"Classmate Meng Yuan, right? In this case, you and your senior sister Lili will collect the resumes of your classmates. You have entered the internship period."

"Oooh, huh? Okay, okay!"

Meng Yuan was also a little confused and wanted to say something, but she saw that Yang Fan had already left with her cell phone.

She turned around and saw Pan Lili also nodded slightly to her. I had no choice but to be respectful rather than obey. I entered the booth and together with Pan Lili received the students who submitted their resumes.

Yang Fan came to the rest area and answered Zhang Wenwen's call.

"Hey, Sister Wenwen, what's wrong?"

"Director Yang, I am just coming out of the police station."

"What's wrong?!"

"Someone just made trouble in the children's play area and disturbed the order. After calling the police, he was taken away by the police. I came here to make a record."

"Oh, are you okay?"

"It's okay, that person can't defeat me."

"Sister Wenwen is so amazing."

"I saw that you haven't spoken in the group, so I thought you might not have time to check WeChat, so I called you to let you know. It's okay now, and we have been compensated 290 yuan."

"Well, I really didn't pay attention to WeChat. Thank you for your hard work."

"What I should do. Director Yang, please do your work first. I will go back soon."


Yang Fan hung up the phone and checked the WeChat group.

Sure enough, the chat group showed 99+. He read the chat history from the beginning to understand what happened.

"Sister Wenwen, this is definitely a talent."

Yang Fan said silently in his heart.

At this time, Wang Qiang also sent a message to Yang Fan:

"Director Yang, when was your Zhang Wenwen born?" Are you single? 』

"Haha, there is something in what Officer Wang said."

Yang Fan smelled the gossip and had an aunt's smile on his face.

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