City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 177: Collective Knowledge Literacy Is Hanged!

Chapter 177: Collective knowledge literacy is hanged!

Chen Feng smiled, and continued: "Vantablack materials were conceived as a "universe black box" in the earliest research and development. At that time, human scientists used carbon elements, but because the technology was not mature enough at that time, the results they produced were not satisfactory. But now I use this carbon which was found in the spaceship that captured the alien monster, and this carbon element is mixed with nanotubes, which just achieves the expected effect.”

After hearing what Chen Feng said, everyone collectively felt that their knowledge system and hands-on ability were once again beaten by their principal.

Chen Feng entered the laboratory following "037", took out a tube of silver cylinder, and then said to everyone: It's just that I have been too busy to spray. This classmate, you can still do this transformation. This can of carbon-nano-bonded material should be regarded as a reward for you. Take it back and study it carefully. I will wait to see your results. "Chen Feng handed it to the girl under everyone's envious eyes.

The girl was very surprised, but also deeply moved. She took the materials in Chen Feng's hand like a sacred Olympic torch. She bowed a ninety-degree bow to Chen Feng seriously, repeating it in her mouth. He said: "Thank you, thank you, principal."

Chen Feng smiled lightly, and said gently to the girl: "You're welcome, you deserve it. The military academy provides the greatest help to every hardworking and studious person. If you have any situation, please feel free to communicate with us. Teaching and learning will help each other."

Chen Feng thought for a while and did not forget to add: "There must be many steps before and after using the spray, and repeated independent experiments many times to achieve the effect of ultra-low reflectivity. .”

The girl nodded, and at this moment she admired the young principal.

On the French side, in a huge conference room, all the staff are having a working meeting together.

The owner of the winery said: "I called everyone here this time to announce something."

The owner of the winery said: "About this country's international exhibition. The government has clearly hinted that our winery will have an opportunity the day after tomorrow."

Wow, great!

The staff below burst into cheers instantly.

Ahem! The leader cleared his throat: "But we are also facing challenges. You are an unprecedented challenge."

"Our grapes were infected with a strange bacteria this time." The big leader released a picture of the grapes infected by the bacteria in the conference room.

"This has seriously affected our brewing work in the later stage. I am here today to gather everyone's strengths and come up with a solution together. If you have any suggestions, you can say it. Don't worry, because I specially invite Experts have come to discuss with everyone." The big boss said and introduced the experts behind the staff to the employees.

A few grapes infected by bacteria were placed on the tables of all the staff present. They observed the grapes carefully and found that the grapes not only lost their original color but also were very deflated.

The employees discussed in a low voice: "This is the first time I have seen such grapes, hey, what should I do?"

"Let's not talk about making wine, I can't even eat it. Look at the fine hairs on it." Another person whispered in disgust.

"That's right." The other person glanced at the leader with contempt and said, "Didn't they invite experts, and the experts can't figure out what we grape growers can do?"

It may be that there are too many comments like this, the big leader looks a little embarrassed, and the experts on the side are a little ashamed of this situation,...

"Hey, colleagues, listen to me, the disaster I am facing today is not my fault alone, it is related to the development of our entire enterprise, and it is also related to your development, I declare that if anyone can solve this problem The question is, who will be the second in command of our winery in the future, and I will study and focus on training from him!"

As soon as these words came out, there was another commotion down below. This condition obviously makes them very excited, but at the same time, facing this problem also makes them very headache.

At this moment, Jack looked at the grapes in front of him, picked them up and tasted them.

Seeing his behavior, the colleague next to him sighed and said, "Hey, its sugar content is too high. How can this sugar content be suitable for wine making?"

At this time, all the employees are troubled by this fatal problem. You must know that for grapes, only when the sugar content and acidity are balanced can high-quality wine be produced.

"I will do my best to grant this person a wish, and I hope everyone will speak up." The boss added, but there was no sound in the hall. The boss was a little embarrassed while waiting for someone to stand up.

As it turned out, he waited.

Jack stood up and said to the boss: "Boss, give me a chance to try."

Countless bosses looked at Jack, this young man in an old T-shirt and denim shorts, he didn't look like a well-educated person at all. Not like someone with power.

The boss didn't have much expectations, he didn't look directly at the other person and asked the picking staff in front of him: "How long do you need, is three months enough?".

Jack narrowed his eyes slightly and shook his head. .

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