On October 8, Yang Fan finally woke up after sleeping for nearly ten hours.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the employee WeChat group. It was quite lively. Many employees had returned to their hometowns, and some employees went out to climb mountains and see maple leaves.

[Host, the bumper car has been built at 0:30]

[Task announcement: The host needs to experience the bumper car "battle mode". At least 20 people are required to participate]

[Task reward: 10 bumper cars (5 blue and 5 red)]

"Battle mode? Let me see the information first O_o."

Facility name: Bumper car

Facility status: Not started

Power system: Normal

Capacity: 40

Thrill index: 5

Detailed data: 20 bumper cars (10 blue and 10 red), with a maximum speed of 15km/h

"From this information, I can't see anything. I'd better go there in person." Yang Fan thought after reading the bumper car information.

Since the system task requires at least 20 people to participate, he called the employees who were on vacation but still in the amusement park in the employee group.

Yang Fan set off to the location of the bumper car. During this process, he learned the meaning of the battle mode through the system. When he arrived at the destination, some tourists and several amusement park staff were already watching.

The bumper car facility looks like a giant bumper car parked on the roof, with three big words "bumper car" written on it.

"Director Yang, is this the bumper car?"

An employee saw Yang Fan coming and asked.

"Well, it was just built in the second half of the night. I came to test its performance. If everything goes well, we can open it to the public tomorrow."

"Then our amusement park will have another amusement facility. Great! I think the circus seems to have almost prepared it."

"Yeah, that's right."


Yang Fan first went to the control room to pull down the power, and saw the "Battle Mode" and "Free Mode" buttons on the operating platform. Then he left the control room and walked into the bumper car venue to see what it looked like.

The area in the venue is relatively large, estimated to be more than 400 square meters, and the ground is green and very flat and smooth.

There is only one wall around, and a huge LED screen is hung on the wall. The ceiling is supported by eight wall pillars and has many lamps on it.

Next, Yang Fan turned his attention to the bumper cars parked on the side.

As we all know, bumper cars are divided into three types: skynet bumper cars, groundnet bumper cars and battery bumper cars.

As the name implies, the Skynet bumper car has an electrified grid on the ceiling, and the bumper car directly draws electricity through vertical poles; the ground grid bumper car directly uses the ground to conduct electricity.

The battery bumper car does not belong to these two types. It is powered by its own battery, which is significantly safer than the Skynet bumper car and the ground grid bumper car. It is also the most widely used and largest bumper car in the world.

There are 20 bumper cars in the venue, 10 red and 10 blue.

Each car can accommodate up to two people, which means that these 20 cars can allow 40 people to experience at the same time.

The employees who were summoned also came to the bumper car one after another.

Yang Fan simply counted and counted himself, there were 29 people in total. Although it was less than 40 people, it had met the number requirements of the task.

Yang Fan walked outside and said to one of the employees: "Let me teach you how to operate the bumper car. You will be responsible for the bumper car area from now on."

"Okay (゚⊿゚)ツ!"

After teaching the employee how to operate, Yang Fan came back and said to the remaining 27 people: "Let's divide the 28 of us into two groups. Everyone divide into groups of 14 people each, and let's experience the bumper car battle mode together."

Soon, the personnel of the blue and red groups were determined. The male employees had one car, and the female employees had two cars, and all the cars happened to be occupied.

Yang Fan signaled the employee in the control room that they could start, and the employee immediately pressed the "battle mode" button.

The large LED screen hanging on the wall suddenly lit up and displayed some pictures.

The top of the screen says "00:00:59 until the game starts"

The middle of the screen says "RED (0) vs (0) BLUE"

The bottom of the screen says "00:05:00 until the game ends"

At the same time, the bumper cars started up and the lights on the ceiling lit up, making them particularly dazzling.

The operation of the bumper cars is actually very simple, with only two pedals for forward and reverse, plus a steering wheel to control the bumper cars's moving direction.

On a palm-sized screen in front of him, the number of times he was hit by vehicles from different camps was recorded.

Being hit means that at the moment of the vehicle collision, the computer records that the speed of his own vehicle is not as fast as the opponent's speed, which is called being hit.

After being hit 30 times, the opponent's score will be increased by one point. Then the number of hits will be reset and recalculated.

Within five minutes, the side with the higher score is the winner!

With a sound of "READY? GO!" in the venue, the game officially kicked off.

20 cars were in a mess, hitting each other, just like the grandpas and aunts in front of the vegetable stalls selling discounted vegetables in the vegetable market.

In the end, Yang Fan's team won.

Of course, it was not because of how strong he was, but because other people did not hit him at all.

This is exactly the verification of the saying: "The rivers and lakes are not about fighting and killing, but about human relationships and worldly affairs."

After the game, everyone left the venue and came outside to get some fresh air.

The crowd of onlookers raised their phones, their eyes widened, and asked Yang Fan if they could also experience it.

When they heard Yang Fan say that it would not be officially open until tomorrow and there was still some preparation work to be done today, everyone showed a very disappointed expression. Then, everyone dispersed and went to other facilities.

The employees also returned to the dormitory.

Yang Fan returned to the director's office.

[Task completed]

[Task reward: 10 bumper cars (5 blue and 5 red)]

[The system transport team will deliver them to the designated location within three hours]

Yang Fan saw that the task was completed and nodded with satisfaction.

"System, build a Ferris wheel!"

[Construction successful]

[System prompt: The facilities issued by the system will be built by the system construction team and will not arouse suspicion and attention from the outside world]

[Time required to build the Ferris wheel: 50 days]

"Is the Ferris wheel going to be there? It really looks more and more like an amusement park."

Yang Fan looked out the window with sparkling eyes.

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