City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 167: Talking About Quantum Theory

Chapter 167: Talking about Quantum Theory

In the next half an hour, Hank Pym unreservedly told the whole body about the quantum principle of the reduction technique in the laser pointer.

This half-hour study subverted the common sense of the students, and every student present benefited immensely.

After explaining the laser pointer, Hank Pym asked, "Any more questions?"

The students in the audience shook their heads.

Hank Pym went on to say: "Okay, I heard that you are all divided into groups. My lecture is not for nothing. After class, you all go to study what I said today, and make a replica reduction operation within half a month. As for the multiples of reducing the object, it is temporarily uncertain. This should not be difficult."

"No difficulty, small case~"

"That's too easy, Doctor."

The students said "six eight three" one after another.

Some students suggested: "Doctor, half a month is too much to look down on us, we want to accept the challenge, just a week."

"Hahahahaha" Hank Pym laughed, and then found the student who wanted to challenge in the crowd: "Yes, I like your challenging heart, and I approve your request."

"Call..." There was an uproar from below.

Chen Feng smiled at this time, and looked at the student who wanted to pursue challenges with some appreciation, and then said to everyone: "Other students, don't worry, everyone is different from person to person, after all, not everyone loves challenges in their personality .”

As soon as Chen Feng's words fell, the student who shouted to pursue the challenge felt a little proud, while the other students were dissatisfied. They were not stupid to see that Chen Feng appreciated it.

What an honor it is to be looked at by the headmaster. At the same time, the students were all aroused by Chen Feng's provocative method. They thought to themselves one by one:

"It's all one brain, why can't you do it in a week? Not only can I do it faster, but I can do it better than you."

So I just heard them say: "Doctor, I want a week too! Please approve!"

"Doctor, give me six days! Please approve!"

"Doctor, I will only use it for four days! Please approve!"


Seeing the unyielding spirit of the students, Hank Pym was very happy in his heart, and he whispered to Chen Feng with a smile in his eyes: "The principal and the students are so easy to take care of! I like them so much This energy has my youthful appearance.

"Hahaha, all the students are excellent."

At this point a student raised his hand and called, "Dr. Hank Pym, I have a question.

Hank Pym noticed the student and said, "Student, tell me."

The student stood up, pushed his glasses and said: "The field that can be studied in space is to control the size of objects. What about time? Free shuttle?"

Hank Pym nodded and waved his hand to signal him to sit down: "This student asked a good question, and that's exactly what I want to say next.

Hank Pym is a biochemical expert. He has been fascinated by this microscopic quantum world since he was young, especially the concepts of time, space, three-dimensional, four-dimensional and five-dimensional.

Now that he comes to the military academy, such a good academic atmosphere makes him very enthusiastic about teaching, and he looks forward to many exchanges of ideas with like-minded people.

So he went on to introduce his insights to the students:

"The time we are talking about is just a relative amount of measurement. As I said before, I don't think there is an absolute "behind the scenes" for everything, and the same is true for time."

"Time does not flow in the same way everywhere in the world, and the rate of loss is different in each place. Many times we treat time as a clock that is not the universe. But in fact we should not be like this. In my opinion this is not right."

The students were a little confused, their faces were blank, and three question marks seemed to appear above their heads.

Hank Pym realized this, and patiently explained slowly: "It's actually quite understandable. For example, a group of sheep of the same race was divided into two places because of natural disasters. One lived by the sea and the other lived on the mountain. Although the species are the same, the final age will be different."

In this way, the students seem to understand a little bit. After watching the courseware, some students nodded and recognized after suddenly realizing it.

Hank Pym went on to explain his theory: "In our time, although a second is insignificant compared with a lifetime. But in my opinion, the time of living in this classical world is like an arrow that keeps moving forward. , never reversible and never stay.”

"But in the quantum world, time is a double arrow, and quantum events no longer occur sequentially according to the passage of time... In a sense, time no longer exists. In the quantum world, future events, Can affect the past state."

Some students with more open minds had an epiphany when they heard this, while others were stunned, and some students wondered if they heard it wrong. Time actually has a two-way theory?

The students raised their hands to ask questions one after another, and some of the questions they asked had nothing to do with Hank Pym's theory, which made Hank Pym a little at a loss.

Hank Pym felt that he had done his best in explaining this point, so he asked Chen Feng to look for help.

Chen Feng was not surprised when he saw this, he walked forward with a smile, and explained Hank Pym's theory again:

"Mr. Hank Pym means that space is not continuous, which is very different from what we originally thought."

"You have all seen a lot of sci-fi movies. Just imagine, if you get a magnifying glass with magical powers, which can infinitely magnify the world. Then you will definitely be excited to take it around and observe it. This is the first thing to observe It is easy to understand which extremely tiny objects should be, because they are usually too small to be ignored and invisible

"At this time, the space is like the graviton, they interact with each other, and together they have an effect on the object.

"Space is created by the interaction between gravitons. It is like a bunch of keychains. It is not fixed. There is a minimum of 1.7 units. Gravity can change the shape of the space keychain and make it bend and deform." They said Then he stretched out his hand and showed a picture full of keychains, and told the students from all directions.

After this time, the students clearly understood what Hank Pym wanted to express before. Hank Pym on the side also lamented Chen Feng's verbal ability

It can simplify the complicated things to the greatest extent and be fascinating. This made Hank Pym feel more fond of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng concluded: "In short, everything in the world, including space-time, is just a manifestation of covariates, and we are all just products of covariate quantum fields.

After listening to Chen Feng's words, Hankou nodded again and again: "To all the students, what President Chen said is what I want to express.".

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