City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 165: The Wise Ones Join Forces To Kill Chickens And Monkeys

Chapter 165: The Wise Men and the Powerful Joint Conference to Kill Chickens and Monkeys

"Although it sounds unbelievable. But everything is possible, isn't it?" Chen Feng looked at Tony Stark with expectation and trust in his eyes.

And Tony Stark felt this from Chen Feng's eyes, and he also looked at Chen Feng firmly and sincerely, with a cheeky and confident smile on the corner of his mouth: "Yes, you can only know by trying everything

Chen Feng smiled appreciatively and nodded.

Tony Stark turned and looked back at Hank Pym, and stretched out his hand again. This time, he said to Hank Pym seriously and sincerely:

"Dr. Hank Pym, please give me more advice in the future!"

Hank Pym shook hands with him, and replied cheerfully: "No problem, we will be good comrades in arms from now on~"

The two looked at each other and smiled, neither of them expected that after shaking hands, the two would become good comrades-in-arms and good friends for life.

Chen Feng was very pleased when the two people he admired the most got to know each other. In his heart, the combination of these two people would be invincible.

Two days later, the military academy held a post-war summary meeting.

The students were very excited. After all, this is mainly a commendation meeting. With their heroic performance when standing on 717, it is almost difficult not to be praised.

Tony Stagg is the host of this conference. He is wearing a high-end gray suit. After issuing various awards, he walks through the process with a microphone:

"Next, let the principal speak."

There was applause from below, and with the applause, Chen Feng walked slowly onto the stage, took the microphone from Tony Stark, and scanned the people below.

After they all focused on themselves, Chen Feng said seriously with a serious face:

"We are gathered together today for the war not long ago. In this war, everyone was very brave. You are all heroes of the military academy."

When the students in the audience heard that they were being praised, they looked at each other tacitly with their classmates and smiled.

"At this moment, I would like to ask you a question." Chen Feng paused: "Human beings—what does this word mean in your opinion."

The students below were in an uproar. They were all elites in the country. Such a seemingly simple and philosophical question really captivated them. There was obvious surprise in their eyes, and at the same time they were thinking about the question asked by the principal.

A few minutes later, when Chen Feng saw that no one was talking, he randomly called someone: "The male student who is the second in the third row, tell me."

"Humans are the masters of all things on earth." The American student replied.

When Song Xiao, Yuri and other teachers heard this, they looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly and smiled, and Chen Feng just smiled and didn't speak.

Then, a Huaxia student stood up, looked at the American student with disdain in his eyes, and seriously retorted:

"No, human beings have thoughts, so they know how to make better use of resources and enjoy all things, but at the same time, it is precisely because of this unique thought that they should understand that they are the servers of all things."

When Song Xiao heard the Huaxia student say this, there was a trace of pride on her face as a fellow countryman, and she cast a proud look at this student.

Chen Feng was the same, although he didn't express anything on his lips and face, but he felt indescribably gratified in his heart.

"Well, both views have their own merits," said Chen Feng.

Hearing that it was Chen Feng who was speaking, the discussion of the people below stopped abruptly, and everyone raised their heads and looked at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng continued: "Human beings...whether they are managers or service providers, these are all words in the past, and they are all specific roles that appear in a specific scene.

Although Chen Feng's voice is not loud, it can reach everyone's ears just right.

Chen Feng looked at this group of future human guardians seriously and continued: "Now I want to redefine this word with everyone. We have also fought with them (bjej) aliens. Everyone should understand in their hearts. This is no small enemy."

Chen Feng cleared his throat, increased the decibel, and said forcefully word by word:

"Nowadays, the enemy is at hand and time is running out. We should not and cannot kill each other for trivial matters, but unite for the common good. This also goes back to the purpose of our military academy

-Fight for a community with a shared future for mankind. "

When Chen Feng said this, his eyes quickly scanned everyone's faces firmly and seriously, and the atmosphere became serious.

Chen Feng's eyes became sharp: "Why did I mention this today? Recently, I discovered a bad incident."

"Some students dominate in my military academy. The big bully the small [prepare the strong to bully the weak.

After Chen Feng said this, there was an uproar. Everyone whispered to each other.

"Hehe, these Americans are always so self-righteous." A British student sneered.

The people next to him followed suit with cynicism: "It's bad, isn't it? What kind of country cultivates what kind of people!"

The corner of the other person's mouth was raised, and he folded his hands as if watching a show and said, "Hmph, wait for them to be criticized."

Some students even directly asked the American students and cast strange eyes.

The American students were a little afraid to look up for a while.

"Quiet." Standing aside Leng Feng roared, the students stopped talking, quieted down, and focused their eyes on Chen Feng again.

Chen Feng had a panoramic view of the reactions of the students in the audience.

He stared at the people in the audience, and said coldly: "I don't care which country you are from, as long as you enter our military academy, you will be a member of our military academy!"

"You are under the control of the military academy and serve the earth. There is only one country in your country—the earth." Chen Feng's voice was not loud, but it was extremely intimidating.

"Who dares to make a mistake here, whoever doesn't take me, Chen Feng, do you understand?" Chen Feng stared at the students in the audience, like a ferocious wolf.

Chen Feng's words were obviously filled with anger.

The students replied in unison: "I understand."

It was the first time for the students below to see the appearance of the senior, and they were a little scared.

"Didn't you eat lunch today?" Leng Feng shouted coldly, "Answer the principal, do you understand?"

"I understand! I understand!! I understand!!" the students shouted one by one.

After Chen Feng heard the response, he nodded slightly, looked around and stopped at the American students, he stared at them and said: "As for some people, don't go too far, I won't move you because I don't have time, don't think I dare not .”

"And what I want to say is, as human beings, I hope you can all be kind. Everyone makes mistakes, but we should not deny everyone related to it just because of a trivial matter."

"Because you are not qualified to do so."

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