City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 126: The Real Purpose Of Mi Fang's Visit

Chapter 126: The Real Purpose of Mi Fang's Visit

The outstanding representatives sent by the Huaxia military report their ideological work to the country every Friday. .

Song Qian received a report call from his subordinates.

After Yifan's daily report was over, Song Qian lowered his volume and said to the other end of the phone.

"Xiao Liu, is it convenient for you to go to the principal? We have an urgent matter here, I have to talk to him alone."

Then he asked again: "Be careful not to let others know about this matter."

Hearing what the leader said, the Huaxia student immediately set foot on the way to the principal's office.

Of course, in the military academy, it is not so easy for students to meet the principal, but it is different for Huaxia students. Chen Feng naturally takes good care of Huaxia students.

Chen Feng once secretly told them a secret passage, this passage can directly and quickly see him, but the premise is that there must be an emergency to enter the passage.

At first, Xiao Liu, a Huaxia student, thought it was a bit redundant, but only now did he realize the good intentions of the principal in designing this secret passage.

Xiao Liu walked out from the back of the cafeteria. There was an inconspicuous door. After opening the door, what he saw was a vast expanse of whiteness, as if this was a different world. He felt that the white light became more and more intense with his arrival. The brighter, then he closed his eyes instinctively, at this moment, a miraculous scene happened.

When he opened his eyes again, the portal had sent him to the principal's office.

Sitting on the suspension seat, Chen Feng was seriously reading a foreign masterpiece. Seeing Xiao Liu come in, he put down the book and asked in a very friendly tone:

"This classmate, what's the matter, sit down and talk." As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, a seat appeared behind Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu was extremely surprised by the seat that appeared out of thin air. He only knew that the principal should not be underestimated, but he did not expect it to be so powerful.

Being able to make objects appear out of thin air violates the conservation laws of physics.

For a moment, the image of the young principal rose two meters directly in his heart.

"Student?" Chen Feng's voice brought Xiao Liu back to reality, and only then did Xiao Liu remember what he was here for.

"Principal, hello, I am Liu Ziqi, a student sent by the Huaxia military. My leader wants to talk to you about something urgent, so I set foot on this secret passage.

Chen Feng smiled slightly, and asked as if he had expected it: "Is your leader's surname Song?"

Unbelievable appeared in Xiao Liu's eyes.

"Is Commander Song Qian right?" Chen Feng continued to ask.

"That's right, it's him." Xiao Liu nodded his head like a pest, thinking to himself that this principal is too amazing!

Chen Feng continued: "Okay, I see, classmate, you should go back first, I will contact him immediately, thank you for making the trip.

"No hard work!" Xiao Liu gave a military salute, and then exited Chen Feng's office.

Chen Feng picked up his Huawei mobile phone and dialed Song Qian's number.

Following the sound of Didi's call, the previous picture appeared in Chen Feng's mind.

The last time I secretly called Lin Ci and Song Qian was because of the human-animal war.

His students brought the mechas and beat those monsters to the point of being powerless. It greatly added glory to the military academy, and it also gave Huaxia a face.

However, Chen Feng, who was watching the battle at the back, found a problem. When the mecha first appeared, some monsters were still very capable of fighting, but when the mechas first appeared, some other monsters fell down without two hits, which seemed vulnerable.

Falling down with one hit? This made him feel a little strange. Coincidentally, when he was thinking, he happened to scan the title of a book—"Chameleon", and suddenly realized it, thinking of a content mentioned in biology————— "Protective coloration".

When every creature encounters a strong enemy, it will have an instinctive protection mechanism to adapt to the environment. Take animals as an example, chameleons change color, and hedgehogs shrink into a ball of thorns when they are in danger. Squids squirt like ink when they are in danger...

These monsters are likely to realize the strength of the mecha, and are hiding their strength in order to protect themselves.

Therefore, he reasonably suspected that the monsters were not all dead, so he wanted to take them back for research, maybe he could pry open some clues.

Considering that every move of the military academy is under the attention of all countries, it is necessary to find a suitable and trustworthy role to do this instead of myself.

Of course, he thought of Huaxia. When it was said that there were aliens attacking the people on Earth, no one believed it. In the end, the humans and beasts fought to block these fishing boats.

I later planned to need money and effort, and other countries were not so willing to cooperate, and they were all based on their own calculations. Only Huaxia trusts and supports herself.

………ask for flowers…

Furthermore, let these countries find out and take the monster back to study, maybe they will make something. Take the United States as an example, the contact with Nihong has become a little more frequent recently, which makes him feel that these two countries are largely allied. To be precise, it is the United States that has betrayed mankind.

In the end, he decided to tell the secret Huaxia about this matter. Only by transferring these monsters to the safe area designated by him through Huaxia, can he feel at ease.

In the past few days, the SWAT team over there has reported that these monsters have woken up, and Chen Feng's research is about to start.

"Principal Chen, I'm waiting for your call." Song Qian said excitedly after answering the call.


"Well, I heard from your subordinates that they need me urgently, you can tell me." Chen Feng asked lightly.

"Recently, the United States is going to visit us secretly. I researched it with the upper-level leaders, and I feel that this matter is strange."

Song Qian paused and said:

"To tell you the truth, I think they may be targeting the military academy and those aliens this time.

Chen Feng had expected this a long time ago.

Recently, I went to see the monsters, and it found that these monsters that couldn't get out were extremely anxious. They also have their own way of communicating, always lying there silently muttering something.

So he deliberately released a monster, and he guessed that these monsters would try their best to contact the headquarters.

This time the United States came to visit suddenly, and Neon has frequent contacts with it, so it is very clear what the intention is.

Chen Feng wanted to hear Song Qian's opinion, and after getting in touch with him slowly, he found that this man was different from ordinary soldiers, and he could use one word to describe him - courageous and resourceful.

So Chen Feng asked Song Qian: "Mr. Song, I agree with you on this matter. It is impossible for them to come in vain. There should be a reason for it. What do you think the reason will be?"

Song Qian was silent on the other end of the phone, thinking about Chen Feng's question.

When Song Qian glanced at the signal tracker inadvertently, his eyes lit up:

"Principal Chen! I thought of it!" Song Qian's voice was a little excited: "Recently, they produced a batch of signal trackers that our military needs. They probably use the explanation to spy on us."

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