City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 182: Questioning The Young Principal And Slapping Him In The Face On The Spot

Chapter 182: Questioning the young principal and slapping him in the face on the spot

The next day, Yang Peidong and Dou Dexian were awakened from their beds in the dormitory of the military academy by the sound of morning training.

"Here is..." Yang Peidong rubbed his eyes and asked sleepily.

"Hello, dear Academician Yang Peidong." A mechanized voice rang in his ear: "This is 2200, and now you are located in the teacher's dormitory of the Earth Military Academy. I am your artificial intelligence steward No. 078, you can call me Classmate Xiaomei."

"Smart housekeeper in 2100...classroom and dormitory..." Yang Peidong's eyes were a little dazed, he rubbed his head and muttered to himself, obviously judging from his expression, he was in a daze 0

"That's right." The designer who designed the artificial intelligence butler obviously had anticipated this kind of ignorance, so he set up a countermeasure [Yang Peidong listened to the intelligent butler continue to say]

"This is a parallel world that is a century away from the place where you "Qi Qi Qi" lived. Today, Earth technology will be invaded by aliens in two and a half years. In order to maintain the peace of the earth, Principal Chen Feng, the founder of the Military Academy People, to create this school will continue to gather elites from all aspects of the world to learn advanced and advanced technologies together, and to jointly deal with future invasions...."

After such an explanation from the artificial intelligence, Yang Peidong finally recovered from his astonishment, and finally understood the general idea.

On the other side, Dou De County also just learned about the basic situation of the matter from the blind.

For such things to be called through time travel, two scientists in their time had predicted the reality that these things could exist. So it's nothing special, but it'd be a lie to say they weren't surprised when it actually happened to them.

What confuses them the most is that the parallel world a century later, judging from the technology and development they currently have, should be outdated for military academies.

Therefore, they all showed great curiosity about the principal.

The designer of the artificial intelligence housekeeper also seemed to have guessed this, and within the next few minutes.

The AI ​​steward of their dormitory introduced the young founder to them in the fastest and most concise way.

When Yang Peidong learned about the principal's basic situation, he became even more confused: "Such such a young principal actually established such a military academy???"

Dou Dexian's mind was also filled with such question marks, but in the next second, the artificial intelligence turned his eyes back into exclamation marks.

"Our school's faculty...research results..." the artificial intelligence introduced one by one from the achievements it has made.

When they heard about Tony Stark, Song Xiao, Edward and others' mech transformation, weather generator, earthquake generator, and monitoring system, the two of them were surprised by the results

The thing that shocked them even more was in the back. Apart from his young age, the young principal was very mature in everything else. He broke through the alien encirclement with "one enemy and many" and countered the evil plan to encircle and suppress the alien invaders. Analysis and transformation in ten minutes Material scientific research results and so on...

These make them amazing.

At the same time, the two also became very interested in this young Xiao Zhang.

The artificial intelligence housekeeper seems to be able to read minds, and the two scientists heard it say:

"Please take the watch on the table and move to table 20 in the restaurant to have a meal. After the meal, go to Room 383 of the teaching building to meet the principal."

And Dou De found that the artificial intelligence here also sent the same prompt:

"Please take the watch on the table and move to table No. 20 in the restaurant to have a meal. After the meal, go to Room 383 of the teaching building to meet the principal.

When Yang Peidong and Dou Dexian looked at the watch on the table, the voice of the artificial intelligence housekeeper added in real time:

"This is a special contact tool for teachers in our school. It has functions such as navigation and paging. Please be sure to carry it carefully and don't lose it easily."

Ten minutes later, Yang Peidong and Dou Dexian appeared in the restaurant at the same time. When they finished their meal and met each other at table 20, the scene was like this:

"Hello, may I ask you, are you Mr. Dou Dexian??!" Yang Peidong looked at Dou Dexian in surprise, with disbelief in his eyes.

Dou De now looked at the young yellow face in front of him, and replied with a smile:

"Hi, I'm Dou Dexian." While speaking, he gently extended his hand to show his friendliness.

After Yang Peidong got the official certification, his heart was filled with excitement and surprise. The next second, he bent down and stretched out his hands to hold Dou Dexian's old hand solemnly: "Mr. Dou, I am your former student. , I have listened to your class, you are my idol when I was a student! I didn't expect to see you here now! I am so happy."

Dou De now looked at the overjoyed young man in front of him, with admiration in his eyes, because he guessed in his heart that this should be a very good young man, otherwise he would not have been summoned here... …

Yang Peidong was as excited as an online star chasing boy. After a few seconds, when the adrenaline wore off, he realized that he even forgot to introduce himself.

He withdrew his hand, stood up and bowed politely, and said to Dou Dexian:

"Mr. Dou, hello, my name is Yang Peidong, and I am a researcher who studies materials science, mainly researching nanotechnology and its application.

Dou De was a little surprised when he heard this young man, then looked at the young man in his eyes, pushed his myopia, and asked:

"Did you make the nanolaser? It was made on a nanowire that is only one-thousandth of a human hair—a nanolaser."

"It's me, Mr. Dou." Yang Peidong smiled shyly.

"Great young man, I read your article reporting that this invention is designed to be used in future photonic computers. The laser you designed can not only emit ultraviolet laser light, but can also be adjusted to emit laser light from blue to deep ultraviolet. This is called orientation technology by you, do I remember it correctly?" Dou Dexian said this clearly and unmistakably according to his memory, and looked at Yang Peidong with an admiring and benevolent gaze.

Under Yang Peidong's surprised expression, Dou Dexian patted his forehead [adding with a smile:

"Oh, by the way, you made this laser out of pure zinc oxide crystals."

Yang Peidong was very surprised, his idol also knew him so well, this mutual fan feeling made him very happy.

"Hahaha that's right, it's not 0․0 wrong~ Mr. Dou's memory is really good, I should have done this when I was in my twenties, it's been ten years now, no, it's been a century hahaha ~"

Dou Dexian also laughed together, and said meaningfully: "Yes, we have lived for a century."

Seeing this, Yang Peidong eagerly shared with his idol the research process of the technology he was most proud of:

"We first "cultivated" pure zinc oxide wire nanowires with a diameter of 20nm-150nm and a length of 10,000nm.

"Then, when we activated the pure zinc oxide crystals in the nanowires with another laser in the greenhouse, the pure zinc oxide crystals would emit laser light with a wavelength of only 17nm.

"Such nanolasers could eventually be used to identify chemicals and improve information storage on computer disks and photonic computers."

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