As the sun slowly rose, more and more tourists came to the main entrance of the amusement park, and the police officers from the nearby police station also came to help maintain order.

Yang Fan decided that during the National Day, the amusement park would be open from 8:30 am to 9:00 pm.

In October, after the sun sets, the temperature at night is already relatively low, so the business hours during the National Day have changed slightly compared to the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The night fireworks show time was changed to 8:30 pm.

At 7:30, it was still the circus clown team that had appeared many times before. They began to perform magic and juggling in the square, attracting bursts of cheers from tourists.

The fountain also turned on the music fountain mode. The spraying water column danced with popular songs such as "Singing the Motherland", "I Love You China", and "Descendants of the Dragon". Under the shining of the morning sun, there was even a rainbow.

The two huge celebration balloons have been inflated and are floating in the air on both sides of the square. There is a vertical banner under each balloon, which reads:

『China rises, mountains and rivers compete for beauty』

『National fortune revitalizes, sun and moon compete for glory』

Tourists watched the clown performance and fountains in the square, took photos and chatted, talked and laughed, waiting for the flag-raising ceremony to begin.

At eight o'clock, as the fountain music stopped, the clowns stopped their work, and the peace dove releaser pushed the cage containing the peace dove over. The tourists also realized that the flag-raising ceremony was about to begin.

Zhao Jie and Pan Lili held a national flag and a flag with the words "Shendong Amusement Park" printed on them, walked to the bottom of the two flagpoles at the main gate, and installed the flags on the ropes.

At this time, more than 200 amusement park staff also came to the square.

For this National Day, Yang Fan customized work clothes for all staff. The same style for men and women, mainly red and supplemented by yellow.

The employees stood neatly in front of the two flagpoles, and from a distance, it looked like a sea of ​​red.

A group of senior executives of the amusement park, wearing neat work clothes, stood in the first two rows of the team, and Yang Fan stood in the middle of the first row.

The square became quiet.

Occasionally, a child screamed loudly, but was silenced by his parents.

As the familiar melody appeared, the national flag and the amusement park flag slowly rose along the flagpole.

Everyone present looked at the national flag, their eyes full of determination and pride.

As the national anthem ended, the two flags also rose to the highest point.


The cage containing the peace doves was opened, and the white peace doves rushed out, flew around the small square of the amusement park for a few circles, and then left.

As the ceremony ended, the staff entered the park from the employee passage and prepared to start a day's work.

The tourists in the square became active again.

At 8:30, as the main gate of the amusement park opened, the tourists entered the park in an orderly but not completely orderly manner.

In the crowd, there was a person wearing sportswear, who didn't look too eye-catching, but had a fate with the amusement park.

This person was Li Lingli, who came to the amusement park to film a few days ago, and chatted with Wang Yue for a while, and left contact information with each other. However, due to the unhappiness between Jin Peng and Director Huang, the filming was not completed.

After leaving the amusement park that day, Li Lingli contacted Director Huang, who admired her very much, so he arranged a new play for her the next day. Although she was not the heroine, she was the second female lead.

She was very happy to get this opportunity, so she planned to take advantage of the first day of National Day to have a good day in the amusement park.

For this reason, she also deliberately asked Wang Yue in advance, and even made a hand-drawn strategy.

It's a pity that she is quite talented in music, but she is really bad at art. There will definitely be no second person in the world who can understand her hand-drawn strategy.

Just now in the small square, Li Lingli watched the clown performance and the fountain for a while, and then participated in a flag-raising ceremony that she had not seen for many years.

Before entering the park, she felt that today would definitely be very fulfilling.

After entering the park, Li Lingli put the ticket and the gifted Chinese knot into her bag.

In front of her was the main road of the amusement park, with several trees planted on both sides, all wrapped with red ribbons, and national flags on the street lights. It looked like a very festive atmosphere.

According to Li Lingli's strategy, her first stop was to ride the carousel.

Due to the opening of the bungee jumping machine and the rotating flying chair, there were not many people queuing in front of the carousel, and there were only 40 or 50 people in front of Li Lingli. If everything goes well, she will be in the second batch.

The carousel has been decorated with the National Day skin, and the overall building looks like the sky of the imperial capital.Altar. The wooden horse was also changed to a mythical beast, the Qilin, which was quite Chinese-style. It looked majestic and the roar of the beast could be heard faintly.

In the second batch, it was Li Lingli's turn.

She rode on the Qilin and fastened her seat belt with the help of the staff.

Just now, when she was queuing, she saw the scene when the first batch of tourists rode.

At least in her opinion, this amusement facility seemed to have nothing to do with the word "rotation".

Dozens of Qilins were dancing like a group of demons in this small circular turntable area, jumping up and down, turning and moving.

As the music sounded, these Qilins began to move.

In fact, they are not as flexible as real animals, and their movement is also based on connecting rods and pulleys.

It's just that without rules, it's a bit like a fight between wild beasts.

The Qilin that Li Lingli rode on jumped when it first came up.


Li Lingli was not expecting this sudden jump, so she couldn't help but shout.

Then, when she fell, she immediately did a "Z"-shaped movement to avoid another Qilin coming towards her.

Fortunately, Li Lingli was wearing a safety belt and holding the safety handrail tightly. Otherwise, she would definitely be thrown off.

"It's more exciting than riding a real horse!" she thought to herself.

A few minutes later...

Li Lingli reluctantly left the Qilin's back.

When he left, he looked back at the carousel again.

"What an interesting amusement park. I should have followed Director Huang and the others to play last time." Li Lingli shook her head gently and said to herself.

After taking a photo of the carousel, she planned to go to the next stop in her guide - the pendulum.

"I heard that the big pendulum is very special. It can move the cockpit to another axis and can also rotate 360 ​​degrees. It's really exciting (*^_^*)"

Li Lingli thought about it and walked straight to the big pendulum.

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