City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 139: Powerful Sophon Technology

Chapter 139: Powerful Sophon Technology

When getting out of the spaceship, several people arrived at Chen Feng's office.

Chen Feng turned on the projector and said to the crowd:

"Actually, this kind of technology was already available when aliens were preparing to invade the earth. There was once an alien civilization that made an accelerator when studying protons. This kind of accelerator enables the reversible low-dimensional unfolding and high-dimensional folding technology of the transformed proton itself. .”

Then he released a few model pictures, and Yuri, Song Xiao, Tony Stark and others' eyes lit up.

"Let's start with the technology of etching circuits on two-dimensional protons. What do you see in this circuit diagram?" Chen Feng asked.

Song Xiao took a closer look and confirmed, "This is a circuit formed by twisting the local strong interaction forces on the proton plane."

Tony Stark and Yuri agreed, and the three looked to Chen Feng.

I saw Chen Feng nodded, and then asked a question: "That's right, is it feasible to operate a detector made of strong interaction materials?"

Tony Stark crossed his arms and smiled slightly: "This is too simple. The detector is made of a material with a strong interaction force, so there should be no problem in operating with a strong interaction force."

Yuri and Song Xiao also nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I don't have anything to say about this first technique. To put it bluntly, this technique is developed in the low-dimensional proton. I think it's not easy to understand with everyone's skills."

"Come on, let's see the next one." Chen Feng switched to another picture.

"This is a technique for refolding a 2D unfolded proton into a higher dimension."

Chen Feng did not ask any questions, and directly repeated the central concept: "The 2-dimensional unfolded proton retains the information of its high-dimensional structure, but it is one thing to retain the information, and it is another thing to refold according to the information.

Then, leaving some time for the main elite to think, the three scientists mesmerized by reading the ppt and using the corners and corners of knowledge, sucking up the knowledge like a sponge absorbing water.

Yuri put his hands on his forehead and thought, and then came to a conclusion: "This technology is at least one technological era ahead of the low-dimensional unfolding technology of protons.

Ten minutes later, he said: "All the principles and knowledge are on this ppt. You can copy it back and study it carefully. I believe you will find a lot of things. Time is limited. I will continue to talk about the next content."

"Principal Chen!" At this moment, Tony Stark suddenly interrupted Chen Feng quietly, and several people looked at him, and he continued to ask: "Principal Chen, I would like to ask, if aliens also develop If they have developed technologies for low-dimensional expansion of protons, and their technologies are developing at a constant speed, is it possible that they will also discover these technologies when their warships arrive in the solar system?"

Chen Feng smiled: "This is about the next technology, which is the most difficult technology"

Everyone's eyes widened unconsciously when they heard the words "the most difficult".

"A technique for reversible low-dimensional unfolding and high-dimensional folding of the transformed proton itself."

"!! What!" Tony Stark couldn't believe his ears.

"Can this kind of technology really exist?" Song Xiao also questioned.

"Yes, it can actually exist, if scientists pay attention to some details in the theory," Chen Feng explained.

"These details lie in the low-dimensional expansion of the particles while retaining the information of the high-level structure, which makes the whole process reversible.

"In fact, I personally think that making the process reversible does not mean that you can steer the process towards the discovery you want at will."

"When conducting research on proton technology, a huge accelerator is required. According to the general process, they should also use some special equipment to refold protons into a high-dimensional state. Sophons are launched to aliens, and aliens are There is no such thing, so a sophon must be able to reversibly unfold and fold itself in lower dimensions."

Chen Feng added. "It is also through this point that I send the Sophon into outer space, which plays a role of monitoring and shielding."

When Chen Feng finished speaking, the other three looked stunned. They were dignified scientists, and they also felt the taste of scumbags.

Looking at the confused eyes of the three, Chen Feng understood, and he smiled and explained:

".||This may be a bit abstract, let me explain it with a cigarette filter analogy, I may be able to unfold the cigarette filter first and then fold it back, but Sophon is a cigarette filter that can automatically unfold and fold!" Chen Feng said As soon as they said that, the confusion on the faces of several people slowly dissipated.

Tony Stark was the first person to figure it out. After he figured it out, he sighed: "Compared with the difficulty of this technique, the difficulty of the first three techniques is nothing to mention."

"Okay, let's stop here today. The content is already very rich. You need to digest it carefully. I have other things to do." Chen Feng said.

Song Xiao said politely and solemnly: "Thank you for taking the time to teach us these things today. I believe it will be very beneficial to our future development!"

"Teacher Song is right, I sincerely thank Principal Chen, you can go ahead, we will withdraw, Yuri continued.

Chen Feng said: "Dr. Yuri (of Li Li), please stay here for a while."

Yuri stopped in doubt, Tony Stark and Song Xiao went out and copied.

Chen Feng looked at Yuri and asked suddenly: "By the way, Dr. Yuri, where did you talk about the earthquake generator?"

"It's just a few concepts at the beginning. Because it's difficult for them to understand the basics, it's the basics of understanding. It will be more effective if you do it yourself." Yuri replied.

Chen Feng nodded in understanding, and suggested with a smile:

"Well, you did the right thing. But try to go as fast as possible, after all, we have limited time and it's impossible for everyone. Are you right?"

When Yuri heard this, he understood. He guessed that Chen Feng must have some plan. As Chen Feng is a strong man and he is a follower, he should obey orders, so he replied: "Yes

Principal, you are right, I will speed up the progress. ".

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