After Jin Peng and the others left cursing, Wang Yue looked at their backs and sighed.

She turned to the two employees beside her and said, "Let's go back too. We still have a lot of work to do."

"Minister Wang, what happened just now seems quite unpleasant. Will it have any negative impact on our amusement park₍₍ (̨̡ ‾᷄ᗣ‾᷅ )̧̢ ₎₎?"

An employee asked worriedly.

"It can't be said that there is no impact at all. Originally, we could take this opportunity to increase the popularity of our amusement park before the National Day, and attract more tourists in October." Wang Yue said calmly.

"Alas, plans can't keep up with changes (。ŏ_ŏ)."

"But fortunately, we didn't put all our eggs in one basket."

"I didn't expect Director Huang to be so disrespectful to Jin Peng."

Wang Yue paused and said to the two employees:

"Let's go back quickly. There are more tourists today than usual. Let's all get busy. I'll go find Director Yang."

"Okay, Director Wang."

The three melon-eating people dispersed on the spot and left.

Wang Yue came to the director's office and knocked on the door gently.

"Come in~!"

Yang Fan's voice came from the director's office.

Wang Yue pushed the door open and saw Yang Fan facing the computer at the moment, frowning and struggling.

He was checking the operation of the amusement park since September.

From his facial expression, it seems that the performance in September was not very good.

When Yang Fan saw Wang Yue coming in, he closed the amusement park backend data page and raised his head.

"Sister Yue, you're here. Is there something wrong?"

"Well, it seems that Jin Peng's filming failed. He had some unpleasantness with the crew and has left the amusement park."

Wang Yue knew that Yang Fan must be worried about the performance of the amusement park, but he must know about the Jin Peng incident.

"Is that so? All right then."

Yang Fan showed a trace of disappointment on his face. In fact, he didn't like Jin Peng very much, but he wholeheartedly agreed with Jin Peng's filming in the amusement park.

The performance of the amusement park in September was actually quite bleak, showing a very obvious downward trend compared with August.

Except for the three days of the Mid-Autumn Festival, when a total of 50,000 tickets were sold, the total of all other days was only 20,000.

There are still four days until the end of September, so the amusement park can only sell 80,000 tickets at most. This number is less than half of August.

Yang Fan has also discussed this issue with Wang Yue.

The reason is that, first of all, the off-season is the most important. September is an off-season, so it cannot be compared with the peak season in August.

Secondly, August is the first month of opening, and many locals come to the amusement park to experience it out of sentiment.

But it is almost enough to come once, and it is very unrealistic to expect them to come again in September.

Finally, the amusement park is not well-known enough. Although it seems to be very popular on the Internet, it is actually only famous in Shendong City or Ninghai Province.

Compared with well-known amusement parks at home and abroad such as Disney, Changlong, and Want, it is not at the same level at all.

Originally, they hoped to increase the popularity of the amusement park through Jinpeng, but now it seems that this road is probably not feasible.

"Sister Yue, let's forget about Jin Peng for now. We have to bet everything on tomorrow."


In order to make the performance take off in October, Yang Fan and Wang Yue arranged two tricks at the end of September. One of them was Jin Peng, but now he is probably dead; the other was to conduct a joint ticket activity with Shendong Zoo, which is also located in the western suburbs.

Shendong Zoo is the largest zoo in the area, but the animals in it are very ordinary in terms of species and number. The ticket price is 100 yuan, but in fact everyone thinks it is not worth the price.

Yang Fan got in touch with the director of the zoo because Liu Shuang mentioned the peacock when decorating the wishing tree before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

After a few exchanges, the two became familiar with each other, and finally came up with the idea of ​​joint ticket cooperation. However, the specific details have not been finalized, and they plan to have a meeting to study it in detail.

Since the amusement park is the strong party, it has a certain say.

Yang Fan believes that the amusement park should not only have an advantage in the final revenue share, but also get some additional benefits.

Therefore, the amusement park will obtain two male and two female blue peacocks as adoptions, as well as information aboutTraining opportunities related to raising peacocks.

The next morning, Yang Fan, Wang Yue and former peacock enthusiast Liu Shuang took a van sent by Yuma Company and went to Shendong Zoo.

Yang Fan plans to let Liu Shuang be responsible for raising peacocks in the future.

After arriving at the zoo, the zoo also sent several representatives to attend the meeting.

The two parties had in-depth communications and exchanged opinions in a friendly and harmonious atmosphere, and finally reached a consensus.

Yang Fan clearly pointed out during the meeting that the cooperation between the amusement park and the zoo is of epoch-making significance.

The amusement park reflects the beauty of modern technology, while the zoo reflects the beauty of natural style. The two complement each other, achieving the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

In order to show sincerity, Yang Fan hopes that the zoo can send two more white peacocks as a symbol of friendship between the two parties.

After more than three hours of meeting, the joint ticket plan has been implemented. From October 1st to October 31st, you will enjoy a discounted price of 328 yuan when purchasing an interactive ticket for the amusement park + zoo.

The zoo immediately sent people to contact the relevant departments and was also responsible for the printing of tickets.

75% of the total revenue is owned by the amusement park, and the other 25% is owned by the zoo.

Liu Shuang stayed at the zoo. She had to undergo a three-day training, which included raising peacocks and various other tasks.

Wang Yue drove Yang Fan back to the amusement park in a van.

Later in the evening, the zoo also sent a special bus to bring the six peacocks and related facilities to the amusement park, and set up a temporary bird cage in an open space in the corner.

Before Liu Shuang returned to the amusement park, the zoo sent a keeper to temporarily take care of the six peacocks.

"By the National Day, these six peacocks will almost be able to show up. By then, the amusement park will definitely add a lot of aura. After all, there are only amusement facilities now, and it really lacks natural flavor."

Yang Fan looked at the six peacocks in front of him, and the more he looked at them, the more pleasing they became.

"Is this the joy of prostitution?"

He rubbed his hands, showing an expectant look.

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