The construction of the ice and snow rotating cup was completed in the middle of the night. If it were summer, maybe Yang Fan would go down and experience it in person, and then put it into use directly after dawn when he felt that it was almost done.

But he looked out the window and thought about the night when it was nearly 20 degrees below zero, and he decisively gave up the idea.

"Anyway, it's not too late. Wait another day or wait until dawn to do some research. Once the research is clear, we can open it up."

"Now that there are two winter amusement projects, it's hard to think about whether they will be popular. With the Ice and Snow Spin Cup, the amusement park will have more confidence in negotiating with Nanfeng Resort."

Thinking of this, Yang Fan lay down contentedly. Before going to bed, I went through my recent work plan in my mind.

During the closure period, Yang Fan and the amusement park executives held meetings almost every day to discuss the future development of Shendong Amusement Park.

And based on the actual situation and needs, monthly plans, quarterly plans, one-year plans, three-year plans, five-year plans, etc. are drawn up.

One of the monthly plans is to successfully hold the Ice and Snow Festival in December and stop the bleeding of the amusement park which has not been profitable for several months.

The quarterly plan is the work plan for the entire winter. Including but not limited to the arrangement of activities during New Year's Day, Spring Festival and student winter vacation, and making advance preparations for reopening in April.

Now these two plans are progressing relatively smoothly, while several other plans are just plans for the time being and have not been truly implemented because they are relatively long-term.

However, the one-year plan is to become the number one amusement park in Ninghai Province.

There are only three large amusement parks in Ninghai Province, located in three different cities.

Looking at the current development trend of Shendong Amusement Park, there is every chance that it will reach the top spot within a year.

Its daybreak.

The winter morning light shines on the snow, giving off twinkling lights.

After Yang Fan got up, it was still more than two hours before the amusement park opened.

Before the amusement park officially opened, he hurried to the location of the Ice and Snow Spin Cup.

Also coming together were several employees who had been arranged in advance.

Like the ice and snow carousel, the entire facility is made of high-strength plexiglass and alloy mechanical frames.

It also looks crystal clear on the outside, complementing the surrounding world of ice and snow.

The central axis is a pillar that resembles a snow sculpture.

There are several cartoon snowmen carved on the pillars. Obviously, the ice and snow spinning cup can also be used by children.

Ice and snow tumblers have several similarities with ordinary tumblers.

A total of ten cabins are neatly surrounded by a circle around the central axis, and each cabin can accommodate up to four people.

The shape of the cockpit is a very ordinary teacup shape, and some patterns related to winter projects are carved on the outer wall.

However, there are some differences. The ice and snow tumbler does not have a chassis, and its area is significantly larger than an ordinary tumbler.

There are ten less obvious oval tracks embedded in the ice below the cockpit.

It can be basically determined that the movement trajectory of the cockpit is based on the orbit.

"This is the Ice and Snow Cup. It was built in the middle of the night. You guys will be responsible for this facility starting from today. I will demonstrate it first for everyone to see and then give it a try. If possible, it will be available to the public today. It’s open.”

Yang Fan said to several employees.

The power was turned on and Yang Fan pressed the start button.

As the music sounded, the ten cockpits began to move.

First, after the five spaced cockpits moved outward for a certain distance, the remaining five cockpits began to move.

This is to prevent the cockpits from colliding with each other.

These ten cockpits began to orbit around the central axis as a focus of the elliptical orbit, and at the same time they themselves were rotating.

The speed of the circular motion around the central axis is not fixed, but sometimes faster and sometimes slower.

If you look closely, you can imagine the central axis as a star and the cockpit as a planet.

Then this is exactly the motion of a celestial body around its center that satisfies Kepler's second law. The closer it is to the central axis, the faster it will move.

Although the ten cockpits seem to be moving a little randomly, if someone looks down from the sky at this time, they can see that the movement trajectories are still very regular.

It is very similar to the logo of China Central Television decades ago.

Each cockpit rotated about the central axis for more than thirty times, then slowed down, slowly moved closer to the center, and finally stopped at the original position.

"How are you feeling?"

Yang Fan asked several employees.

"Director Yang, I think it's very good!"

"I also believe so!"

"After this ice and snow spinning cup is opened, it will definitely be extremely popular!"

After seeing the ice and snow spinning cup, several employees also felt thatIt feels great.

"Director Yang, I have an idea."

An employee suddenly said to Yang Fan.

"Oh? Tell me about it."

Yang Fan motioned the employee to continue.

"Director Yang, this ice and snow spinning cup has just been built, right? Are tourists still not clear about what it looks like? I saw that the official website only said that it would be built today, but did not mention the specifics."

"Yes, because of the iron guardrail, the outside world did not know much about the ice and snow spinning cup."

Yang Fan nodded.

"If it must be open to the public today, I suggest taking a video right now. And play it repeatedly on the big screens at the main entrance and the parking lot, so that tourists can come here first as much as possible."

"Oh? Keep talking."

Yang Fan was obviously interested in this employee.

"Generally speaking, when you go to a place to play, the first two activities you play have the highest probability of being posted on WeChat Moments. This way, the chances of the ice and snow spinning cup being exposed will be much greater."

"Well said! Well said!"

Yang Fan patted the employee on the shoulder and said

"Thank you, Director Yang, for the compliment."

"What's your name?"

"My name is Yu Peng, and I was in charge of the spinning chair before."

"Okay, I'll remember you. You have a lot of ideas! Work hard! There will be opportunities for you to be responsible for some other work in the future."

Yang Fan is very satisfied with Yu Peng.

It's not that his ideas are necessarily correct.

But Yu Peng, as an ordinary grassroots employee, can think of these things that are not his responsibility.

It shows that he really takes this job seriously and thinks about it seriously. This is what makes Yang Fan most satisfied with him.

Soon, the staff of the publicity department also came.

They made a three-minute video about the ice and snow spinning cup as quickly as possible, and then handed it over to the marketing department. It was played repeatedly on the big screens at the main entrance and the parking lot, as well as the small screens in the park.

In order to encourage tourists to post more on WeChat Moments, Yang Fan also added a rule:

If the WeChat Moments about the ice and snow spinning cup that day have accumulated 66 likes, you can use the mobile phone screenshot and ticket voucher to exchange for a string of candied haws at the designated location, one chance per person.

One hour later, the gate of the amusement park opened, and a new day officially kicked off.

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