The next day, at three o'clock in the morning, the sun had not risen yet, and the amusement park was still shrouded in darkness.

And Yang Fan and his employees have climbed out of bed. They still have a lot of work to do.

For example, inflating celebration balloons, inflating airships, and placing flower baskets sent by various companies or individuals, etc.

Companies that have partnerships with the amusement park or intend to cooperate have sent celebration balloons.

They saw the potential of Shendong Amusement Park and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to get closer to the amusement park.

And there is another important thing today. Just a few days ago, Yang Fan received a call saying that a news program from Ninghai TV planned to report on the opening day of the Ice and Snow Festival.

This surprised him. After all, the reason why Wang Yue left Ninghai TV Station was not made clear. But anyone with a clear eye can see what's going on.

And Wang Yue has now become a member of the amusement park. Logically speaking, it is already thankful that no one came to cause trouble intentionally.

So Yang Fan was quite surprised that Ninghai TV Station came this time.

But later I heard Wang Yue say that the people who pushed her away at that time were investigated by the superiors due to "discipline", "style" and other reasons, and then left the TV station.

After that, some TV stations also sent people to contact her, hoping that she could return to the TV station, but she was politely declined.

In the end, the TV station also gave up on Wang Yue, but they said that if Wang Yue wanted to return to the TV station, the TV station's door would be open to her at any time.

As the first ray of sunlight in the morning hit the main entrance of the amusement park, everyone in the amusement park also completed the final preparations before the opening ceremony.

Starting at around seven o'clock, guests invited by Yang Fan came to the amusement park one after another. The most important one was naturally Wang Zheng, the mayor of Shendong City.

The number of tourists began to increase gradually. This day was Saturday, and many people took advantage of their break to see the newly opened ski resort in the amusement park, and they had never been to the Shendong Eye before.

Reporter Chen and the cameraman from the Ninghai TV news program also came to the amusement park at this time, and they planned to start shooting footage from the opening ceremony.

They came to the square at the main entrance of the amusement park, which was also where the opening ceremony of the Ice and Snow Festival was held.

The first thing that catches the eye is the twelve zodiac snow sculptures surrounding the square. Each snow sculpture is about three meters high.

There are people taking photos of each snow sculpture. It should be tourists choosing the snow sculpture with the same animal sign as themselves to take photos.

"Sister Chen, let's go take a picture of those snow sculptures?"

The cameraman suggested to Reporter Chen.

"Yeah. Let's go take a look and interview a few passers-by."

Reporter Chen and the cameraman came to the rabbit-shaped snow sculpture. There were two people who looked like a couple cuddling together and taking a selfie.

"Guys, please excuse me."

Reporter Chen stepped forward, and the cameraman also raised the camera.

"Stop, stop, what are you doing? Don't shoot, don't shoot yet."

The boy in the couple was a little cautious, keeping the girl behind him and covering half of his face with his hands.


Reporter Chen was a little embarrassed, but quickly adjusted.

"Just doing an interview, where are you from?"

"Stop, don't shoot yet. What interview? Where did it come from?"


The couple being interviewed clearly did not want to be interviewed.

"Where did it come from? It came from her heart."

The boy pointed at the girl hiding behind him.

"Then, so do I."

The girl also said something timidly, and then the boy took the girl and ran away with her head lowered.


Reporter Chen looked helpless, while the cameraman wanted to laugh but didn't dare, and his face turned red from holding back.

Fortunately, reporter Chen successfully interviewed several tourists.

At 8:08, the opening ceremony officially began.

The gongs and drums are noisy, firecrackers are blasting, red flags are waving, and there are huge crowds of people.

As the leader's speech ended, the host also announced the successful conclusion of the opening ceremony, and the main entrance of the amusement park, which had been closed for more than a month, was opened again.

After reporter Chen showed his press card to the amusement park staff, he received permission and followed the crowd into the amusement park.

Following the road signs, reporter Chen came to the southern part of the artificial lake, which is also the entrance to the ice and snow world.

There is a huge ice sculpture castle at the entrance, with a plaque reading "Shendong Amusement Park Ice and Snow World" hanging on it.

Entering the entrance, you can see the endless frozen artificial lake. There are many ice rides on it, and there are even dog sleds, dog-drawn ice cars, etc.

But the most eye-catching thing is still the ice and snow carousel.

"This is what was beforeIs it the popular ice and snow carousel on the Internet? "

Reporter Chen said to himself.

"Sister Chen, where are we going?"

The cameraman held the camera, afraid that he would fall and break the camera.

"Let's go to this ice and snow carousel first, anyway, we have to watch it all day. This ice and snow carousel has been very popular on the Internet recently, let's go and find out."

After that, reporter Chen walked straight to the ice and snow carousel.

"This tourist, you just experienced the ice and snow carousel, right? Tell the audience in front of the TV about your feelings."

Reporter Chen saw a young man who looked energetic leaving the ice and snow carousel, so he walked up to interview him.

"It's okay, it's similar to an ordinary carousel, but the speed is faster. And..."

At this point, the tourist suddenly stopped talking and asked reporter Chen.

"Hey, by the way, reporter, can you mosaic me?"

"...Okay. ”

“Oh, that’s good, let’s mosaic it. Also, because it’s made of ice, my butt is frozen. I don’t usually wear underwear or cotton pants, I just wear outer pants, and I’m freezing!”


After saying that, the young man walked briskly towards the snowmobile.

“Can this part be broadcast?”

The cameraman asked reporter Chen.

“It’s impossible to broadcast. Tourists with special fetishes like this must not appear on TV screens.”

“Sister Chen, how about you take a ride?”

“Well, if it’s really impossible, then this is the only way.”

After saying that, reporter Chen joined the queue. The cameraman waited for reporter Chen on the side, and took some pictures of the scenery and tourists queuing to play.

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