City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 137: The Strange Structure In The Cabin!

Chapter 137: The strange structure in the cabin!

The walking cabin is a very wide space, which can accommodate 6.7 people at the same time without any problem.

In the very center of the interior of the spaceship was a large long pillar, several feet in diameter, that ran from the floor to the lens dome above. Several people scattered around to observe this extraterrestrial object

"Every mother ship and every little feeder ship has a central axis or column inside. The column on the mother ship is horizontal, and the column on the feeder is located in the central space capsule. From the top to the floor..." Song Xiao silently recited an article on human conjecture that he had read in a magazine.

"I didn't expect it to be true..." Song Xiao said to himself.

Chen Feng, who was passing by her, looked at the pillar: "Everything is possible, this pillar acts like the magnetic pole of the spaceship "980", helping to create the kind of magnetic field that is similar to the inside of every planet. Just as the earth has north and south poles, spaceships also have positive and negative poles.

Hearing what Chen Feng said made Song Xiao a little surprised.

A few minutes later, Chen Feng gathered everyone together, intending to discuss and research the spaceship together.

Chen Feng pointed to a large mirror on the floor next to the pillar, and asked all the teachers present with a smile: "Guess, what is this for?"

Tony Stark raised his eyes and said with a teasing smile: "Aliens organize their clothes, especially women.

"Hahahahahaha~" Tony Stark's joke easily made everyone laugh.

Song Xiao pushed the glasses and seriously guessed: "Through it, you can see a wide area during flight. I think it should be to observe the ground during flight?"

"Well~ I also agree with Mr. Song's point of view." Yuri said.

"Well, Teacher Song is right, and I think so too. Of course, Teacher Stark's point of view is also reasonable~" Chen Feng chuckled.

"Hahahahahahaha~" There was another burst of laughter, and everyone found that Chen Feng was not as serious as they thought.

After relaxing, Chen Feng and the others continued to visit.

Around the lens, arc-shaped cushioned benches are arranged at intervals.

Tony Stark sat on it directly, curled his lips and commented: "This is nothing more than that, it's about the same as a first-class cabin~"

Song Xiao glanced at the dishonest Tony Stark, then joked:

"Aliens sit on steel on their buttocks, they don't need to be so comfortable~

The two studied mechs together, from disliking each other to talking about everything, and established a relatively deep revolutionary friendship.

Chen Feng joked: "I didn't expect you to be such a teacher Song~

Tony Stark took over the words: "Hahahahaha Principal Chen, there is an old Chinese saying that is suitable here--people cannot be judged by their appearance, and sea water cannot be measured~"

"Tony, you are looking for a fight!" Song Xiao swung his fist round.

Tony Stark swung his legs and ran away immediately, not forgetting to make a cheap grimace.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" Yuri and Chen Feng looked at the two who looked like elementary school students and laughed.

After the slapstick ended, a group of people continued to observe the structure of the spaceship. Under the guidance of Chen Feng, they found the console from a wall.

Just opposite the wall where the entrance appeared and then disappeared. Everyone had to feel the mystery of this black technology.

Chen Feng walked to the console and activated some buttons, and then, everyone heard a slight low humming sound.

At this time, a luminous screen formed on the arc-shaped wall of the spaceship appeared in front of everyone, as well as flashing various colors, grid graphics, and wavy colored lines.

disappeared again.

Chen Feng is like a persuasive mentor at this moment, explaining to everyone: "These charts can help the pilots of the spacecraft navigate. These charts can show the conditions of the atmosphere and magnetic field around each planet and space."

Chen Feng gave them some time to think, and then continued:

The console is very simple, a swivel seat facing the sloped console with four buttons and a lever.

"These four buttons control the flight direction, flight speed, attack form, and switch respectively. It is very easy to operate, just like our remote control.

Flying ET aliens "Looking at the data display on the navigation screen, you can analyze the flight status.

Another screen facing the pilot shows a live view of the direction the spacecraft is heading. This screen is connected to several small lenses mounted on the outside of the spacecraft...

Under Chen Feng's operation, the spaceship started to start slowly and flew into the sky.

The most amazing thing about flying in this spaceship is that you don't feel like you're moving at all.

During the flight, these scholars at the forefront of science and technology did not feel any disturbance or acceleration of the airflow at all, and they could not even feel it when they climbed up or landed down.

Everyone once again felt that, just looking at the technological development speed of the alien civilization, the earth civilization had to obey.

When Chen Feng turned the spaceship through a ninety-degree turn at a speed of thousands of kilometers per hour, everyone felt as stable as if they were sitting in a room on the ground. Only through the string windows or the viewing glasses on the floor will they know whether the ship is moving or not.

Humans on Earth have detected UFOs incredibly quickly with radar and other equipment. It can make sharp turns at a speed of thousands of miles an hour, and the acceleration and deceleration are also incredibly fast. In this state, theoretically, the whole plane should crash and die. Song Xiao pushed his eyes and questioned.

"This is because the spaceship will not be affected by external resistance. When braking the spaceship to stop it, it is also equivalent to stopping the people in it, and it is precisely because of the oneness with the spaceship that people will not Any feeling." Tony Stark said the key easily.

"Yes! Teacher Stark said 4.2 is reasonable. Not only will the spaceship not be affected by gravity and friction, but it can also move forward at an astonishingly high speed! I always thought this was an ideal conclusion! I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes today. I see!" The great scientist Yuri was a little excited and excited to put forward his point of view.

Chen Feng looked at his "protégé pupils" with satisfaction, smiled slightly, and asked: "After seeing so much and discussing so much, if you want to build a spaceship, what should you pay attention to? In other words, what do you think? That energy needs to be harnessed."

The atmosphere became quiet, and everyone was thinking about Chen Feng's words. At the same time, he looked around and looked at the interior of the spacecraft.

In a silent but full of academic atmosphere, Chen Feng continued to dig deep and enlightened: "Friendly remind everyone, and the secret lies in the use of magnetic energy and magnetic field, as well as solar energy."

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