After instructing the staff responsible for making the promotional video, Yang Fan hurried back to the director's office.

Wang Yue also sent him information about the ten catering brands and representatives who would come the next day on WeChat.

So he had to plan the location of the food stores according to different food types.

Only in the most suitable area can the benefits be maximized.

These ten catering brands include three fast food restaurants, two beverage stores, two kebab stores, a children's food store and a chain supermarket.

Yang Fan decided to place these ten stores in the places with the largest tourist flow, so that the stores can make money and bring convenience to more tourists.

"System, I remember I still have food store construction coupons. How long does it take to build a store?"

[8 hours]

"Then use them. Build two food stores in each of the four places: the children's area, the big pendulum, the ring of hell, and the carousel."

[Construction successful]

[8 food store construction coupons consumed, 12 left]

[Estimated time: 8 hours]

"Also, I want to take out the airship. How long does it take to inflate it?"

[It is estimated to take 3 hours. After inflation, it will be fixed to the ground with ropes. The inflation of the airship can only be done by professionals. It is recommended that the host hire four system personnel from the system mall to inflate it]

"Then take it out from the warehouse first, and then hire four inflation personnel."

"I just moved it into the warehouse and took it out again. I lost a lot!"

Yang Fan complained, and then honestly hired the system transport personnel and four inflation personnel.

The next morning, Yang Fan hurried to an open space at the far end of the amusement park to check the situation of the airship.

"Wow ⊙∀⊙!"

Yang Fan was surprised. The airship in front of him had been inflated and fixed to the ground by six ropes. The ground was also painted to look like a helipad.

The airbag of the airship was light blue, with five dark red characters "Shendong Amusement Park" printed on both sides.

The airbag was nearly 30 meters long and 10 meters high. The cockpit below could accommodate six people, two pilots and four tourists.

The operation room was not far from the airship. Using the remote control function, the height and direction of the airship could be remotely controlled. The airship could also shout, play music, and drop items to the ground.

He took a panoramic photo of the airship and sent it to the WeChat group, then went to the staff cafeteria for breakfast.

The employees who were having breakfast also heard about the fountain and the airship, and were discussing while eating.

After breakfast, Yang Fan took a few photos of the food store that had been built. Then he returned to the office building to wash up briefly, made a PPT file, and prepared to start negotiations with representatives of various merchants at ten o'clock.

It was ten o'clock in the morning, and the business representatives were already sitting around the conference table, and Yang Fan was naturally sitting in the main seat.

"On behalf of Shendong Amusement Park, I would like to thank everyone for coming. Since everyone can come, they must have come with sincerity, and our amusement park also hopes to achieve a win-win situation with you."

"Before this, Minister Wang has also explained to me the purpose of everyone's visit. I have also made a PPT file here, let's take a look together."

Yang Fan opened the PPT and projected it on the screen.

"First is the children's play area. There are two food stores here, these two. I plan to give one to "Fuwa" food and the other to "Heng's Food" hamburgers."

The food store in the children's play area has a cute cartoon shape and looks very integrated with the surrounding environment.

"Then there are two food stores on the first floor of the cruise ship terminal. I suggest one for "Fang Defu" supermarket and one for "Grilled Squid."


Yang Fan told everyone about his planning and allocation reasons, and also introduced the five areas with the largest passenger flow.

The business representatives were also very satisfied, saying that they could move in tomorrow at the latest, and some even said that they could open in the afternoon.

"Don't worry, Minister Wang has already told you about the rent, right?"

Yang Fan suddenly smiled ghostly.

"Yes, I did, 15% profit."

A business replied.

"I changed my mind temporarily, I want 20% profitღ( ´・ᴗ・` )"

Yang Fan stretched out two fingers.

"Director Yang, it's not good for you to raise the price?"

"Director Yang, we should be honest in business."

"Director Yang, you are really right, don't say it again next time!"


The merchants sitting below were a little dissatisfied with Yang Fan's temporary price increase, and some of them even stood up.

"Don't worry, I'll show you a video. I believe everyone will agree after watching it."

Yang Fan projected the airship video sent to him by the system onto the screen.

"Is this... an airship?"

"And then?"


After watching the video, the business representatives did not seem to be very interested.

"Director Yang, do you want to use the airship to drop flyers to advertise for us?"

One of the business representatives asked. When the others heard his words, they also sat up straight, wanting to see what Yang Fan was up to.

"Yes, our amusement park is allowed to use airships. I plan to use airships to advertise for everyone's brands during weekends and holidays."

Yang Fan said with his hands on the conference table.

"I have no problem, but I want to see the airship to see if the real thing is the same as the one shown in the video."

"Okay, no problem. We can go now."

Yang Fan nodded in agreement, muttering in his heart: "This guy is so smart. Sure enough, there is no business without fraud. ”

When he complained, he seemed to have forgotten that he was also a businessman.

Yang Fan brought Wang Yue and representatives of various businesses to the open space where the airship was parked.

Everyone present was shocked by the airship, and several people even made a decision on the spot: "20% is 20%, this matter is settled."

There were still a few people who couldn't make up their minds, so they hurriedly called their superiors and finally got a positive answer.

In this way, the negotiation was completed, and Shendong Amusement Park successfully welcomed ten brands.

This not only allowed the amusement park to gain some benefits, but also made it more convenient for tourists.

After sending off these business representatives, Wang Yue said to Yang Fan: "Director Yang, Yuma Company will come to deliver the car in a while. I didn't tell you yesterday, I wanted to give you a surprise. "

"Oh? Then I'm looking forward to it. ”

Around 1pm, Wang Yue received a call, and immediately told Yang Fan to go to the small square at the main entrance to pick up the car.

Since there were no parking spaces in the parking lot, Yuma Company could only park the car at the main entrance.

The two rushed to the small square and saw two luxury buses and four vans parked in the square.

“Huh? Four vans?”

Yang Fan was a little surprised, because he had clearly said that he wanted to add two vans.


Wang Yue showed a proud face.

At this point, Yang Fan also understood that Wang Yue probably turned two vans into four after a series of negotiations.

“High, really highꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)”

Yang Fan gave Wang Yue a big thumbs up in his heart.

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